The Oneness Teaching of Religion
Undestanding the "Common Oneness" of Buddhism and Islam
For reconciling religions in the Oneness of The One Truth
[originally emailed with this expanded title:]
Buddha, Allah, and Science Solution Global Peace Plan
- Local Peace Sundays - Coming Energy Revolution -
- American Peace March on Red Road to Peace -
See: 24Nov03 - The
Science Solution Global Peace
Undestanding the "Common Oneness" of Buddhism and Islam
I'm sending you this post by way of introduction and request for your
networking on the American Peace March 2003-2004 project triggered
by the Steps for Peace Walk Across America inspired and supported
by Dennis Kucinich, towards his White House by getting him the public
support asap now to implement his policies for global peace even
sooner by proper public support compelling the Bush Administration.
This was a special intro bcc to Council on American-Islamic Relations
chapters in various locations per their website
due to my understanding that Dennis is speaking Nov.29 at their
national gathering, and copied to some lists that I am on where a bit of
the below info was previously posted, and a few well selected
Steps for Peace
and below expansion it has triggered as the American Peace March
Project will, insha'Allah, have very soon impact on the world situation
by your understanding and application of information below asap,
including my personal intro info as a 58 year old Anglo-American
who embraced Islam under tutelage of my dear friend at my age 18
in Los Angeles.
Many of your areas feature the routes of this American Peace March
scheduled for now until Feb.29, ending along with the Steps for Peace
walk in San Francisco, with promo "feeder routes" scheduled as
local "peace relay walk" events and "Peace Sunday" events per
below referenced details url's etc. This is for networking towards
not only a big event in SF Feb.28-29 but also to prepare for 2004
when these same routes will go in the opposite directions and across
country with "feeder routes" to the four directions from SF 20Mar04
as coordinated with local networking events converging on Washington
DC 24Oct04 in what is intended to be the largest peace walk in world
Now, East Route schedule includes Jerusalem Ceremony to Unite
The Three Faiths on 22Dec03 for 40th anniversary of "Global Minute
for Peace" observance (23rd walk Jerusalem to Bethlehem) with
coordinated local main events in Atlanta walking Carter Center to
King Center to send off Dallas Route west, Christmas Dec. 25th
in Baghdad, Jan.15 Prashanti Nilayam India and in US at the four
corners of the nation simultaneously with main event OK City Murrah,
Feb.2 Lhasa, Feb.6 Tiennamen Square Beijing and Santa Barbara
and the Hopi-Navajo Flagstaff AZ area on Tibetan-Hopi connection,
so just the publicizing of these ideas, hopefully with Dennis' help and
support, will soon bring out new info between now and then globally to
take pressure off immediately. See new entry "Inspiration to End
Global Terrorism" at
Please study url above for details and time valued schedules for your
areas for coordinated promo events in your communities asap
for good networking with local groups to unite all progressive issues
under the American Peace March generic banner and thereby get
more exposure for policies of Dennis Kucinich and for the cause of
global peace now.
Also below are examples of special messages towards better public
understanding of the pending "scientific revolution" now availing
new energy technologies to replace nuclear and fossil fuel power, as
well as bridging understandings between science and "spirituality"
via forefront "physics of consciousness" developments, information
you can share and network with appropriate groups and departments
at your area universities, news media, in local communities, etc.
By way of personal introduction, I graduated with a BS degree in
Chemistry from Cal State Northridge in 1969 and gave my first public
lecture there on my "Tetron Thesis" on September 10, 2001, the day
before the 9-11 attack. I have done a lot of work at UC Santa Barbara
over the years and the current mayor there and her predecessors have
issued several proclamations of support over the years for various
peace walks and projects as one cited below indicates. One of my
sons graduated BA in political science at Cal Berkeley and is now
in U Penn law school, while my daughter is at Santa Barbara City
College, but I am away from them both in Tehachapi CA caretaking
my elderly mother and doing internet work on various projects including
working towards Dennis Kucinich winning the 2004 election, not by
a landslide but by an avalanche. I was introduced to Dennis by Dr.
Brian O'Leary PhD who was science and energy policy advisor to
four previous presidential candidates, Morris Udall, George McGovern,
Walter Mondale, and Jesse Jackson. Dr. O'Leary is cited in the below
excerpt of a recent letter from the California Energy Commission that
references this new energy tech genre, which has been suppressed
by government dual-use military secrecy restrictions because the public
does not know enough about this to demand their implementation to
free us from nuclear power and going to wars over oil. I started what
was apparently the first yahoogroup on the net to draft Dennis to run
for president staring Dec.2002 after a year of urging by my colleagues
to help draft him to run.
More details on my background and work are at the GEAR2000 site
below, now being extensively updated after 3years dormancy in favor
of setting up many different yahoogroups for various projects.
Please help spread this information among your networks and help
get it into the public consciousness via local groups, news media
This part next is copied from my first post to the muslims4kucinich
group so members would understand how my views are influenced
by my first spiritual teacher, 40 years ago in Los Angeles at my
age 18 when I was tutored in the knowledge of Islam by my dear
friend James Leland Waldron who was the first anglo-american
member of the Los Angeles Mosque meetings before the now
big Islamic Center there was built. Jim was a brilliant linguist
and adept at the various musical instruments, songs, and dances
of the Arabic cultures and went on to teach Koran at my alma
mater, Cal State University at Northridge, after some years
in the US Air Force as a translator between Russian, Arabic,
and English. Since I studied German in school he helped
me also practice my German language and he was only
a year older than I at that time. He taught me some
little Arabic and helped me memorize one Sura which I still
use in my ecumenical prayer ceremony liturgy, after long
study and practice of a personal spiritual path greatly influenced
by his teachings then about the nature of The One God.
Under his tutleage before he studied while in the Air Force
with Idries Shah in Afghanistan and thereafter wrote his anonymous
book on Sufism, I embraced the Faith of Islam at age 18 at
one of the LA Friday mosque gatherings in an east LA meeting
room. I never learned the ritual prayer form, but have kept what
he taught me dear in my heart since then which has influenced
my personal path permanently since. The story of how this
came to impact my study as a scientist and the development
of my Tetron Natural Unified Field Theory equations conclusion
in 1977 by an experience of "absolute identity" while voicing
Leh ihl leh heh ihl Allah to the beat of the drum while practicing
the drumming chanting of Mahatma Gandhi's Guruji, is at
My view now is that there is much similarity between the essence
of the teachings of Islam and the teachings of this Buddhism as
taught by Fujii Guruji, ie, the principle emblematic "object of worship"
being the Mu in Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo which Mu is "the void"
as similarly symbolized by the niche in all mosques in the direction
of Mecca, this niche sybolizing the emptiness (void) also the object
of zen meditation and the symbol of the empty Qaaba after the idols
were thrown out and before the meteorite was installed there. Fujii
Guruji taught that the statues used on altars etc were not idols in
the way of Islamic understanding but only emblematic symbols of
the mind of the human being in a condition of enlightenment to
the nature of this "void" or "emptiness", ie, the enlightened mind
of any human being which mind is termed "Buddha mind" and it
is mistake to think that the word Buddha is the name of a particlar
human being. So part of my spiritual mission seems to have
become the "translation" of the "oneness" and "absolute identity"
between the Truth of Islam and the correct interpretation of Buddha.
[You will see in the very important letter of support, for our Global
Peace Walk '95 for the United Nations 50th Anniversary, from
the Islamic Center of Central Missouri, a valuable example and
usable precedent peace message to cite now promoting it with
the American Peace March project sequel to Global Peace Walk,
the Center's Cultural Officer's offering of fundamental Islamic
teaching of peace especially mentioning the Oneness of Allah. This is a
good time, in context of your gathering 29th with Dennis Kucinich,
to offer such peace message from CAIR for American Peace
March project to spread around the world via internet and news
media coverage of its local walk events which will only happen
as soon as local understanding human beings grasp the idea
and implement it independently of any organization or
What I have wanted to say to the Islamic believers is that the use
of the drum while chanting the prayer Leh ihl leh heh ihl Allah, is
very powerful as per my experience in chanting these prayers
with the drum as per teaching of Guruji and example of Gandhi
who also took up this practice. Should the believers of Islam
take up the drum with this great prayer of Islam, it will truly help
manifest a world where all understand the nature of The One God
and surrender their own personal desire "will" to His Will, ie, the
whole of humanity as True Muslim.
It is said that during the night before God's Messenger Muhammed
led the ride into Mecca to empty the Qaaba and bring the Faith of
The One God there, they stayed up all night chanting this prayer
to the beat of drums. Most people only think of that ride as with
swords drawn and all together voicing this great prayer "mantra"
of Islam that the people surrendered to the faith without any blood
being shed, but most people are confused over if that was because
of the fear of the sword or the faith of the prayer. I believe it was
the power of the prayer enhanced by the beat of the drum and
that is why I now suggest this practice as a better alternative
"weapon" for the "intifada" (self-purification to "uprise" human
consciousness to a higher level from which the solution to problems
becomes known) via this practice of nonviolence adopted with the
drumming prayer example of Gandhi per his/our Guruji about whom
you may see at and some of his talks
now in English at
This is my offering to set the context for this important post
Since my name is David Crockett Williams, Jr., after my father, Jim
gave me the Islamic spiritual name after understanding my mind of,
Daoud ibn Daoud, Abdul Allah
Thanks for whatever you can do to help.
[bracketed part] above new here inserted for CAIR folks. You will
see in my personal history writeup, which I do not believe Dennis
has read yet even though he emailed me twice 10months ago when
I started the first internet group on the net to draft him to run for
president at my colleagues urging, there is a Mystery in my life
about the 5May76 occurance of the sound of Torahkum which
someone told me in Hebrew language means "The Law stands up"
so this is why I feel a special responsibility to unite the Three Faiths
of Jerusalem in peace with this message on nonviolence for all.
Regarding the Sai mentioned below, many feel he is Al Mehdi
[report snipped here, see The Science Solution]
David, eldest son of another David
Karma Tsering Thrchen
(my Buddhist name per HH Karmapa 5Mar77)
David Crockett Williams, Jr. 661-822-3309
One human being living in Tehachapi, California
Global Emergency Alert Response 2000
See: 24Nov03 - The Science Solution Global Peace
Buddha according to Gandhi's Fujii Guruji