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The Message - Youth Magazine

Christmas: What it Really Means

The birth of Christ was a great divine event which took place to cover the earth and include all generations. It is able not only to stir up the sleepers to seek their salvation, but even to raise the dead who are rotting in their sins. The birth of Christ, then, is not a limited model of a love that united man and God in Bethlehem and ended with the end of the nativity story. It is a divine realm boundlessly open to every man and it will always be open till

"That they all may be one, as You Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that you sent Me ... and I have declared to them, Your name, and will declare it, that the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them." John 17:21,26

Christ was born in the world not for the purpose of existing in it, because His origin is not of the world; but He was born for the world that it may exist in Him.

The Christ of the world was born for the sake of the whole world because He loved the whole world.

He is the image of the invisible God, ‘the firstborn over all creation. For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible. Whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist. And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence. Colossians 1:15-18

Writing taken in part from Father Matta El-Meskeen.

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