(119248 bytes)

Graphic by Maria Nlan ~ South Wind

This graphic was received from a Graphic club, if the name is wrong I apologize.


Only for You (1098 bytes)

Cast your eyes to the sunset,

Listen to nature's music on the air,

Feel the moment completely so it can last your lifetime.

Our days are too few not to embrace,

Each second spent in wispy eyed nostalgia with you.


Feel my lips when I kiss you,

Sense my thoughts when you hold me,

Memorize my skin when I'm making love with you.

Our days are too few not to embrace,

Each second spent in the deep caress of my loving you.


Hear my tone when I speak of our dreams,

Touch my heartbeat with your expressions,

Kneel at my side when whispering your devotion.

Our days are too few not to embrace,

Each second spent making all our desires come true.


The breeze of change is forthcoming,

Be brave my Dearest Lover,

Let it sweep in and move about,

Making Changes to all you once thought you knew.

Our days are too few not to embrace,

Each second of rebuilding our life together anew.


Birds have been asked to serenade us,

Waves crash to the shore just for you,

Trees sway only to our rhythm.

Our days are too few not to embrace,

Each second of wishing all could be perfect for you,


[C] bydiana2001

Dedicated to all new beginnings. As usual all Poems on either mine or Cheryl's site require written permission from the Author. (1946 bytes)


Angel's I have met on my Path, may they know Peace. (22703 bytes)


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