The Journey (Part 4)

He bounced as he walked to the corner.
A ball of raw nerves and pure excitement.
It was the first day of school.
As the rumbly old school bus approached

His excitement suddenly dimmed.
"Don't make me go Mommy" he cried.
I debated.
I could let him stay home.
What was one more day?

The bus pulled to the curb.
Out a rear window a voice could be heard.
"Hey Mooner. Saved ya a seat" it called.
His fears and tears were instantly forgotten.
"Bye Mom" he yelled as he boarded the bus and soon forgot all about me.

How could this be?
How could he be so grown up?
Wasn't it just yesterday he was in diapers?
Where did the time go?

7 hours later up the steps he comes.
"MOM MOM MOM" He yelled.

I step into the hall.
He flys into my arms.
He had seemed so grow up.
But he was just a little boy.
I didn't need to fear loosing him.

Shay Kuntz
August 1995
For J; Look our little boy is in school.

