ThIs iS ThE OFFIciaL frickIN' NegLEcTeD TuBa wEBpAGe

thE BeSt BanD tHaT eVer hAppEnEd

aWeSomE PagEs To vISIT

mASta mic'S weB pAGE this Is K. mAlloRy's pagE
page didicated to the tuba
accordIAN JoNes' weBpAGE

.haVe fUN with dA buLLeTIN bOArD

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CLiCk herE to viEW tUBa's coNCert INFO

"Thoughts" by MasTa MiC

clICK oN thIs to fInD oUt hOw tUbA sTaRTED


goto the TuBa PiCs

goTo tHe rEally MeSSEd up diStorTED PiCs1-2-3<

goto the song InDeX goto the pretty animated thingy page

GoTo thE tUBa stOrY

messed up dreams
who would make the the better president
howard stern
jim morrison
mr fowler
al gore
king tut

Say hey! WeLcOme tO tHE TUBA web page

nEgLectED tUBA is: John HofMeiSteR (tUBA). we ArE A buNCH of meSSed uP kidS whO haIl the friCkIn tUbA, & yoU shOulD toO. lOng LiVe tHe tUbA! say heY, yo, tuesdays arE tubA tUesdAyS. sAy hey, SaY heY, yOu Like MeTaL mUsic, yoU like TUBA!

¿do yOU haVe bAgEl DiffIcuLtIes

so do YoU likE moNkeyS

if you DonT You should.

tuBa is liFe

if it iSnT tubA,

it SUX

doNt coPy me

if YoU do

yOUr Penalty iS deaTh

got tHAt?

so don't yOU hATE beES?

me tOO

dAmÑ bees

surE thEy aRE gOOd fOR honey

bUt ThEy cAN aLSO kILL yoU

abouT fifTEEN of thEm stUNG the tuba DoG @the same time


that iS a greAT phrAse


fiND aND ABdUct alL tHE AliEnS

aRE you aN alIEn?

if YOU arE

oNE quEstIOn

hOW dO yOU wAnT to dIE?

i tEll yOU whAT

woUld yoU liKe YouR giZZard riPPEd ouT?

sure we all would

except peoPle doN'T haVe gizzArDS

tuBa is eXtRa OrDiNarY!

we DonT nEed No bASS guiTAr

so you think that everthing is all righT dO yA?

WeLL it wOnt bE whEn someone rIps yoUr GiZZArd ouT anD dispoSe oF it iN an Extra NiFty pepo

afeItaMos eL gTo

TuBa TubA tuBA





you SaY baNanA

i sAY baNana

whats thE diFerence yOU ASk?


thanx for ReadIng thiS

have a nICE dAY!