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July 14, 2002
Angry FREAKIN Johnny

Alan had WORK. I was in Vegas, on an overnight stopover on my way back to Hawaii. FYI, NEVER go to Oklahoma. I ended up watching this with my Uncle and his 5 year old son. Interesting reactions from the uncle who lets his son watch this but doesn't normally watch it with him.

Worthless Title:Stanshaw VS Scotty Flamingo
Uncle V:Is that guy wearing a skirt? Is that a plant in the ring?
Raven jobs to Bradshaw. I'm very surprised. No, really. Ok I'm not. Whatever.

Natural Born Thrillers Showdown:Meat VS Sean "Better than both Hardyz combined" O'HaireHo boo, O'Haire looks like on scary mudda. You no wan scrap wit dis brudda, his hair kickin. [/pigeon] I really dig O'Haire's new look, and he actually got the crowd behind him with his awesome dropkicks and other moves. He beats Stasiak with his WICKED finisher Cruel Intentions. 2.9*
Cousin:Who's that?
Johnny:It's Sean O'Haire. He can swanton.
Cousin:He can? He rules!
Johnny:Oh yes he does... and he does it better than Jeff Hardy!
Cousin:The Hardyz are cool.
Johnny:But O'Haire is cooler than BOTH of them.
Johnny:Oh yeah!
Smarkdom... infect them while their young.

Molly VS Jacqueline
Hell with this one. Molly wins. 1.5*

G Money VS Matty Jannety
Big Show wins! Matt got his token offense in but the GIANT chokeslams him and I laugh at you Skittles. I laugh.
Cousin:Big Show is so big no one can beat him.
Johnny:Well Jericho and Benoit did.
Cousin:Oh yeah. And Booker T last week...
Johnny:And Austin, Rock, and Kane.
(Uncle walks in room)
Cousin:No one can beat Big Show. Except lots of people.
Uncle V:Huh?

As a show, decent. I enjoyed all the matches. 8/10, mostly harmless.

*Awkward Silence*