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Eagle and ShieldTitle:Two Letters by M M Goulden

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Thanks to this website, I have been able to make contact with descendants of 14th Ohio men. Recently I was contacted by descendants of Michael Martin Goulden, whose letters appear on this page, and have been provided with biographical information about Private Goulden, as well as these pictures of him and his wife. Thank you, Mary Pat, for sharing your ancestor.

Two Letters by M. M. Goulden, from camp in Kentucky following the action at Camp Wild Cat. From the TOLEDO DAILY HERALD & TIMES, Saturday, November 23, 1861 (page 3).

Bridget Lyons Goulden Michael Martin Goulden

Bridget Lyons Goulden and Michael Martin Goulden


Camp Colburn, Crab Orchard, Ky.,
Sunday, Nov. 17th, 1861.

EDITORS HERALD & TIMES:--Conformable to promise, on this Lord's day, I will occupy the time in giving you a sketch of our last four days march. On the 13th we got orders to strike tents and pack knapsacks at about 3 P.M., and leave Camp London. We had only remained in London 12 days. We marched one mile south to the nicest camping ground we have even occupied since I joined the regiment,--on a sloping hill inclining to the southwest--the ground being high and dry, we got a night of sweet repose.

Next afternoon our joy was turned to sorrow, by the reception of orders to leave our new found Paradise. Orders from headquarters must be obeyed; we were served with two days' rations and left camp at 6:20 P.M., retracing our steps through London, backwards as far as our old conquest ground at Wild Cat--traveling all night, the moon shining as bright as day. Towards morning we laid down on the ground, soldier fashion, and slept, and at 6:20 A.M. we got in line again, when it commenced to rain on us--the heaviest and wettest rain I think I ever experienced--notwithstanding which we again crossed the Rockcastle river and proceeded on our march still and steady, the rain never in the least abating till midnight. We made Mt. Vernon at 3 P.M. and halted (in two barns, bunking in the straw) till morning. Early in the morning (15th) we were on the march again and after wading through ravines and passing over some of the cursedest roads the world can furnish, we got into the old camp of the 33d Indiana, (Camp Colburn) where I am writing this note. It is a very nice place.

Since we came here, the 38th Ohio and the 33d Indiana got in. Where we are all destined, is a mystery. The Kentucky 1st were on the march after us from London, and the Tennessee regiments, but were ordered back to their old camp at London, which orders they obeyed with considerable anxiety when they found they were not allowed to march on with the Ohio and Indiana boys, who they naturally enough look upon as the protectors of their homes and firesides. The artillery had also arrived here on the ground and has had a hard time. They had to double up often, but they came in with their pieces and ammunition all right. The boys of the 17th lost a wagon load of their ammunition coming over the Rockcastle river.

Last night and the night before were the coldest of the season, and at this writing we are having a smart hail storm. The boys have not got any pay yet. I sincerely hope we shall soon get out of this deserted section and find a more cultivated region than we have in this part of the State. At least I hope we shall have better roads and less rain during our next march. You don't know how thankfully your papers are received. I send you a leaf from our Kentucky cane--it is not sugar cane.

Camp rumors are that we shall shortly be called to Missouri, and it will not be wondered at, seeing we are getting so near back to t e railroad, as our march to-morrow will bring us.

Colonel STEEDMAN has not been very well for the last eight or ten days, but has not been confined to the bed. I see by your paper received here this morning that Colonel S. is convalescent, having been sick since the Wild Cat scrimmage. It is no such thing, but a piece of "Cincinnati news." He was not complaining until some days after getting into camp at London, and the reports regarding his health have been greatly exaggerated.--Our Captain, J. W. BROWN, has been very unwell for some days; but is now better again. All the rest of the officers are well, except Lieutenant WALPE, of Whitehouse, in Capt. McCABE's company.

Yours faithfully,

From the TOLEDO DAILY HERALD & TIMES: December 30, 1861 (page 3).

Camp Correspondence.

Camp of the 14th Reg. O. Vol.
LEBANON, Ky., Dec. 24th, 1861.

EDITORS HERALD & TIMES:--It is a long time since I wrote you, but the fact is there is little of interest to remark. Our Colonel has arrived very much improved in health and his presence was hailed from the next officer in rank, down to the humblest private, with joyful enthusiasm, so cordial and friendly that it seemed to re-animate our drooping spirits. He is the life of the regiment, say what we will.

General BUELL and staff came up on an extra train this forenoon, from Louisville, to have a general review of the seven regiments encamped at this place, which proved proudly satisfactory to the General and the multitude of spectators. The movements were all executed in true military style and man fashion in every sense of the word.

The four first reviewed were the 14th Ohio, (first on the ground, being the pioneer regiment in Kentucky,) Kentucky 10th, Indiana 10th, Kentucky 4th, all led by our gallant band--(they take the lead of all the bands that I have seen since I joined the army,) and this P.M. there was a review of the 18th Ohio (regulars,) 19th Ohio (volunteers) and Minnesota 2d. The last name regiment are a tall genteel lot of men who seem to endure all the hardships of a soldiers' life, who look as if they would show the secesh if they get a chance, some of the "far west" fashions.

After the review this P.M., General BUELL express his opinion freely of the 14th Ohio--said they were the best disciplined and seemingly the most energetic of all the Ohio regiments, regulars included, which I know yourselves and their friends in the Northwest will be happy to hear. To-day the weather is very fine though-the two preceding days were very cold. The change in the weather added very materially to the military display.

We received our "dress parade" suit of clothes last Thursday, which protect us much better from the inclemency of the weather, rigged in Which we look gay on parade--more like captains than privates--and we are well supplied with all that is required for a soldiers outfit--and are not the ragged Fourteenth, as they used to be termed. We are well fed and well clothed in every sense of the word. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year I subscribe myself,


Eagle and Shield

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