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Subject : National GE Free Land March
Please circulate and encourage people to take part.  You do not have to walk the whole distance. Even a flag waving attendance at the side of the road will help.

Tika Kai Ora
Kaua e raweke I te whakapapa
National GE Free Land March, 1st. October - 31st. October 2001
Kiaora Koutou, e nga kaumatua, e te whanau nui.
Ko Kei Munro toku ingoa. Ko Ngapuhi me Ngati Porou nga iwi.

The National GE Free Land March is going to Parliament to protest ! 
Helen Clarke is to announce whether she will extend the voluntary GE Free Moratorium by 31st. October 2001. Even if she does extend the Moratorium, this is not enough. We want a GE Free Aotearoa.  Don't 'tutu' around with our 'taonga' ! The tohu that represents GE Free Aotearoa will be brought by runners and walkers from Te Reinga Wairua (Cape Te Reinga), by all people who support this kaupapa.

Haere mai! Haere mai! Haere mai!

Join us for one of the most important events in our history.

Come and wrap the  Auckland Town Hall with a Banner.,

Put your walking shoes on and  walk with us.

Make an event happen in your town as we pass through.

GE Free NZ, Greenpeace, The Organic's Association, Te Waka Kai Ora, 
Te Roopu Pounamu, Rangatahi Nations, Nga Wahine Tiaki o Te Ao, Green Party, N Z Charter of Health Practitioners,Permaculture in NZ, The Socialist Worker's Union, and many more !!!!  Will be there !

If you would like to co-ordinate in your area, provide accommodation, transport for the elderly, assist with food. We need fit runners to run the flags in various parts of NZ, accommodation, first aid, marshals,  koha all the way from the Cape to Parliament.

We want this to happen from Rakiura (Stewart Island) to Parliament as well.
If you are in the South Island we invite you to join us and meet in Wellington on the 31st October 2001. We need people from the Sth Island to come forward to help make it happen.

If you are in the East or West Coast come and meet us in a main centre
eg. Rotorua, Palmerston North.

Below is the  First route proposal for the hikoi :-

 1st      Kaitaia - Mangamuka  (36km)
 2nd     Mangamuka - Whakapara  (97km)
 3rd      Whakapara - Whangarei - Kaiwaka (65km)
 4th      Kaiwaka - Orewa  (64km)
 5th      Orewa - North Shore   (25km)
 6th      North Shore - Auckland City  (15km)
 7th      Auckland City - Papakura  (35km)
 8th      Papakura - Tuakau  (25km)
 9th      Tuakau -  Rangariri  (20km)
10th     Rangariri - Ngaruawhahia/Huntly    (30/17km)
11th     Ngaruawhahia/Huntly - Hamilton    (22/32km)
12th     Hamilton - Cambridge     (24km)
13th     Cambridge - Tirau   (32km)
14th     Tirau - Rotorua   (52km)
15th     Rotorua
16th     Rotorua - Taupo   (76km)
17th     Taupo -  Watahanui   (11km)
18th     Watahanui - Turangi   (38km)
19th     Turangi - Waiouro   (62km)
20th     Waiouro - Taihape  (29km)
21st     Taihape - Mangaweka   (23km)
22nd    Mangaweka - Rewa   (29km)
23rd     Rewa - Fielding   (33km)
24th     Fielding - Palmerston North   (15km)
25th     Palmerston North
26th     Palmerston North - Shannon  (32km)
27th     Shannon - Otaki   (38km)
28th     Otaki
29th     Otaki - Porirua   (50km)
30th     Porirua - Wellington   (30km)
31st     Wellington  Rally Parliament

For further information please contact  Kei Munro

Photograph compliments of Celia Wilson

Organics Auckland voluntary webpage designer