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The wings of a dream


This story was written long ago ,and I'm told that if you go to Aspen, and stand on a small ridge in the mountains about 3 miles south East of Starwood, you can still see them, Three people ,a man and a boy and a lovely woman. The man and the boy will usually be fishing, while the woman watches them lovingly. And if you stand there long enough and listen to the wind, it will tell you the story of how they came to be........

Since she was small Shelly felt like she was different, she had her parents, and her older brother and sister and her younger sister, but she always felt like the outsider. She was constantly tormented at school for daring to be different, always the brunt of peoples jokes, but she took it all in her stride, the only time she felt at peace was when her mother would sit down with her and together they would sing along to John Denver, Shelly came to think of John Denver as her friend, here was this man singing of places she could only dream of, and the only time her mother and her were close was when this man brought them together. So although she never personally knew john she came to think of him as a friend. She tried to be like other girls at school, and she listened to rock music like kiss etc, she even asked for some of their albums for her birthday. But try as she might she couldn't shake the feeling that there was something else out there, somewhere that she belonged. When Shelly was 14 her mother and father divorced. Shelleys life was turned upside down, she started taking drugs and drinking alcohol, but nothing she did made her feel any better. She started to think that she was nobody, and that the reason people had never taken to her had picked on her was because she was stupid and dirty and ugly. She decided to shut her self off from everything. One day she felt like she had to get away from everyone and everything that she had ever known. She hit the highway, she hitchhiked 3000 miles to the other side of Australia, looking for. What she didn't know, only looking for the place she knew she belonged, but when she got there, it wasn't much different to the other side of Australia, she made a few friends, she slept with a few guys, but none of them were there the next morning, she couldn't blame them, she knew she was too disgusting to be around. She rented out a caravan, she put in it her only possessions which consisted of a few clothes and an old second hand stereo, and a computer that she was renting , Shelly had decided to go on the internet to meet people. She had a friend she had met through the internet , who lived in Colorado , he was an old man but a very good friend, and he had always told her that if she ever came to Colorado to look him up. One day she was sitting on her bed looking out at the rain, and she suddenly felt desperately alone, she really needed a friend. ' she walked out side oblivious to the rain , she went down town to the nearest record store and bought John Denvers rocky mountain collection, she could hardly wait to play it, and when she did and ohhh she was overcome with the feeling of coming home. Shelly knew if she could feel this, she couldn't be too bad, and she decided right there and then that she was going to follow her dream. Next day she went down to the job office and set up an appointment for a job at the local brickworks she was employed as the first female ever to work in the Nowra brickworks production line. Every pay day she would pay her rent buy a small amount of food and bank the rest. After a year she had almost $5000 saved up. Ok she said , nows the time to follow my dreams and where else would i start but Aspen, she went and booked her ticket the next day, she was to leave 3 weeks from Tuesday. She put in her notice at work, and tied up all her loose ends, she was so scared but also very excited. For one she had never been on an airplane before either but she knew John flew them all the time, and he trusted them so did she. The morning came Shelly made her way nervously to the airport she had bought a new wardrobe for the trip, also her dad had sent her some money for her 21st birthday, and she had bought some new clothes with that too. Besides a few butterflies in her stomach the plane trip was very uneventful. She got into Aspen at about 2am. she caught a taxi to her hotel, she was so exhausted she literally passed out when she woke up next morning she couldn't think where she was, then she remembered ohhhh there were the butterflies again . she looked at the clock o my almost 11am she hadn't realized how tired she was, she called room service for some breakfast and went and showered and changed, before she changed she looked out the window to see what clothes she should wear for the weather. And when she looked outside, it hit her. This was why she never felt like she belonged this was why she always felt there was something more this. This was home. Shelly knew that she would never think of anywhere else but aspen as home again.Room service came and she gobbled down her oatmeal. What now? She thought. Hmm well no tour guides for me I'm going to go out exploring on my own, as she was leaving she glanced in the mirror, was that really her was that Shelly? The girl in the mirror wasn't ugly or dirty at all, in fact she almost looked pretty with her light brown hair that she had maybe let grow a little too long, and with all the work at the brickworks for the last year she had a great figure, for the first time in a long long time, Shelly felt good! She walked outside and got directions to the main street, she wandered around and did a little shopping, then decided she would ring up Flack (her friend from the Internet he was very surprised to hear from her and very happy. He said he would come down straight away and meet her for a late lunch, Shelly had never done a devious thing before in her life, but suddenly she had a plan unfolding in here head, could Flacka be her green card? Well Shelly wasn't too devious in fact she had a very honest quality about her and she decided she would go about this the right way, and just tell him of her proposal, after all he was an old man , who had admitted his love for her many many times. An elderly man pulled up in green chevy, he reminded her a little of Santa Claus, he had a very kind face. Hello he said I'm Flack but you can call me Gary, she gave him a quick hug. They had been very friendly for a long time so conversation flowed freely, he said because it was such a special day he would take her to a lovely little restaurant around the corner it was lovely, she ordered a green salad and mineral water, he a lovely seafood salad and a scotch. Well Shelly said. Deciding to be blunt, how about getting married? Gary looked at her and blinked, who too? Me of course silly, said Shelly. Gary looked at her a moment before he asked her to explain, Shelly explained everything honestly, Gary looked at her and said hmm , Ok why the hell not , and they both laughed. They stood up and reached over to embrace each other in doing so Shelly looked over his shoulder at the blonde man walking out. "Quick Gary" she said, is that John Denver? In hearing his name the blonde man turned around a flashed a cheeky grin. Gary turned around and looked, oh yes he said, i met him years ago seemed a bit arrogant to me. Shelly said, how can you say that? That man is my hero, my best friend my mentor ,my saviour, and I've never even met him. Ha ha Gary laughed ok ok, I'm sorry. Well sweetie the first thing we are going to do is move you into my house, if that's ok with you, guess it could get a little expensive staying in a hotel for too long.So they collected her things and Shelly moved into Garys trailer. Their's was only to be a marriage of convenience he married for company she for citizenship. Gary went through all the legal things and they were set to be married in 1 month. They lived a quiet life, Shelly spent a lot of time up in the mountains writing her poetry. Her and Gary had become very close friends by now, and he would do anything to assure her happiness. He thought about the 1 thing he could do which would make her truly happy, he had met John Denver years before and knew him at least to nod at. He had also lived in the town so long he got to know where and when John ate most of the time. So next Wednesday at 2.30pm he headed into town to the restaurant he had first taken Shelly to. He was in luck he saw john sitting at a far table, he walked boldly over, john said hello and stood up to shake Garys hand, Gary cutting to the point straight away, explained about his wife to be, coming over from Australia, how she had a had a very unhappy life, and how she had always wanted to meet John. John was touched by this and agreed for Gary and Shelly and himself to meet for dinner, the next night at the same place. John didn't think too much of it after all Gary was an old man what harm would it do to meet an old lady who obviously idolized him. Gary never told Shelly his plans, just that they were meeting a friend of his for dinner, Shelly wore a long flowing cheesecloth dress she was never one to put on airs she liked the natural look, she wore leather sandals and very little makeup, and let her long hair hang loose. When they walked in the restaurant john saw them first, he stared at Shelly, surely this couldn't be Garys fiancee, she was like a wildflower, his heart palpitated when she looked his way and her lovely lips formed a silent OH. They made their way over to his table and john regained his composure quickly. Gary said John i would like you to meet my wife to be, Shelly, Shelly this is ... That's ok she said I don't need introductions, this is my best friend john Denver, John blushed, but he felt she meant it. They all sat down and had a lovely meal, john tried not to stare at the lovely lady sitting in front of him, but he was mesmerized. They all drank maybe a little too much wine and Shelly could feel her head spinning deliciously. John suggested that they go back to Starwood for a nightcap, as Shelly had mentioned she had always longed to see his home. They rose to leave, john insisted he pay the bill. As they got up Gary clutched his chest briefly, he had been having a bit of indigestion lately, oh well nothing to worry about.John drove in front in his yellow porsche, while Gary and Shelly followed behind. Thank you Gary for the best night of my whole entire life, she laughed. I'd do anything for you sweetheart, Gary said. They pulled into the gates of Starwood, and parked behind John. Welcome to my humble abode, john said. He led them inside and said why don't we sit out on the deck, it's lovely out there in the spring at night time. Gary was starting to feel a bit tired, but didn't want to end Shelleys night, they all sat on chairs on the deck, john bought out the scotch, and soon they were chatting merrily, John showed Shelly certain constellations, it was very relaxing. Shelly looked over at Gary and saw he was asleep she smiled and pointed him out to John. Poor old boy John said, it's almost 2 am we have been talking for ages, i think you and Gary should stay here tonight, I have a double bed in the spare room, Shelly blushed then looked at john, Gary and I don't sleep together, we are only good friends, he is marrying me so I don't have to leave all this magnificence. John looked at her for a long while, then he leaned over and kissed her gently on the lips, so softly it might have been a breeze, then I'm sure he wouldn't mind if i did this. In that one single instance, everything Shelly had been looking for her whole life, was sitting there right in front of her. We had better get Gary to bed Shelly whispered. I also have a spare single bed too said John. Shelly woke up Gary and explained they were going to stay and she and John led him to the room, he lay down on the bed, and closed his eyes again, he was out before they left the room. As Shelly closed the door, she turned around and found herself in Johns arms, electricity shot up her spine making her tingle all over. Oh Shelly he said you are too good to be true, you make me feel free you are so natural. Did you mean it when you said i was your best friend? Shelly looked into his eyes and knew she had loved him all her life, but did she dare to tell him and risk losing him when they had only just found each other? All or nothing she thought,John she started I have loved you all my life, I can't imagine ever wanting or loving anyone more all my life i have felt like an outsider, felt like i was worthless and ugly and dirty, but standing here right now in your arms, I realize I just didn't belong, this is where i belong. John felt a passion rising in him he had not felt in a long long time, it was the kind of passion he usually felt only up in the mountains or when he was in the middle of writing a song. He knew this was right, no matter how short the time was that they had met. He kissed her again , first gently then harder, she resisted, he looked at her and said sorry, Shelly explained to him , that she was scared because, she had never made love to anyone before, she had slept with other men but they were always gone in the morning leaving her feeling empty and dirty. John picked her up and carried her to his room, he said i will always be here, and when you wake up in the morning the first thing you are going to see is my sleepy face and the last thing you see before you close your eyes every night is my sleepy face. She laughed and pulled him down to her. They spent a glorious night filled with love. She awoke with some trepidation, but there next to her looking at her with so much love, was Johns sleepy face, welcome to my morning he laughed, great name for a song Shelly said with a smile. Shelly got up and showered and told john she would go and talk to Gary, John looked at her with worried eyes and asked her if she wanted him to come with her. Shelly smiled and said no thank you this is something i have to do myself. Shelly made her way to the spare room, she lent over the bed to where Gary was sleeping with a smile on his face. Gary she said, Gary................ Shelly had been gone for a long time so john came to find her, he walked in to see Shelly sitting on the floor weeping holding gars hand. John had only to take one look at Garys face to know he was gone. He took Shelly by the hand and led her into the living room. He sat her down and called the ambulance. The ambulance came and took the smiling Gary away. They said to Shelly and John ,it looks like he died peacefully and happy, we should all wish to be so lucky, it was probably his heart. Shelly looked at john and said, it seems my happiness has only bought tragedy for someone else, if I stay here it will only bring the same to you. John looked at her and said before I met you i may as well already have been dead, you have made me want to live again, if you go then it will kill me . please stay. I love you. Shelly and john got married in a little spiritual church his mother attended, she wore daisies in her hair, John had never seen her looking so lovely. Finally two people who both deserved so much love were together and very very happy. One day john came in excited he had just bought a long EZ experimental aircraft. He was going to fly it the next day, Shelly was glad he was so happy, and they spent the day making love up in the high country. Next day john took off to play golf and to fly his new bird. I will be back tonight, he said, don't miss me too much. She promised to make his favorite meal, and then told him she may have some very good news to tell him tonight. John's eyes widened, but she told him he would just have to wait. She spent a lovely day pottering around the house, she even went fishing in the stream and caught some fish for his dinner. 9pm came and John still wasn't home, 10pm, 11pm she was getting worried now, and closed her eyes and thought of his sleepy face, the one she longed to see each day and night. Her thoughts were interrupted by the phone ringing, Shelly. Is john there? No she said he should have been home hours ago. I have some bad news, John's plane has been reported to have crashed over Monterey, but as yet they haven't identified the pilot, could it have been him.Shelley screamed and said YES he told me he was going to fly his new bird today, oHHHHh NOOOOoO noooottt JOHNNNNNNn neverrrRRRRRRRR JOHNNNNNNNNNN!! Several Hours later, Shelley had packed her belonging, she had decided to go back to Australia. She was waiting for the cab when she heard the front door open. She quickly ran downstairs, there stood her beloved John larger than life. She flew into his arms crying hysterically John Oh John , they said you died!John looked at her with very sad eyes.The guy who sold the plane to me, wanted to take it up and test a few things, he was the one who was killed. Shelley felt her legs swaying beneath her, and felt herself falling to the floor,John caught her just before she hit the ground,he carried her to the lounge. he got her a glass of water,and decided she was still looking pale and suggested he call the doctor,Shelley insisted she was ok. He carried her into his bedroom,he kissed her and hugged her and told her of his undying love for her. He then leaned over and whispered something to her ,he never thought he would say to anyone, something he thought he could never do for anyone,he said to her "Shelley I love flying" I love it so much I wouldn't have minded if it was me up there today instead of that man,but there is one thing I love more than flying and that is you, From this day on, no more stupid risks,no more experemental aircraft. From this day on the only airplane I get on is a commercial one, and you will be on it with me or I won't be on one at all. Shelley looked into his beautiful face and said I love you John,I love you so much I am going to give to you something I never thought I would give anyone, John I am pregnant. John looked at her in amazement, Are you sure? He said. Yes! John leaped off the bed and started dancing around the room singing at the top of his voice. Shelley laughed and laughed.She tried to get up and dance with him but John wouldn't hear of it. 7 months later Shelley gave birth to a son,she had him at home in Starwood,with John at her side, She turned to John and said "you name him". John looked at the squirming bundle of joy,and said I'd like to name him after my father. Shelley smiled and said OK. They held litttle Henry and the midwife took a photo. John and Shelley were finally a whole. Two people who deserved so much love,but never got it, had finally found the love they deserved. They found it in one another!!

Shelley as a little girl
This story is purely fiction

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