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Thursday, 7 May 2009
Who are they kidding?
Mood:  on fire
Topic: LIFE
Term: Socialist- <snip>

In the economic calculation debate, classical liberal Friedrich Hayek argued that a socialist command economy could not adequately transmit information about prices and productive quotas due to the lack of a price mechanism, and as a result it could not make rational economic decisions. Ludwig von Mises argued that a socialist economy was not possible at all, because of the impossibility of rational pricing of capital goods in a socialist economy since the state is the only owner of the capital goods. Hayek further argued that the social control over distribution of wealth and private property advocated by socialists cannot be achieved without reduced prosperity for the general populace, and a loss of political and economic freedoms.[53][54]

Hayek's views were echoed by Winston Churchill in an electoral broadcast prior to the British general election of 1945:

 Socialism is inseparably interwoven with totalitarianism and the object worship of the state. It will prescribe for every one where they are to work, what they are to work at, where they may go and what they may say. Socialism is an attack on the right to breathe freely. No socialist system can be established without a political police. They would have to fall back on some form of Gestapo, no doubt very humanely directed in the first instance.[55]

<sniped from Wikipedia> 

 So does O'bonehead really think this works? Has socialism eve worked in socialist countries? The answer is obviously ..NO.  Mr. Obama seems to like to quote Winston Churchill but as Ol' Winston put it, it does not work. Look at the countries that are socialist? It's has never worked and never will.......yet this is where we are heading. This is becoming our new Government.

 People might not see it coming in a 'gang busters' sort of way. It's more like a trickle here and a trickle there, those little trickles add up to a tidal wave. Do you know how the wave will effect you? Do you want to see the rest of your Constitutional Right's slip away for good? Sound impossible? I'm sure it did to other people in socialist countries before it was instigated. Are you going to wait for that "ut-oh' moment,or don't you think you need to get up and do something now?

Sorry politicians, we  need SMALLER Government and less of the politicians, a LOT less. Yes, that means a lot of you will have to find regular jobs in the regular people's work place......bummer. Ask the politicians, "would you do the same job for less or no money? Would you do the job as a volunteer just because you are passionate about it? I would LOVE to see how many would quit as soon it was announced that it was a voluntary job only, it sure would weed a lot of people out!

Under this Government we have now, it's not working for the future of America as we know her. Lady Liberty's arm is straining under the loos of right's and freedoms.If you want to continue to be a sheep and just follow along, so be it.....but don't you dare complain about a thing! Because you don't have the right too, sorry, sitting in a chair and doind the good ol, rant and complain does nothing, ACTIONS WILL ALWAYS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS.

There will be a RE-TEAPARTY going on in your area, please stay tuned for updates and information! This will be your change to get off your behind and let your voice be heard! The voice of many is a powerful thing. YOU still have your power, DON'T LET ANYONE TAKE YOUR POWER FROM YOU!


Raves posted by: at 12:02 PM EDT
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Sunday, 26 April 2009
Swine Flu
Mood:  don't ask
Topic: LIFE

Ok, Ok, Ok, the lovely press and Government once again can send panic through the US. This tie the panic is called "Swine Flu". It has has other names in the past, Y2K scare, the Bird Flue scare, the Sars scare, they all end the same.....panic for no real concrete reason.  Everyone flew into a flat panic, stocked up on food, water, generators, guns & ammo and went into commando mood.

I don't know if people love the drama or they just need something else to focus on because their lives got boring and might need a little...excitement. I don't know what it is in human nature that pulls people to need a little extra drama in their lives? 

The whole Swine flu thing, I mean come on people, more people die from HIV and other infectious diseases we have no cure from each year. No one has become hospitalized yet, they only had normal flu like symptoms so far. NOW IF people start to get worse and people are dying from it, THEN you should become 'jittery".

 For now of course YOU SHOULD  take precaution just as you do during flu season. If you know people who are sick or have the the bird flu....OF COURSE YOU SHOULD SEPARATE YOURSELF FROM THE PERSON, AND TAKE NORMAL PRECAUTIONS. 

Panic will get you no where, only unnessary stress. Be clam, be diligent, but not paniced.....there are bigger fish to fry.

Raves posted by: at 3:50 PM EDT
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Friday, 24 April 2009
Come On!
Mood:  don't ask
Topic: LIFE

Come on now....people WAKE THE HELL UP!  It's NOT a black thing, a Democraitc thing, it's a freaking TAX & MONEY thing.  I know first hand, yes I do! As a small business owner, single Mom and just about every voting demographic I happen to fall under....all but two by the way, I know I have had my taxes JUMP and as a matter a fact I have never ever received one those nifty rebate checks or stimulous  checks, ever!  I have listend to both sides, yes I have. I always do, I think you can't make a informed opinion without all the fact's and hearing both sides of the story. Well, Obama is making some really bad choices. Your only good as the people around you, and he does not have the support of people with a brain, or the experienc...but then again, he picked them?

 I have yet to ever witness such as uprising as we have now. People always have seemed to be sheep (that's what I call them) because they bitch about everything but do nothing, they just keep following. I think the sheep are mad now, ok some of them.....a lot of them, anyway perhaps it's time that people found their voice again. it's only been a a couple hundrend years

I'm sure you watch the news and can read for yourself. Compare the statements for yourself. Mr. Obama came in like a gang buster, and was going to set himself apart from the rest but instead just fell in line with the gang. This time however things are a bit different. You don't make nice with countires that have either gave threat to us, or we don't have any peace agreements with, or countires that just plain old non-commendable. You don't shake the man's hand that stabbed you in the back, not in America. You don't put down America either in any way shape of form if your the one in charge...image people, image.

You dan't have to be of 150 IQ to see what is going on. Would these choices he is making float in your own household? If you were doing a simple budet, would you go deeper and deeper in debt? You can't rob Peter to pay Paul, it has never worked and never will. In the long run, it's only gong to add to the ever mounting debt we have and you keep seeing your right's slip away.

I got a news flash for both sides. We all have freedom of speach, freedom of religion and the freedoms that this country was based on. Nope it has nothing to do with religion. We have Christains, Jews, Muslim, Pagan's, etc etc etc, it does not make anyone less American. The country was to be church and state are seperate. There is no one on this Earth that has the right to judge another based on religion, race, or ethnic background. It's not your place or job to judge, and if you do? Well it must be hell living in those glass houses.

Raves posted by: at 5:15 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 22 April 2009
Blame Game
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: LIFE
The more I read and listen to the news, the more P.O.'d I become. Did you ever want to scream "what the heck is going on?" It seems like total chaos! Has good old common sense flown straight out the window? Does anyone remember when there was a time when you did what was best? I taught my kids to honest, have good citizenship, treat others like you want to be treated, be fair and work hard. Have normal common values gone the way of the dinosaurs?

It seems to me that people just want a scape goat to blame their problems on but in turn are not willing to stand up and do anything about something they don't like. Since when did people become 'yellow' and just want to sit back and complain and then do nothing! You have no right what so ever to complain about jack crap if you don't speak up and at least say something for pete sake!

I think most have become to compliant and comfy with the fact that they can lay blame to anything that they want they have something to bitch about. Now to actually DO something about it, well...that would be stressful. Easier just to blame and complain. People, you have a voice, it's there.....really. You don't have to be sheep, you don't have to just follow like mindless little a stallion, be a leader!

Raves posted by: at 7:18 AM EDT
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Monday, 20 April 2009
Get Real
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: LIFE

It's not the protester's don't know what they are talking about, as some networks tried to make it seem. It's not about a African American President, nor a big anti-Obama's a tax thing, a money thing, a wasted spending thing. It crosses political lines and parties, it comes into our lives and wallet's. Our government has over spent (and still is) for many years now. It's NOT just because Obama is in office, it's because the tea kettle has finally boiled over! People can only take so much come to a boil!

 We have had stupid and outlandish spending now for a very long time. For instance, our military spending...way over spending. I used to date a Navy guy, and he and others on the ship would joke that the part they needed, they could get from Radio-Shack for a few bucks, but instead had to order it through the government for hundred's of dollars. We are not as dumb as DC would like to think. They are called very over priced military contracts, in which those companies make nice campaign contributions and other palm greasing. Those companies don't give a big discount because they get the contract...oh to the contrary, they can charge outrageous prices for a piece of wire. Pig poop research also ranked among the more humorous ones I've heard, that was millions.

We can't afford to let big companies like AIG and GM fall? Why the heck not? No, your reason makes no sense. In the corporate world it happens all the time, always has, always will. For every big company that takes dive, another will pop up in it's assured. If you make horrible business decisions and your company tanks, then IT IS YOUR FAULT, NOT THE TAX PAYERS FAULT. So just HOW did these bail-outs help the common person? You now who I'm talking about, your neighbor who lost his home. Heck, your neighborhood that is now littered with foreclosure signs. NO, the mortgage bail-outs DID NOT TRICKLE DOWN. That is smoke and mirrors or politics as usual. Fair trade? Don't kid yourself. Other countries will only allow us to export a certain amount to their country, while they are allowed to export a whole lot more to us...a whole LOT more. I say fair trade should be just that, fair trade. If you want to export 100 cars to us, than you have to import 100 from us.....what a concept!


 Here's the part where I end up like Jimmy Hoffa. One of the biggest reasons our jobs are going over seas and across the border? The Unions have priced themselves out of a job. NO, if you sweep the floor you do not deserve $20.00 bucks a hour, sorry. You can't very well whine and complain because there is someone else willing to do it for $10.00. BMW went to South Carolina for just that reason, no unions. It started out as a good idea, but like with many good intentions it paved the road to you know where. Yes, it's one big huge mess....but with some pulling back, cleaning up and the general public to stop being sheeps (the sheep will follow) it can be fixed, but DC is going to have to get real.


Raves posted by: at 6:02 AM EDT
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