The Reality Check

I used to admire you
Now I wonder if you are worth it.
He hopes to be like you.
I have begun to hope he isn’t.

Words that hurt
Actions that cause pain
Do you know what you are doing?
Do you care people are hurting?

There are those that think you do no wrong.
From where I sit you believe them.
I’m telling you that isn’t so.
You aren’t 10 feet tall and bullet proof.
No matter what they say.

I want to walk away,
Yet I’m pulled back.
The pull isn’t as strong as it used to be.
Something is wrong.
I can’t fix it.
I can’t fix you.
Only you can.

The time has come to make things clear.
I call a spade a spade
A drunk a drunk
An ass an ass.
Can you see what I am calling you?

Words that hurt
Actions that cause pain
Do you know what you are doing?
Do you care people are hurting?

I’m not alone in my feelings.
Many agree with me.
We noticed the changes.
They aren’t for the better.
Our voices often silenced by the masses of adoring sheep.
With this I speak out.
Hear my voice, think of what you are doing and saying.
Is this really you?
Think, really think before you answer.

Shay Kuntz
Summer 2001
To Ego-Boy, WAKE UP!!!

