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Toby's Journey
Thursday, 20 September 2007
It's 3 AM!

You read that right, I... Carol... am up at 3AM. Toby is wide awake. He has been for almost an hour. Running around, playing with the cat, wanting a snack, etc. I'm exhausted.

So today we have our appointment with the Pediatric Urologist in Akron. That should be a fun visit. Especially with little or no slelep. I just pray that everything goes well, and that he can have his surgery before the end of the year... the sooner the better for me. I'm ready to get it over with. 

I haven't posted much lately, but I think that is a good thing. Toby is just settling in to the family, and life. We are just going about our daily stuff, and it is all going so well. Toby is still not very fond of Soccer. Who would be when he spends so much time at the fields and has to "sit still" somewhat for over an hour. 

Well, since I don't have my glasses on, and have no idea what I'm actually typing (is this a dream, I'm up at 3AM?) I'll cut it short. I may give an update after his appointment tomorrow.

God is Good.

Posted by oh5/millsadoption at 3:16 AM EDT
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