The Simple Fact

Depression hits but you don't care
It's not your world spinning out of control
It's not you who's sometimes afraid to breathe.
You don't get pain or heartbreak.
You bask in the glow of your golden idol and sacrifice all to your god.

Your god is just a man
A mere mortal, flawed and imperfect
You think your idol worship makes him great
It doesn't. It feeds his ego, his biggest flaw.
He'll buy your line and....
One day you'll find your god is just human
Your hero has feet of clay.
What will you do then?

Your depression will hit but I won't care.
It won't be my world spinning out of control.
It won't be me who is sometimes afraid to breathe.
I won't get the pain or heartbreak.
I'll bask in the flames that come off your shattered world.

Shay Kuntz
December 2001
To Beth; He’s so not worth it.

