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The Message - Youth Magazine

What is confession ?

A complete true confession is when you reveal yourself completely in front of your priest and when you feel that you have not hidden anything that you know about yourself from your priest. Therefore, you have to examine yourself very thoroughly and accurately before confession.

Confession is divided into two parts the positive part and the negative one. The positive part is the topics that make you better such as

  1. Prayer: how often, do you concentrate when you pray......
  2. Fasting: every Wednesday and Friday, during the other fasting days.....
  3. Giving alms: do you give to the poor, generous, give to the church....
  4. Communion and confession: are you regular, honest, negligent.........
  5. Reading of Bible: how often, do you concentrate..........
  6. Going to church: every Sunday, early, other meetings.......

The negative part is the topics that make you worse such as

  1. Sins of thought: adultery, hatred, revenge, judging others, evil..........
  2. Sins of tongue: judge others, swear, insult, inappropriate talk.........
  3. Sins of deed: adultery, stealing, killing, fighting, drinking........

After looking at these two aspects you have to look at your relationship with others:

Are you mad at them, good relations with the young and the old, to what extent do you have these virtues: perseverance, long- suffering, forgiveness, and love for your enemies?..........

We are all required to be perfect and holy and we all have to grow in the grace and virtue as St. Paul said, "Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." (2 Peter 3:18)

Taken in part from the writings of His Grace Bishop Yoannis.

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