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Grand Champion Carriages

What goes together better... then a horse and carriage?

Grand Champions have always had a carrige or two to tickle thier harnesses, though for the most part they have been pretty tricky to find. A shame, becuase they're all lovely! Even the Fantasy Fillies came with a carraige of thier own, shown here with the special unicorn Kristal herself.

The Standard Carriages

What's more enchanting then the wedding party arriving in a beautiful horse-drawn carriage? This set came complete with bride and groom, carriage, and of course, a special Lippizaner stallion.

It's uncertain weather this set was actually sold in store (this picture is from a 2000 dealer catologue) but I do know there have been carriage around for longer then that. If anyone has picture of earlier carraiges, please give me a shout!

This smart little set was only available through the Sears Catalogues in Canada. It looks suspiciously simmiliar to the carriage the Fantasy Fillies had. And, while it did come with a unique set of twin Shire Mares, the simple carrige is really only made for one horse!

Thanks to Aphra for the picture of her mares :)

This beautiful carriage in new for 2002! Except it looks even more suspiciously like Kristal's carriage then the last! Oh well, at least we have another cart. Once again it comes with a special Lippizaner stallion, beautifully tacked, and the carriage is all decked out in great new colours. While it has made apperences in some parts of Europe and Great Britian, it has yet to be seen in North America. Hopefully it will show up soon!

If you have any more information or questions, please e-mail me!

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