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Graphic - Duet by Steve Hanks


The Child

written for the adult child...... (2166 bytes)

A child sits breathlessly by.

A woman and a man come together,

In a union to become one.

The child's eyes become misty,

Thinking of the heartbreak still yet to come.


A happy occasion marred by the past.

Now the child sees old visions,

Remembrances of days filled with hate and often told lies.

The Dad leaving the child,

The Woman placing the child's importance last.


"Come little child put a smile on your face",

"Pretend your happy for the decision I now choose to make".

"I found a new man to take your fathers place",

"Pretend you like him, don't shame me again",

"This may be my only chance to become a wife to a man",


The child smiles through an empty haze,

Words whizzing through the tiny mind.

"I don't like him, he's mean",

"He treats the woman very unkind."

"Why can't the woman see, why has she chosen to remain blind?"


A child with emotions so scattered and wild,

Pretends to love the Man for just a little while.

The Woman is proud,

The Man pretends to love the child too.

The child in misery tells family only what they are expected to.


Now a child grown to adult.

Sees visions of the day the woman went to the man,

Remembers pain and heartache inflicted on them.

"I didn't deserve to be part of her obsession with the man",

"I didn't desire to be thrown from her life so she could keep a hold onto him".


The adult now chooses not to pretend.

No appearance kept up.

No living with the man.

While the woman lived in her fantasy,

The child only lived within the unspoken reality

copyright @bydiana

Dedicated to the children who have (had), to pretend for the Woman and the Man. Most times the Child sees and suffers a truer reality than the Woman and the Man. For the Child's sake if not your own. Be cautious who you bring into the Child's life. Choose only someone who is worthy of entering your Child's space. We gave birth to the Child and we should Honor and Cherish them first. Only when you can accomplish this are you are ready to bring a second person into your life to Honor and Cherish. Please take into account the feelings of the Child about your new Love. They must live with them also. And Children should not be forced to live in a situation where someone they are uncomfortable with moves into their home. The statement most chanted by selfish people is "I have a right to my own life". It should be finished with "as soon as my Child is ready and when I don't take a chance on destroying their future happiness for my future happiness".  When did we become so self centered and all important that it's acceptable to not consider the Children's feelings? This Poem also goes out to one of my favorite Best Friends...she knows who she is and she knows she is loved by me for who she is. She was worth far more than the woman or both men gave her.  Diana (2632 bytes) (2632 bytes) (2632 bytes)

A child of no warmth…

Even though there may be love,
Between a couple when they are young,
They should not plan on having children,
Until they are united in marriage as one.

The children of an unmarried couple,
Can sometimes suffer and be abused.
Since others look at them with doubt,
Even the mother may feel she was used.

Her frustrations in raising this child,
May be taken out on the little tike.
Because there is no Dad and she is alone,
She may show the child her dislike.

Abuse can enter into the picture,
And the little child fed no care.
The child will then grow up,
Feeling both parents are not there.

Many times the father will disappear,
And not want to be involved.
This is such a sad part of reality,
The father may run and feel absolved.

This child is still his responsibility,
And he must be nurturing and kind.
He must support this child,
And not act as if he is blind.

I do not want to offend anyone, but the word of God is that children should not be born out of marriage. By the poem I wrote you can see what can happen to them if they are… ©2000 (2632 bytes) (2632 bytes) (2632 bytes) (22703 bytes)