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Tea Party Americans
Sunday, 26 April 2009
Swine Panic?
Mood:  sharp
Topic: News

Ok, Ok, Ok, the lovely press and Government once again can send panic through the US. This tie the panic is called "Swine Flu". It has has other names in the past, Y2K scare, the Bird Flue scare, the Sars scare, they all end the same.....panic for no real concrete reason.  Everyone flew into a flat panic, stocked up on food, water, generators, guns & ammo and went into commando mood.

I don't know if people love the drama or they just need something else to focus on because their lives got boring and might need a little...excitement. I don't know what it is in human nature that pulls people to need a little extra drama in their lives? 

The whole Swine flu thing, I mean come on people, more people die from HIV and other infectious diseases we have no cure from each year. No one has become hospitalized yet, they only had normal flu like symptoms so far. NOW IF people start to get worse and people are dying from it, THEN you should become 'jittery".

 For now of course YOU SHOULD  take precaution just as you do during flu season. If you know people who are sick or have the the bird flu....OF COURSE YOU SHOULD SEPARATE YOURSELF FROM THE PERSON, AND TAKE NORMAL PRECAUTIONS. 

Panic will get you no where, only unnessary stress. Be clam, be diligent, but not paniced.....there are bigger fish to fry.

Posted by at 3:49 PM EDT
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