No More Fear (The Big Man Walks No More)

I could see you standing there smug look on your dirty face.
You thought you were really something.
You took in your surroundings.
Who would be your next victim.
Would it be little Suzi or maybe little Tommy?
Hey could it even be little Ricky or baby Marie.

No more fear children no more fear.
For soon the big man will walk no more.
No more fear children no more fear.

One by one the children became aware of the your presence and went inside.
You were alone.
I crouched low in my hiding place to watch.
I watched as dusk settled in.
You never moved except to sit on a nearby bench.

No more fear children no more fear.
For soon the big man will walk no more.
No more fear children no more fear.

As dusk turned to dark you stood to leave.
If I was going to make my move I would have to do it NOW.
A barking dog caught your attention and you turned.
As you lit a cigarette I could see by the match flame how truly ugly you really were.
What you couldn't know was that cigarette was your last.

No more fear children no more fear.
For soon the big man will walk no more.
No more fear children no more fear.

As you stubbed out your cigarette on the clean sidewalk forever marking it, I reached for my blade.
The time had come.
No more would you inspire fear in the children of my hometown.
You began to walk away slowly.
I rose from my hiding place.
I looked around and started toward your retreating form.
The closer I got the more I realized how very small you the big man really was.

No more fear children no more fear.
For soon the big man will walk no more.
No more fear children no more fear.

3 more steps and I was there.
I grabbed your neck twisting my knife in your back as I pushed you to the ground
. Your silent screams filling my head as I watched you die at my feet.

No more fear children no more fear.
For now the big man walks no more.
No more fear children no more fear.

I pulled my blade from your back and rolled you over.
I thought I saw you take a shallow breath.
Oh no asshole that was your last.
I plunged my blade deep into your chest piercing your heart with it's cold steel.
Blood poured from everywhere as you choked on that last breath.

No more fear children no more fear.
For now the big man walks no more.
No more fear children no more fear.

I pulled my knife from your chest and stood upright.
Feeling the pain of all the children die as I took a cigarette from the now bloody pack in your pocket.
I lit it and watched your blood drip from my knife onto my shoe.

I walked away.
I went to the police where I said only 6 words.
The big man walks no more.
No more fear children no more fear.
For now the big man walks no more.
No more fear children no more fear.

Now on the day of my death
I must atone for my crime but how can I when I know I'm right.
The children no longer fear the big man.
The children no longer fear the big man.
The children no longer fear the big man.
No more fear children no more fear.
For now the big man walks no more.
No more fear children no more fear

The warden comes to my cell.
”It's time” he says to me.
I stand from my bunk without a thought in my head.
The prison priest begins to yammer about ashes to ashes and dust to dust.
I send him away. I welcome death for I know I did no wrong.

No more fear children no more fear.
For now the big man walks no more.
No more fear children no more fear

I'm strapped to the table.
It is the hour of my death.
The clock strikes midnight and I feel the drugs beginning to stop my heart.
The warden asks if I would like to make a last statement.
With my last breath I say
No more fear children no more fear.
My heart stops.

I'm dead at 23.
Dead but never to be forgotten because I stopped the big man.

Shay Kuntz
June 1996
For C; You’re away and he can’t hurt you anymore. Remember the triangle and it’s power.

