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Wresltmania X8
March 14, 2002
Moki Roberts

Before I start, I have but one question...why the fuck was Mr. Perfect on Heat Johnny Note:JOBBING! instead of given a match, that's brutal...

RVD vs Regal
Not a bad match here. I thought it would have opened with DDP/Christian, but that was that. Anyways, RVD went for the finish early with the 5 star frog splash, but missed it. Regal worked on him pretty much after that, but RVD came back and handed Regal's ass to him, and finally someone other than Regal or Edge with the IC title. Rating-***

Christian vs DDP
Decent match, the promo Christian gave before was his usual hilarity. Christian almost had it when he countered one of DDP's diamond cutter attempts in the corner. But DDP prevailed with the diamond cutter. Rating-**

Goldust vs Maven
Usual hardcore match. Had it's funny moments, with Al Snow driving a cart into boxes, and Hurricane's and Molly's interference. Maven got pinned by Spike but later regained it by rolling up Eyebrows, er Maven. Rating-*

Kurt Angle vs Kane
Funny promo by Angle dissing the Sale and Pelltier's gold medal win. Not a bad match, Angle sporting black tights was different. Angle win via cheating, via ropes. Rating-**

Taker vs Flair
Taker no sold most of Flair's offense, thus it being Mania you know who wins. Nice touch by having AA give Taker the spinebuster, and Flair was decent, as always. Rating-***

Edge vs Booker T
Not that hyped about this match, TRY:If you're reading this and you did care about this match you live in a sad lonely world. You know the sotry, hometown boy=owning. Rating-*½

Hall vs Austin
One of my favourite matches of the night. Hall got some good offense on Austin, good for having Nash here in some capacity. I felt Hall should have took this, but Austin wins another Mania match. Rating-**

4 team tag team turmoil
Yadda yadda yadda, ChuckaBilly wins. Rating-*

Hogan vs Rock
Best goddamn match of the night. Emotion, electricity, this match had it. It wasn't a Malenko vs Benoit masterpiece, but it wasn't supposed to be. Hogan dominated most the match, and seeing Hogan hulk up owned the planet. The crowd ate that up, Rock was in shock, haha. That made me mark out more than I have in a long ass time. Rock wins it after 2 rockbottoms, and a people's elbow...that was utter shit. Ah well, he got booed out of the arena so it's all good. Rating-****

Jazz vs Trish vs Lita
Boring, Jazz wins ala fisherman's suplex from the top. Rating-*

HHH vs Jerichow/Tits Ahoy, er Stephanie
HHH wasn't at his best in this one. No SHIT. Not what I'd thought it be, and as everyone I'm sure has said, downright predictable. No swerves, turns, anything. Jericho counters a slingshot, but jumps into the pedigree and it's over, finished. Rating-**.