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Tea Party Americans
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
Stop the whining!!!
Mood:  on fire

Oh for pete sake, PLEASE STOP THE WHINING!  Why is it that every person who say's "I was raised in the projects, poor, ate dirt, went to the Salvation Army for our clothes, struggled my whole life to get where I am today."  Um, so what?  What did you think our Founding Fathers had to do, to build this great country? A heck of a lot more than people do now!  Why is it that people who are mostly minorities think that they are the only ones to face struggles to get ahead? 


All of us who are alive today, had Great Grandparents, Grand Parents, Parents...who lived through the great depression and came through it without all the "woe is me" stories. Enough is enough! Your family choose to move here, you decided what to do with your future...and you did well, great, you want a pat on the back?  Now you think your story of struggle is new? Do you think our Founding Fathers went on and on with the "woe is me" thing? No, they had too much class, too much true nobility, and too much dignity.


Why is one of the first things mentioned when you or some one else is talking about you, does the sentence start with "I came from nothing"Is that a automatic "like me I'm good!" button? No it is not. Your nothing more special than anyone else, sorry to crush your cloud! 

Posted by at 11:04 AM EDT
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Friday, 19 March 2010 - 8:28 PM EDT

Name: "Maxittothebone"

First we took the white mans women

Then we took the whitemans money

Then we took the whitemans goverment

next we take his country

he is as helpless as a constipated 100 year old

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