A Biblical Survey Demonstrating Peter's Primacy & Authority in Scripture

Mt 4:18 Peter is one of the first called to be a disciple - a "fisher of men"

Mt 10:2 In addition to being named before any other Apostles, Peter is actually called "the first" (Greek protos), signifying more than just chronologic importance (Col 1:15)

Mt 14:28 Peter is the only one to answer the Lord, saying, "command me to come to you on the water".

Mt 14:29 Peter is the only Apostle empowered by Jesus to walk on the water, and Jesus also keeps him from falling into the water - a foreshadowing of divine power, not Peter's, at work.

Mt 15:15 Peter speaks for the disciples in asking Jesus to explain the parable of the blind leading the blind

Mt 16:16 Peter alone receives revelation from God that Jesus is the Messiah.

Mt 16:17 Peter is blessed by Jesus - note that Nathanael did not get this response when he did the same thing (Jn 1:50)

Mt 16:18 Peter's name is changed (from Simon, to Petros, meaning rock). Name changes in the Bible are associated with signicant change in character (Abram to Abraham, Jacob to Israel, etc).

Mt 16:18 Jesus makes Peter the rock upon which His church will be built.

Mt 16:19 Peter alone is given the Keys to the Kingdom and the responsibility to "bind and loose"

Mt 16:22 Peter impulsively rebukes Jesus for His first prediction of His Passion.

Mt 17:1 Peter, listed first, is one of three to witness the Transfiguration of Jesus

Mt 17:4 Peter alone suggests building tents for Moses, Elijah and Jesus

Mt 17:24 Peter is the one approached by the tax collectors of Capernaum

Mt 17:27 Peter is empowered by Jesus to miraculously pay the temple tax (cf Mt 14:29).

Mt 18:21 Peter alone asks Jesus to explain the parable of the unforgiving servant.

Mt 19:27 Peter speaks for the disciples

Mt 26:31 Peter's denial foretold, even though all the disciples fled during Jesus' arrest (Mt 26:56).

Mt 26:37 Jesus takes Peter (listed first) and the two sons of Zebedee with him during the Agony in the Garden.

Mt 26:40 Jesus speaks only to Peter, even though all the disciples were asleep.

Mk 1:16 Peter listed first among the call of the first disciples

Mk 1:29 Jesus goes to Peter's house, Peter listed first.

Mk 1:29 Jesus cures Peter's mother-in-law.

Mk 1:36 Peter, listed first, is the one to find Jesus leaving Capernaum

Mk 3:16 Peter listed first in the Mission of the Twelve (Judas mentioned last).

Mk 5:37 Jesus does not allow anyone to accompany Him inside the synagogue except Peter (listed first), James, and John.

Mk 8:29 Peter's confession about Jesus as the Messiah.

Mk 8:32 Peter impulsively rebukes Jesus for His first prediction of His Passion.

Mk 9:2 Peter listed first among the 3 disciples to witness the Transfiguration of Jesus

Mk 9:5 Peter alone suggests building tents for Jesus, Moses, and Elijah

Mk 10:28 Peter speaks for the disciples

Mk 11:21 Peter remembers Jesus had cursed the fig tree.

Mk 13:3 Peter listed first among disciples

Mk 14:30 Peter's denial foretold.

Mk 14:33 Peter listed first among the disciples in the Garden

Mk 14:37 Jesus addresses Peter, although all the disciples were asleep

Mk 16:7 God's angel recognizes Peter as leader of the disciples

Lk 4:38 Jesus goes to Peter's house

Lk 4:39 Jesus cures Peter's mother-in-law.

Lk 5:3 Jesus chooses to enter Peter's boat

Lk 5:4 Jesus empowers Peter in a miraculous catch of fish (Mt 14:29, Mt 17:17).

Lk 5:8 Peter recognizes the symbolism of God's plan for him and says, "depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man".

Lk 5:10 Jesus specifically gives Peter encouragement, saying, "Do not be afraid".

Lk 6:14 Peter listed first among apostles in the Mission of the Twelve (Judas is listed last).

Lk 7:43 Jesus asks Peter's opinion about the pardon of the Sinful Woman.

Lk 8:45 Peter answers Jesus' question about who had touched Him.

Lk 8:51 Peter listed first among disciples allowed to enter the synagogue with Jesus.

Lk 9:20 Peter alone confesses Jesus as the Messiah

Lk 9:28 Peter listed first among disciples who witness the Transfiguration of Jesus

Lk 9:33 Peter alone suggests building tents.

Lk 12:41 Peter speaks for the disciples in asking Jesus to explain the parable of the Vigilant and Faithful Servants.

Lk 18:28 Peter speaks for the disciples

Lk 22:32 Jesus specifically prays for Peter to strengthen his brothers

Lk 24:12 Peter gets up and runs to the tomb to see the burial cloths remaining

Jn 1:44 Peter among the first disciples

Jn 6:68 Peter speaks for the disciples in answer to Jesus' question.

Jn 13:6 Jesus approaches Peter first to wash his feet

Jn 13:25 Jesus tells Peter who His betrayer will be

Jn 18:10 Peter cuts off the right ear of the high priest's slave in an attempt to defend Jesus

Jn 20:2 Mary of Magdala runs to Peter first after discovering the Empty Tomb

Jn 20:5 Although the other disciple (not even named) reaches the Empty Tomb first, he waits and lets Peter enter first.

Jn 21:2 Peter listed first among the seven disciples in the resurrection appearance in Galilee

Jn 21:3 Peter tells the others he is going fishing

Jn 21:11 Peter gathers the net full of fish, even though the net was so heavy the entire group of Apostles couldn't carry it.

Jn 21:15-17 Peter's three-fold confession of love reinstates his position and emphasizes his role in the church

Jn 21:15-17 Peter alone is told by Jesus to feed and tend His sheep

Acts 1:13 Peter named first in the Upper Room

Acts 1:15 Peter takes initiates replacement for Judas

Acts 1:21 Peter infallibly interprets Old Testament Scripture in making the decision to replace Judas

Acts 2:14 Peter delivers speech at Pentecost

Acts 2:37 Israelites ask "Peter and the other apostles" what to do

Acts 2:28 Peter instructs them to repent and be baptized

Acts 3:1 Peter listed first

Acts 3:6 Peter cures a crippled beggar - the first to perform such a miracle

Acts 3:11 Peter named first

Acts 3:12 Israelites again consider Peter an authority

Acts 4:8 Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, speaks for the rest of apostles before the Sanhedrin

Acts 4:13 Peter named first

Acts 4:19 Peter named first, and again speaks before the Sanhedrin

Acts 5:1-11 Peter utters the first anathema of Ananias and Sapphira

Acts 5:15 Peter's shadow heals the sick

Acts 5:29 Peter named first among apostles and speaks as leader

Acts 8:14 Peter named first to lay hands upon the Samaritins

Acts 8:21 Peter rebukes Simon the Magician

Acts 9:32 Peter passes through every region

Acts 9:34 Peter miraculously heals Aeneas

Acts 9:40 Peter miraculously raises the dead - the first since Jesus to do so

Acts 10:5 The centurion Cornelius is told by an angel of God to summon Peter

Acts 10:9 Only Peter receives a vision from God to allow Gentiles into the church

Acts 10:34 Peter delivers speech regarding the Gentiles

Acts 10:44 While Peter speaks, the Holy Spirit fell upon all who were listening

Acts 11:2 Peter goes to Jerusalem to explain Gentile admission to the Jews

Acts 11:18 When Peter explains his vision, the Jews "stop objecting and glorified God"

Acts 12:5 The entire church prays earnestly for Peter's release from Herod's imprisonment

Acts 12:11 Peter is miraculously rescued from prison

Acts 15:12 When Paul and Barnabas were unable to settle the issue of the Judaizers, Peter infallibly speaks at the first Council of Jerusalem, and "the whole assembly fell silent"

Acts 15:14 James, the bishop of Jerusalem, reinforces what Peter has already "declared" (Jn 1:18)

1 Cor 15:5 Jesus, after the Resurrection, appears first to Peter, then to the rest of the Apostles

Gal 1:18 Paul visits with Peter in Jerusalem for fifteen days

Peter infallibly writes two epistles

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