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The spacious 19 kennel boarding building is attached to the main house and to the training building. We have ten small kennels and nine large. All kennels are equipped with indoor and outdoor runs, so the boarders can get exercise as needed.


We are open 365 days a year, which, of course, includes weekends and holidays. We live on the premises!

Rates are charged on a day in to day out basis (for example: in Friday, out Sunday, counts as 3 days). One day boarding is Minimum $14 charge per dog. An appointment is necessary to drop off or pick up dogs; but hours are extremely flexible (between 8AM and 9PM).

Please try to be prompt with appointments in or out. If something changes your schedule, please try to call ahead. If you are not sure when you will be picking your dog up, let the kennel know and you can make arrangements to call before coming to get your dog. If no one is available you can leave a message on the phone machine and we will get back to you as soon as we get in. If you are not sure what day you will be returning, again, let the kennel know and call ahead when you do know.

Dogs will be kept in indoor/outdoor kennels. They have access to outside and water at all times. Feeding schedule is kept as close to what they are used to as possible. We provide food, unless you want to bring your own food. If the dog is on any medication, please bring it with instructions. There is no extra charge for this. Your dog can be walked; if you would like this, please ask. You may bring blankets or toys if you like, but do not bring anything that you don't want damaged or lost as some dogs chew things up in a kennel that they wouldn't do at home.

All dogs in the kennel are required to have up to date vaccinations. These include the combo DHLP & P, which is Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Parainfluenza (kennel cough) and Parvo that most dogs receive annually. (Nickolai Kennel honors the new protocol, if the owners’ vet is doing the 3 year program for this vaccine.) Optional with your vet is Bordatella (kennel cough) and Corona. Rabies vaccination is required on any dog over 3 months old. We will not board any dog that has had no vaccinations. Vaccinations must be current to within 12 months, except rabies, which must be within 3 years.  In the spring/summer/fall I recommend the dogs have Frontline/Advantage or an equivalent product, to prevent picking up fleas. Since these times of the year, it is easy to pick them up from anywhere, walks in the neighborhood, parks or kennels, it is a wise precaution to prevent picking up any bugs. I strive to keep the kennel clean and free of bugs, but the preventive products can help. You can speak to your vet about what products are best for your dog, but the two I mentioned are safe and effective, and will kill any bugs that get on your dog, even if the bug hasn't had a chance to bite your dog. They are also good for at least a month and even if the dog gets wet

Though we do not do fancy grooming and trimming, we do offer bathing and dipping and nail clipping. If you would like your dog groomed before going home, please ask us about this service.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at any time.

No dogs will be discharged without payment at time of discharge. Payments accepted in cash or check.  We are unable to take credit cards in payment.

Please visit our all new K9 art, K9 Kutouts! Ideal for your yard or any place that needs brightening by dog art!