The Journey (Part 1)

He came into the world with a scream and a yell.
He was placed into his mother's arms.
I looked at this new life unsure of what to think.
I was young and his father just a boy himself.

He had arrived.
He was here.
Now what?

Tears fell from my young face as I thought to my impending future.
How would I care for him?
How would I love him enough?
Do I love him now?
What was I going to do?

He had arrived.
He was here.
Now what?

I still had options.
I didn't have to take him home.
But I wanted him.
Didn't I?
I didn't know.

He had arrived.
He was here.
Now what?

Shay Kuntz
August 1, 1990
For Shane

