WORLD OF RADIO #1026, produced March 1, 2000 by Glenn Hauser

*From March thru November, Thu at 2130 on WWCR we are on 15685; one
 UT hour earlier from April to October
*V. of Tibet again clashing with us on 15685 at 1230, 1200; keeps
 moving, so keep trying
*Disregard new time we have mentioned, Sat 1730 -- not happening
*From April, UT Monday on 3215 shifts from 0130 to 0000
*Tentative new time on WBCQ-2: Fri 2130 on 9340-CUSB
*New edition of Continent of Media 00-02 starts soon at and RFPI; see topic summary at
*R. New Zealand Int'l changes to only one frequency; planned to resume
 15 MHz in mid-March
*Australian tests may have come from other Northern Territory sites
*R. Vanuatu`s frequency usage plans
*Solomon Islands installing new transmitter, and may resume 9 MHz
*R. Bougainville, Papua New Guinea, officially re-opened; and another
 90m station may be back
*Clipperton Island ham DXpedition supposed to begin March 1; see
*Argentine pirate R. Bosques on unusual 9 MHz frequency
*RN Brasilia is back on SW with Amazon service
*DST in Brazil ended Feb 27
*This is make-or-break year for Radio for Peace International; new
 Friends needed for $40 to RFPI, P O Box 20728, Portland OR 97294
*R. Educacion, Mexico, DX program Entre Medios; QSL theme
*Nova Scotia Kitchen Party aired twice on RCI, bumping a Quirks
*Low-power TV station KZND-LP in Alaska funxioning as radio station
*Two more expanded-MW band stations coming on soon
*US Special Operations Command Y2K training exercise on 1700 kHz
*Micropower FM in Tulsa, Rockin` Plumlee Radio, hopes to be low-power
 see: and
*New A-00 schedule for WINB shows two new frequencies
*Polish broadcaster at VOA objects to service being cut
*VOA's news director moved out to Moscow; search for replacement
*The media magazine you monitor with your mind, World of Radio 1026;
 P O Box 1684, Enid, OK 73702 USA; or By fax if
 really necessary 1-580-233-2948 attn Hauser. Check our website often:
*Standard disclaimer
*Thanks this week for financial support go to: James Strader
*Missing R. Liberty reporter was held by Russians, released in Moscow,
 reports torture in Chechnya
*Russian diplomat does not want objective reporting; if R. Liberty and
 western relays banned, Russians may dust off SW receivers
*Russian fifth harmonic interferes with US repeater on 10 meters
*Malta schedule given last week not (yet?) in effect; English times
*V. of Greece suddenly changed scheduling; language lineup to Europe
*Austria had antenna trouble on 13 MHz
*DW heard running commercials in German
*Merlin Network One out of business at end of Feb, but some programs
 continue separately; Earth One postponed until September
*BBCWS brings back Write-On to North American prime time in March;
 On Screen back for a new run Tuesdays at 0630, 1430; Songs of the
 Earth new series with music from Zanzibar, Brazil, Tokyo
*R. Portugal also slips well below 13600
*ELWA, Liberia, antenna specs; is ELWA legal? Non-government, or
 ``non-Liberian entities`` SW stations such as Star Radio not allowed
*Africa Number One, Gabon, heard on harmonic
*R. Bukavu, DR Congo heard again after a year
*DR Congo getting new 10 kW SW transmitter
*New R. Banaadir, Somalia, frequency found
*R. Hargeysa, Somaliland, back on air with new frequency
*Sa'udi Arabia reported in English, but not confirmed
*R. Iraq International heard one night only in English, German,
 French, Arabic
*BBC Asia moving its office from Hong Kong to Singapore
*Solar flux peak last week was 227
*Propagation outlook from Boulder, Feb 29; flux peak 220
*Squeezing in one more item: new schedule for Galei Zahal, Israel
*Glenn Hauser, here, concluding World of Radio 1026        ###