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April 21, 2002

Okay kiddies.... Time for Shane's thoughts on Backlash and the results (ratings are # of stars out of five. one being complete shit-five being the best)

The God Amongst Men Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. Kidman for the cruiserweight strap.
The night couldn't have started with a better match (and certainly didn't end with one! Kidman and Tajiri busted their asses, move for move, till the end. This match was high paced and well done. A+ to these two competitors!!! Kidman missed the Shooting Star Press, and got the red mist spit in his eyes, which allowed Yajiri to get the victory on a sweet rollup. new cruiserweight champ! ****1/2

Bradshaw Michael Wallstreet vs. Da Bad Guy Scott Hall/ accompanied by x-pacSyxx
This match was not high on my list. Farooq came out by Bradshaw's side in a show of what was meant to be friendship and emotion, but I really didn't care. x-pacSyxx's ever so annoying presence would be felt as he would cause the match to go in Scott Hall's favor. Yay! Big deal. Hall wins. *

Trish vs. Jazz for the women's strap.
This matched suprisingly got my interest back. They did well. There were plenty of botched spots (as always) but still; it was damned good. Evil But Sexy Molly ran down attacked Trish from the get go to give Jazz the early advantage, but it was a back and forth match. Jazz eventually applied her modified STF and Trish tapped out after quite some time in the hold. Jazz retains. ***

Brock Lesner vs. Jeff Hardy
Well... this match is what we like to call a squash. It is where one man destroys the other. Jeff had the upper hand for about 30 seconds of this match total. (long enough to hit a Swanton that Brock easily kicked out of) I like Brock... but Jeff is high on my list, and to watch him get power bombed 3,000 times was saddening, and it ended really lame with the referee calling the match off as he determined that Jeff could take no more. I felt as though i had watched a modern day Rocky 4, and Jeff was Appollo while Brock was the Russian. The Russian killed Appollo, and now Rocky (Matt Hardy) has to go train in a foreign country to become good enough to attain revenge on Dolp Lundgren....errr ummm.... Brock Lesner. the match probably did it's job to entertain the mindless masses but i give it... *1/2

Angle vs. Edge
This was one of the best matches of the night for sure! If u missed the ppv, I'd get the replay if for anything, to see this match. Angle is becoming one of the all time greats in my eyes. Edge is no slouch either, but he is hit or miss (homerun tonight) whereas Angle rarley does anything wrong. This match went on quite a long time, and with very little rest holds and no boredom. It was pure greatness!!! Both men kicked out of each others finishers, and Edge escaped an ankle lock! It ended with an Angle Slam for a three count, but both men left as winners in my eyes! *****

Enter Chris Jericho for a promo. Chris is my favorite wrestler in the wwf today, and I was just as upset as he was that he would not be having a match tonight. He did he ever so great cocky promo, and promised that Hogan would not win tonight and all of the fans would be let down. He said that since he didn't have a match and he was way better than every fan in the building that he would just leave.

RVD vs. Eddie Guerrero for the I.C. strap.
This was another high quality match from two high quality athletes! I loved this one. It was move after move from both men and non stop action. It's too bad that this would be the last high quality match of the night. I was suprised when Eddie hit his version of the frogsplash and won the match. i really thought that RVD would retain, but Latino Heat pulled it off in a match that I pray gets a rematch on RAW! What a showing from both men! Another reason to get the replay!*****

"I'll skip work if I don't get my way" Steve Austin vs. the UnderMarktaker w/ Flair as guest referee.
This borefest was for the number one contender spot at the next ppv. This match is a good reason to NOT get the replay as I'd have rather had dental work done than endure this pile of shit. Punch,kick,punch,ten minute rest holds, punch, kick, LAME!!! christ!!!! The nwo (hall/x-pacSyxx) decide to make their presence known during this bathroom break shit fest, and for why u ask? We will never know because they stand there through the whole thing and never have anything to do with the match!!!! What the fuck were they out there for?!?!?!?!?!? To watch the shittiest match of the night? Half of the match is Flair being out cold and missing pins, and this dogshit ends with Flair trying to take a chair away from Austin, then Austin wrenches it from him and turns around to have the Taker kick it into his face. Taker goes for the pin, but Austin has his foot on the rope. Flair somehow misses this and counts the three. Taker gloats at Austin, so Austin stuns him. Flair walks to the back, and he is shown a replay where he sees Austin's foot on the ropes. he states the word 'SHIT!' as he realizes what he has done, which is damning us to more of the rehashed Austin/McMahon style shit on mondays only it will be Austin/Flair now. I'd be more thrilled by a catheter. 0 stars recieved for too much mental anguish.

Maven/Alvatar Snow vs. Chuck and Billy for the tag straps.
Another reason to not watch the ppv. Maven sucks nearly as bad as this match did. Why the hell was this second to last? My only thought would be to make the main event seem better. Chuck and Billy won... the audience did not. *

HHH vs. HHHogan for the undisputed strap.
The super hyped match started out nearly as bad as the Austin/Taker match, but thankfully it picked up a bit. I expected more out of this match as HHH was in it and he is normally quite amazing, but it never got me that into it until the interference near the end. hogan hits the big boot and leg drop but...suprise suprise... Jericho runs in! (like everyone didn't see that coming) he attacks Hogan with a chair but HHH gets pissed at Jericho for interfering and beats on him till he leaves the ring. Hogan gets up shaking his fists like 1984, but he ends up getting the pedigree after missing the leg drop. HHH goes for the cover and of all people, the Taker runs in and attacks HHH with a chair. Hogan gets pissed at his interference and hulks up at him, beating him sensless for trying to help. then hogan drops a leg on HHH and scores the emotional (or lame...whatever u want to call it) win, confirming that Hulkamania isn't dead yet (but it may have osteoperosis). This match had some entertaing aspects, but way to many rest spots and dryness. It just didn't have the crowds, nor my attention the way that the Rock/Hogan did at wrestlemania. It was okay, but I'd rather not see Hogan with the strap. Poor HHH. Hogan is our champ again. Just think... Undertaker/Hogan is what we have to look forward to... may God have mercy on our souls. ** (for effort)


***the triple threat's dark angel***