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Ring Status
9th Info




Now listen up.

This OCTOFOIL Web Ring represents the proud heritage of the 9th Infantry Division with your Military pages that you are proud of and created for all visitors around the entire world to see.  This OCTOFOIL Web Ring, as small as it is, WILL be organized and work correctly.  This is something that us members can be proud of, and more then we can say about other web rings on the Internet.  If you want to be part of the team then join us and follow the rules.  We are more then glad to have you join with us.  If you don't want to be part of our team and follow simple rules, then we don't want you to slop up our proud OCTOFOIL Web Ring.  Simple as that.

The web sites in the OCTOFOIL Web Ring should be 9th Infantry Division related.

The OCTOFOIL Web Ring does require that you must insert the WebRing Navigation Code for this web ring within the URL page you list with the OCTOFOIL Web Ring.  Any site not displaying the Navigation Code within the URL page given us will be suspended from the ring until corrected and will be deleted after a period of time.

If you do not wish to display the Navigation Code on your index (home) page, then do not use the index (home) page as your URL when listing your site with the OCTOFOIL Web Ring.  Instead, list your URL as the page you keep your Navigation Code on with hyperlinks on that page directing traffic to your index page.  The OCTOFOIL Web Ring does not give a flip what page you keep your Navigation Codes for your web rings on, as long as it matches the URL you list with us.

The Ringmaster of this OCTOFOIL Web Ring reserves the right to reject any web site for it's content.

To join the OCTOFOIL Web Ring you will need to become a member of WebRing if you are not already.  And if you want to edit your existing site information on the ring you will have to be a member of WebRing to do that also.

To join - the OCTOFOIL Web Ring:
 go to and click on the "Join This Ring" in the upper right-hand corner of the page.

To migrate - If you were a member of the OCTOFOIL Web Ring before October 14, 2001 and have not migrated your site to WebRing yet then you need to go to to migrate your site to WebRing.

The navigation code html you will place into you web page (the URL you listed with us) will look like this when displayed -

This site is a member of WebRing. To browse visit

While your at it, why don't you join the Octofoil eGroups -

Click to subscribe to Octofoil eGroups

Fall Out.
