Michael C. Ruppert, former Los Angeles Police Department officer

Michael C. Ruppert
From The Wilderness

November 11, 1999

Message In Support of Global Peace Walk 2000

To David Crockett Williams and all of the dedicated organizers of
Global Peace Walk 2000...

Mankind's entry into a new era is a forgone conclusion. It is in progress all around us. What remains unclear is how the exact nature of this new era will be realized as we get there. In one case there is evidence of an increasingly repressive political and economic hegemony, driven by out-of-control pressures and the need to dominate world markets. There is still other evidence that imminent breakdowns and shortcomings of technology may usher in an era of retrogression, conflict and fear. At the same moment other evidence points to the unbridled, creative expansion of the human spirit through the uncensored and ever expanding Internet and our newly discovered ability to reach all parts of the planet with the speed of thought. In the midst of all of this, regional conflicts, wars, atrocities and rumors of war continue to rob mankind of the spiritual legs needed to cross the cusp of the new era - and to define its essence.

From my perspective, as one who has devoted twenty years to exposing a shadow government of intelligence, financial and political operatives - protected by a wall of unhealthy, destructive laws - who wage a so-called "war on drugs" with huge budgets while, at the same time, hypocritically benefiting from the profits of the drug trade, I cannot state strongly enough that a powerful demonstration of the desire for peace in all areas of life is essential at this moment in our history.

The effects of war are clear: Destruction of the human spirit, destruction of property, destruction of human rights, the illegal transfer of wealth, destruction of the environment, the violation of nature, the dissolution of families and social structure. All of these things are byproducts of a war on drugs which today consumes $70 billion of American resources, incarcerates an ever increasing number of non-violent drug offenders and gives rise to the incremental erosion of legal and human rights all over the planet. As evidenced in Colombia, Burma, Pakistan, Kosovo, Mexico and right here at home, the drug trade also leads to wholesale slaughter and bloodshed.

Any quest for peace cannot be successful without addressing the causes of war. Throughout mankind's history perhaps the primary cause of war has been the quest for economic power and political security. Any quest to remove the causes of war is neither honest nor sincere unless it challenges the billions of dollars generated by the drug trade which provide an almost inexhaustible stream of money to purchase the weapons of war in use around the planet. Any quest for peace must also fail if it does not address events that sever mankind from its Creator. The irrational demonization of a God-created plant, like cannabis, and the prohibition of its use as a medicine for the suffering exemplifies the lack of reason behind all war. It shows that the war on drugs, as practiced, is also a war on the human spirit.

Having participated in preparatory events for the Global Peace Walk 2000, and being in complete harmony with its objectives, please permit me to express my complete support to Reverend Yusen Yamato, David Crockett Williams and all of the organizers who have worked so hard to make it a success. Let the action of your kegs, moving in harmony and rhythm across this nation remind those with louder voices, bigger laws, more guns and who are driven by fear that the human spirit, in its hunger for peace, is more powerful than anything. Let Global Peace Walk 2000 be the unpretentious and irresistible calling card of the new era.

Michael C. Ruppert
From The Wilderness

Michael Ruppert is a former Los Angeles Police Department narcotics investigator whose free lance investigative journalism and research over the last 20 years has convinced him of a potentially sinister side of the "drug war" as documented in the recent US Department of Justice Inspector General's Report Volume II, now in Congressional committee regarding acknowledged CIA complicity with the illicit drug trade to fund covert operations (wars). See his website for details including pending class action lawsuit against DoJ and CIA, based on evidence in this report still being hidden from public view by Congress, on behalf of Oakland and South Central Los Angeles residents with unanimous resolution of support from Oakland City Council. You can support his fine work by subscribing to his newsletter at his website above.

For information on Mike's message and participation at GPW2000's Global Crisis Solutions Conference at UC Berkeley, March 1, 1999, see https://www.angelfire.com/on/GEAR2000/gcsc2.html