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The Cat Who Brought Down the House by Lillian Jackson Braun

This installment in the Cat Who series features a long-forgotten former resident of Moose County returning to the land of her birth, and restoring a landmark building in downtown Pickax. Later, that building will be used as the sight of a fund-raiser, with one Siamese named Koko as a "guest performer." Some behind-the-scenes shenanigans take place, but our friend Qwilleran doesn't do much. Disappointingly, he doesn't have much to do with any mystery or the solving thereof.

I've read and reread this series, and look forward to the latest hardbacks coming out on the bargain table. However, I can't help but wonder the point of this book.

The return of the aged lady is barely interesting, her story is told secondhand via other characters, and we never get to take part in any of the nefarious or ostensibly exciting parts ourselves.

The only use of the book, in my opinion, is to point to a career change for Polly Duncan. Unfortunately, this feels like what it is - a device. Granted, the town needs a new bookstore, and its about time Braun (and Qwilleran) provide one. But the timing of Polly's disenchantment with librarianship feels flat and unconvincing. And wouldn't we all like to have a rich boy- or girlfriend who would set us up in a desirable new job the moment we express dissatisfaction?

I hate to grouse because I love this series, but Braun can do better. Favorite characters such as Celia Robinson O'dell, Arch Riker and even Amanda Goodwinter are pushed to the background. Koko and Yum Yum's performances are unremarkable. The only thing I really liked about this book, besides the familiarity, was Qwill finally finding a better place for his books than the backside of a fireplace. Ms. Braun, I'm sorry, but I'll say it again: you can do better.

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