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All Terrain Vehicle

Crew: 4
Length: 3.252m
Width: 1.8m
Height: 1.5m
Ground Clearance: .2m
Turning Radius: 2.25m
Maximum Speed: 35kph
Water Speed: 10kph
Gradient: 65%
Verticle Obstacle: .5m
Trench: .25m
Armor Class: 35

This 6-wheeled ATV is carried by the Scientific-One vehicles. Fusion powered, it can go almost anywhere. It floats and has a fair swimming speed. Despite it's low ground clearance, the closely spaced wheels can climb amazingly well over rough terrain. The ATV can almost turn in place by having one set of wheels go forward, while the other set are in reverse. The rugged little vehicle can haul it's own trailer with no reduction in speed. The cargo tube holds a cordura nylon "soft top" and frame for protection against the elements and the windscreen and back panel fold down for storage.