V20STATS.COM - Data harvested from WORLDOMETERS.INFO

CORONAVIRUS STATISTICS - Mar 28, 2023 WORLDOMETERS has ceased providing virus information
because their country sources have ceased maintaining the information. The numerical data has been frozen since then.

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face,
and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” -- 2 Chronicles 7:14 (KJV)

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Why is this happening? What can we do about it?


See Mass Formation Psychosis explanation below


* 99.00% - WORLD SURVIVABILITY CASE RATE - 99.00% average last 14 days - flat yesterday
* 98.91% - US SURVIVABILITY - 98.91% average last 14 days
* 27000 - Deaths on HHS VAERS within 48-hours after vaccination through May 2022 - during the 1976 swine flu, the vaccinations were halted in caution in several states after 3 died. Research has shown less than 20% of the adverse reactions are captured on VAERS.


- 30.92% of the US population has recovered from COVID - Dr. Malone says recovered individuals have "Robust, Durable" immunization - no jab needed
- New MonkeyPox is more fear porn - misdirection by the government officials - see video below - 95% from homosexual behavior - spread by physical contact
- This is not a health issue, but globalists trying to takeover the world with Major Formation Psychosis - classic control techniques. See JABS link for details.
- NIH has known since June 2021 from two studies covering 33 trials showing statistically significant reduction in mortality and contracting COVID-19 with IVERMECTIN.
- As long as a known medicinal is available, the government cannot LEGALLY use an available Emergency Use Authorization for a mandated jab- 21 CFR 56.102(d)
- India has nearly wiped out COVID with Ivermectin - largest state is COVID free.
- Norway drops COVID's pandemic status - it is just like the annual flu - if that happens in the US, many of these draconian governmental moves are no longer legal - 9/25
- The hospitals are filling with patients who have received the jabs.
- All US shots being administered are still the experimental version - good luck with that.
- Per VAERS, 20,244 COVID vaccine deaths in 10 months - 2024 per month compared to all the influenza vaccines for the last ten years where 2,072 died - 5.8 per month.
- John Hopkins research of children with COVID under 18 had a zero fatality rate unless their was an underlining condition.
- Cleveland Clinic - those who recovered from COVID infection gain NO benefit from the jab
- Top 10 Things You Should Know About COVID-19 Jabs - MAY 2021


There are 14 other fully, reporting countries that have higher virus deaths per 1,000,000 population rates than the US's - 3,405 per 1,000,000. But the population of the US (334.8M) is 66.44% higher than the summed population of those other countries (112.4M). The average death rate for those others countries was 4,860 per 1,000,000 - 42.75% higher than that in the US.

There are also 57 other fully, reporting countries that have higher virus cases per 1,000,000 population rates than the US's - 312,900 per 1,000,000. But the population of the US is 55.88% lower than the summed population of those other countries (521.9M). The case rate for those others countries was 473,383 per 1,000,000 - 51.29% higher than that in the US.

Yes, the US does have the most fatalities as reported by the fake news (NPR). But it should be reported by fatalities per population. The US is the third most populous country behind China and India and neither are fully reporting their statistics.


Study Calls for Moratorium on COVID Vaccinations

International Journal of Innovative Research in Medical Science - Nov 11, 2024

With the election behind us and immense government public health reform on the horizon, the study by Rogers et al, titled COVID-19 Vaccines: A Risk Factor for Cerebral Thrombotic Syndromes, was just published after successful peer-review.


Pfizer is mutating the Covid Virus to discover new Illnesses for new Vaccines
Project Veritas - Jan 25, 2023 - 10 Minutes - YouTube Banished

"Pfizer Exposed For Exploring "Mutating" COVID-19 Virus For New Vaccines Via 'Directed Evolution
Jordan Trishton Walker, Pfizer Director of Research and Development - Strategic Operations and mRNA Scientific Planning

Sept 28 - 8 minutes

Lawyer Reiner Fuellmich provides explanation of the COVID plandemic developed by DAVOS megaomatics to takeover the world
with a world government and digital currency.

CDC Admits Natural Immunity Works Better Than COVID Jabs

Natural News - Sep 4,2022

After two and a half years of weaponizing health messages and destroying the very fabric of society, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) had decided that natural immunity works better than COIVD jabs. The CD is now promoting an "anti-vax" message that they aggressively censored, disparaged and attacked since 2020. The CDC updated their guidelines in August 2022, asking for the vaccinated and the unvaccinated to be treated equally throughout society.

Citizens Free Press - SEP 2, 2022

Cases in Japan are still at near record highs [SEE TODAY'S COUNTRY NEW CASE CHARTS], nearly two months into tHe country's latest surge despite 95-99% mask compliance.
BR> It's amazing experts are still pretending, despite unequivocal evidence proving them wrong, that we can "control COVID" if enough people wear masks.

Dr. Bryan Ardis
Part of Medical Freedom Panel hosted By Senator Mastriano - March 2022 - 2 minutes

- Brian Ardis reviews some of the overlooked Remdesivir facts
--- Remdesivir initially tested in Eboli trials and was so deadly withdrawn early by the African leaders after Remdesivir's death rate exceeded 50% - too deadly and too ineffective.
------ Fauci's organization funded the study and knew the results.
--- Fauci issued an NIH hospital memo that Remdesivir was to be the only treatment for COVID patients
--- Remdesivir caused liver, kidney and heart failure.

Doctors Sue FDA, Allege Crusade Against Ivermectin ‘Unlawfully Interfered’
With Their Ability to Treat Patients - Jun 6, 2022

In a lawsuit filed June 2, Drs. Robert L. Apter, Mary Talley Bowden and Paul E. Marik argued the FDA acted outside of its authority by directing the public, including health professionals and patients, to not use ivermectin — even though the drug is fully approved by the FDA for human use.

Monkey Pox - Truth Versus Fear Porn - Dr. Malone
May 20, 2022 - 8 minutes

- Monkey Pox - Misdirection Play
- Mortality rate of POX diseases usually less than 1%
- Monkey Pox is not circulating - very limited right now
- Government trying to spin up more fear

What is Mass Formation Psychosis?"

Billions of People Are Affected by It and Don't Realize It
We are facing - A Much Greater Threat
Dr. Robert Malone - Dec 9, 2021

STUDY: Natural Immunity to COVID-19 Detected at 20 Months after Infection
Epoch Times - Feb 4, 2022

Protection against the virus that causes COVID-19 among the recovered was detected by researchers at 20 months post-infection, adding to the body of evidence that such protection, known as natural immunity, is long-lasting.

Nano particles in "COVID" Pfizer vaccine causing negative health outcomes
Interview with Spanish scientist who looked into vaccines - Jul 2021 - 25 minutes

--- [Vimeo will try to get you to sign up. Look for NO THANKS option.]
--- Vaccine contains Nano particles which produces many of the symptoms equated to COVID
--- When Nano particle were noted in the masks, those produces were withdrawn from the market because of the danger
--- Yet we persist injecting nano particles into our bodies directly with the vaccines
--- Nano particle have been detected in some of the PCR tests we have been using (recorded 7 months ago, so may no longer be the case)
--- Glutathione can help detox the body of the Nano particles. Available in NAC at the health food stores.
--- Those who exercise and young children have some ability to create their own glutathione and will have some protection.

ER Nurse Testifies in Senate Hearing about Hospital Deaths
Jan 25, 2022 - 8 minutes

- People are not dying of COVID, as much as hospital practices
- Doctors following hospital directions, not medical knowledge
- Doctors not knowledgeable about the fallout of vaccinations


Excellent Senator Ron Johnson hearing on the status of COVID with numerous excellent speakers
Jan 25, 2022 - 5 hours

- Research has shown recovered individuals are immune from further COVID illness. One test 88% and the other 77%. Conducted by Pizer and Maderna - yes, they make the vaccines.
- Multiple issues of corruption are identified by the FDA, CDC who were invited to attend, but thought they had more important things to attend.
- Medicinal interventions have the most impact if in the first 72-hours.
- Bicycles cause more childhood fatalities than COVID, so COVID be banded.
-"Everyone in the hospital is unvaccinated" - That is because one is not considered vaccinated only after 10 or more days after the last shot. That is why the US data is inconsistent with other countries.

Registered nurse Nicole Sirotek shares what she saw on the front lines in NYC
Jan 25, 2022 - 8 minutes

- Nurse founded American Frontline Nurses to collect mistreatment information from various hospitals
- Available off-label approaches (HCQ, Ivermectin,...) are outlawed though they have numerous positive studies.
- Hospitals are treating patients following incentive-driven treatments whether or not best for the patient.
- Compares treatment of patients to Concentration Camps - withholding food, baths, familial visits, turning, for extended period.

Why Do Hospitals Have to be Incented to Do the Right Thing for the Patient??
Jan 15, 2022 - 8 minutes

--- Hospitals incentivized (paid extra) if:
----- Patient diagnosed with COVID
----- Patient treated with Remdesivir
----- Other treatments are not used - ivermectin, hydrochloroquine
----- Patients placed on a ventilator
----- Patients dies with COVID
--- Outpatient doctors incentivized for giving COIVD vaccinations based on percentage of patients vaccinated
--- Follow early treat recommendations on TruthForHealth.ORG
--- Do everything to stay out of the hospitals.

PAST ICU Doctor Who Quit on Mandate Day Is Only Doc in Town Providing Early Treatment

Dr. Morgan Wallace, who has witnessed firsthand the deaths of COVID patients says that ALL these deaths should be considered Murders - Jan 6 - 2 minutes

Outpatient Treatments for COVID-19 Have Been Suppress
Dr. McCullough - Epoch Times - Jan 3, 2022

Dr. McCullough told The Epoch Times that the public should question why the government and health care officials around the world have placed little or no emphasis on outpatient treatments in their efforts to fight COVID-19, instead promoting a massive effort on the vaccines.

COVID-19 Pandemic of Misinformation - Dr. Brian Tyson
OAN - Dec 28 - 29 minutes

- 100% cure rate of COVID if treated in first 7 days at our clinic including ivermectin, hydrochloroquine
- Based on Israel experience of over 800,000 - Natural immunity which is robust and enduring (over a year) is the winning ticket - 1% reinfection.
- New aspirin study shows 46% reduction in mortality which is the same as the newly approved pill. Aspirin side effects are well known - not so much for the new pill.
- Never see cases of myocarditis in teen or child, but have seen four cases this year in vaccinated patients.
- Vaccine vendors claim it is better to have their vaccine than nothing (Basis for Emergency Use drug). but we have old, cheap medicinal that are effective.
- Vaccine was developed for the initial variant and it is not as effective with thte new variants.
- Pfizer paid out $4 billion in the past for misleading the product - here we go again.
- Vaccine that was approved is not available in the US. We are in the middle of a bait and switch scheme - public knows a product is approved, but it is not the one that is mandated.
- OSHA is no longer requiring employees to report an adverse reactions to the vaccine. WHY?
- CMS (Medicare) database is reporting 46,000 seniors died within two weeks of receiving the vaccine. Then the CDC changed their definition of "fully vaccinated" to after two weeks of the second shot?
- COVID vaccine doesn't keep you from getting sick, nor you spreading it.
- Anything in medicine is always with informed consent between doctor and patient. Mandates in medicine for something that doesn't prevent getting it or spreading it, is 100% illegal and criminal.
- In CA, if 30-40% of the health care work force can be laid off, then there is no emergency.
- Country could be opened up today and got back to normal today. Sweden did it - look at Texas and Florida.

BOMBSHELL - Could Omicron Be the Cure for COVID? - Natural News - Dec 3,2021

Omicron is spreading quickly but producing no serious symptoms in those who are said to be "infected" with it. It appears that omicron, despite being widely hyped by the scientifically illiterate corporate media, may have finally reached "seasonal flu" status in terms of its relatively mild impact on human health.

And that means omicron might be the cure for COVID. It could end this entire pandemic without the need for vaccines, masks, social distancing or lockdowns. By simply allowing omicron to sweep through the human population -- producing almost zero deaths -- the entire world could become immune to COVID and we could end all the global madness, including Australia's totalitarian "COVID concentration camps" that are making global headlines.

Little Evidence Supports Use of Cloth Masks to Limit Spread of CCP Virus
Epoch Times - Nov 27, 2021

"The truth is that there has been only two randomized trials of masks for COVID. One was in Denmark, which showed that they might be slightly beneficial, they might be slightly harmful, we don't really know -- the confidence interval kind of crossed zero." per Martin Kulldorff, senior scientific director of the Brownstone Institute. He continued, "And then there was another study from Bangladesh where they randomized villagers to masks or no masks. And the efficacy of the masks for reduction of COVID was something between zero and 18% - so either there is no or miniscule effect."

Major Study: Naturally Immune People 99.6% Protected from Re-infection for 9 months
Nov 24, 2021 - 20 minutes

A new, major study published in the New England Journal from Qatar found that those with natural anti-bodies are very well protected against future infections. Of 0.4% that were reinfected, 99% were light cases.

From PeoplesPunditDaily.COM - Nov 23, 2021


- Medicare rewards hospital to solely use Remdesivir when it has many side effects
- Ivermectin is the second item listed on NIH's website as the recommended treatment. Remdesivir was first.
- When the Swine Flu vaccine killed 50 people, that vaccine was stopped. COVID vaccines have killed over 20,000 people, yet the vaccine is still being rolled out.

FDA's use of Temporary Voting Members may help us understand unexplainable decisions - Oct 2021

"The FDA is completely captured by the pharmaceutical industry. We’ve known this for decades. Every time that the FDA gets caught red-handed they promise a series of reforms that make absolutely no difference and then they go back to business as usual."

European Court COVID Lawyer Proposes Class Action Against COVID Scammers
Oct 20, 2021 - 49 minutes

- Crime against Humanity
- Desden PCR test means absolutely nothing - 89-94% false
- Lockdown measures only to create panic to sell drugs
COVID no more dangerous than normal flu with 1.4% fatalities.
- Germany targets for its world role model
- COVID mortality has not been more than normal flu

FACT CHECKERS - owned by a huge View the Vaccine Political Group
14 minutes - Oct 2021

If you want news about your group censored, join this political action company and they will have their FACT CHECKERS company cover for you in social media platforms.

Dr Lee Merriott - Don't Let Kids Wear Masks - Freedom Forum
KC, KS - Sept 2021 - 24 minutes

- FDA having USPS interdict ivermectin at the border
- Vaccinated can shed virus for up to 10 weeks
- Vaccines genetic mechanisms can be aimed at certain organs.
- Scientific research focused on brain interfaces - electrical impulses can be pushed through cells
- G5 is part of the plan - communicated to vaccinated components
- Do not take one step backwards - don't let them lock you down
- Masks are a war against children. It is an occult symbol of submission. The longer children wear masks in school, the easier to control them in the future. Don't let your children wear masks.

Dr. Stillwagon addresses commissioners on masks and vaccines - 3 minutes - Sep 27, 2021

- Things to be fearful about
--- Mask decreases oxygen in lung
--- Virus infects better with reduced oxygen
--- Infection 13 times more probable developing respiratory infection with reduced oxygen
- Shot has one goal - to make antibodies
--- Can't keep virus out.
--- Can't address variants.
--- Fully jabs people are getting sick.
--- Variants emerging from vaccinated.
--- FDA approved an application not a vaccine product. The product available in the US is has not been approved. It is experimental.
- By law, you can't force people without informed consent and animal trials to accept a vaccination.
- You are in violation of the constitution and the Nauenberg Convention and you will be prosecuted.

Who do you trust? A doctor who is a brain surgeon or
an octogenarian doctor who pays a China lab to develop dangerous viruses?

More children have been shot in Chicago this year than children who have died of COVID - Sep 12, 2021

Patients tested COVID positive with bogus PCR test then treated with Remdesivir
DEAD end for many - Sept 8, 2021 - 15 minutes

HIGHLIGHTS from whistleblower hospital nurse:
- PCR test still being used a confirmation of COVID [it has been debunked and even the CDC has yanked its approval, but waiting until 1/1/22 - why?]
- Hospitals not being overrun with COVID patients.
- If PCR test is positive, treated as COVID even though there may be no other symptoms.
- Remdesivir still being used although staff know kidneys or other organs will be impacted.
- Many of the patients are reactions to the vaccination
- 50% of the hospital employees would not accept the vaccine because they know the adverse impact
- Ivermectin was used in combo with Remdesivir for a while with better results, but has protocol has stopped.
- There is no test for the COVID-d variant [which might explain some of the patients]

Physicians for Informed Consent COVID Summary - Aug 2021

- Infection-Fatality Rate of 1918 flu (2.3%) while COVID (0.3%)
- Backed by 44 references

Doctor Shares COVID Science with a School Board - Dr. Dan Stock - Aug 3,2021 - 7 minutes

- Still having the same problem, because we are doing things that aren't useful.
- Science not being followed that NIH paid to be done.
- No one can make this virus go away. [We need to treat it.]
- Normal respirational infections can't be controlled by masks and don't happen in the summer.
- All respiratory virus circulate all year and wait for the bodies weakest point during the winter.
- Virus is being fought wrong, making it worse than with native infection. Proved in animal studies.
- Outbreaks among those fully vaccinated. They are spreading the disease.
- Vaccines do not stop infections and should not be used when other treatments are available. Also reinfected vaccinated persons will not fair as well as those unvaccinated.
- Alternative treatment - ivermectin, Vitamin D, zinc
- [Cleveland Clinic] has proven recovered individual gain nothing from the vaccine.
- If you are going to have masks policies, there should also be vitamin D tests, Zinc tests, and recovered COVID policies as well.
- Information from NIH and CDC is counter factual and vary bad science guidance.

European COVID Lawyer Interviews Dr. Bryan Ardis - Aug 1, 2021 - 55 minutes

- COVID vaccine is Intentional Medical Genocide
- Fauci provided guidance to hospitals that they not use hydro chloroquine by Remdesivir. 80% died per WORLDOMETER.INFO in June 2020.
- Remdesivir has not successfully completed research tests. In fact, it was yanked from one because of the lethal impacts after 8 days. Remdesivir cases acute kidney failure - the COVIX virus doesn't do that - the drug does. It was yanked from a Gilead test as well, because 22% of had lethal issues.
- Huge amount of under reporting that probably 100 times what is provided.
- Dr. Rustin's PCR test was bogus. Originally 46 amplification of the sample was used and many false positives - flu illnesses were covered up and non-existent in 2020. Then the PCR test was confined to 26 or so cycles.
- Multiple Symptoms Inflammatory Syndrome - known side effect of the vaccine. New medical code had to be invented to cover it. Reported heavily to CDC but does not appear on VAERS. Debilitating impact on children's organs.
- Components in the vaccine can interrupt the ovary of developing female fetus so no eggs will be available for future pregnancy. Child will be infertile.

Research found no fatalities among children under 18 with no pre-existing condition - July 26, 2021

John Hopkins research team reviewed about 48,000 cases of children under 18 reported to have COVID between April and August of last year. They report found a mortality rate of zero among children without a pre-existing medical condition such as leukemia.

European Court COVID Lawyer Shares Insights
Discusses Various COVID Issues
Reiner Fuellmich - London - July 24, 2021 - 11 minutes

- COVID no more dangerous than normal flu with 1.4% fatalities.
- Desden PCR COVID test claimed gold standard by W.H.O. is a fraud
--- PCR Cannot detect infections
--- PCR provides false positive per ex-Pfizer VP
- Declared a Public Health Emergency International Concern to justify mass jab rollout of untested drugs on humans
- Masks used for illusions and substigation
- Jabs included experimental gene therapies and lack effectiveness
- There are effective alternatives available
- Jab is dangerous - US VAERS is reporting 45,000 deaths after 108 days of use. It is known that 1-10% of the adverse problems don't get reported to VAERS so the real number could by over 500,000. They are now making entering an VAERS report as difficult as possible.
- US is suppressing all social media not in line with government thoughts.
- This was never about health. The globalist are after:
--- Destructing the regional economies
--- Shifting the wealth to the super rich
--- Genocide - population reduction
--- Gain population control
- Public Demands a Live Debate
- Science is not science without discussion
- Vaccines don't work when there is corruption

CDC withdraws support for the PCR test used to detect COVID
because PCR can't differentiate from influenza - Jul 21, 2021

CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses - July 21, 2021

July 7, 2021 - 71 minutes

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko was interviewed by author John Leake. Dr. Zelenko tells an extraordinary story of successfully treating his patients for Covid-19 and then sharing his insight with the White House. In spite of (or because of) President Trump's initial embrace of Dr. Zelenko's treatment protocol, government agencies such as the NIH and FDA first dismissed it, and then prevented public access to its key ingredient, hydroxychloroquine. This deliberate suppression of a life saving medication led to the preventable deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americas.

New Research: COVID Infection Antibodies Could Last Years

Joseph Mercola - June 9, 2021 - Epoch News

-- Study finds the antibodies we develop after infection may last much longer than new reports led us to previously believe - published in Nature.
-- While the blood antibodies decreased, 78% of the participants' bone marrow had antibody producing cells for SARS-CoV-2.
-- "We found antibody-producing cells in people 11 months after first symptoms. These cells will live and produce antibodies for the rest of people's lives. That's strong evidence for long-lasting immunity." Ali Ellebedy, Washington School of Medicine, St. Louis
-- Before COVID-19, it was acknowledged that a natural infection nearly always produces a better immune response in the body than a vaccine.
-- Use of ivermectin could have reduced COVID-19 deaths by as much as 75 percent.
-- One international survey of 2,002 people found those who have recovered from a COVID-19 illness and received their first jab experienced "significantly increased incidence and severity of side effects."
-- Despite being inexpensive and readily available, many of these early treatments have been censured and suppressed as public health officials have encouraged people to wait for a global mass jab campaign.
-- Five months into the campaign, the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) shows more than 4,200 people have in the US have died after getting the shot. Any other vaccine would have been pulled from the market. For example, in 1976, 45 million people were vaccinated against the swine flu. After more than 500 cases of Guillain-Barre were reported with more than 25 deaths, the program was cancelled.
-- These numbers are likely to be seriously underestimated since VAERS appears to be backlogged by about three months.
-- Death Rate May Rise This Fall and Winter - The jab can destroy your immune system. The jabbed will be more vulnerable to variants. Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) means the vaccine actually enhances the virus' ability to enter and infect your cells which results in more severe disease.
-- If you have received the jab and encountered adverse reaction, be sure to report it to:
---- in the US< file a report on vaers.hhs.gov
---- on VaxxTracker.com which is non-governmental - you can report anonymously if you like.
---- on the Children's Health Defense website.

NIH Studies of 33 Ivermectin Trials Proved It Works - Jun 2021 - 3 minutes

- NIH ran two studies (April and June 2021) covering 33 trials of ivermectin. It was shown to be statistically, significant in reducing mortality and reducing contraction of COVID-19.
- It is low cost and safe. Has been on the WHO list of safe drugs for over 50 years.
- Could reduce mortality globally.
- If there is a viable COVD-19 treatment, ivermectin, the government cannot legally impose a mandate of an experimental drug.

Just coincidence? - Dec 2020

A drug called Remdesivir, manufactured by Gilead Sciences, is now being reported as the ultimate CURE for COVID-19. The patent for Remdesivir is currently held by China, through an agreement with Gilead™ a drug patent sharing subsidiary, called UNITAID which has an office near Wuhan, China. Some major financial investors in UNITAID are George Soros, Bill & Melinda Gates, and the WHO (World Health Org.).

Both, Gilead Sciences and UNITAID were financial backers of Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election. And Dr. Fauci authorized millions of American dollars to be sent to The Wuhan Institute of Virology in China (some laundered through American colleges), specifically for the study of Coronaviruses. Dr. Fauci’s wife works for Gilead Sciences.

What do you think? Just coincidences! Nothing to see here folks, just keep moving. It’s no wonder Dr. Fauci slapped down hydroxychloroquine, which is inexpensive, has been around for over 60 years with a proven safety record, even though its success rate was very favorable. news media backed him up all the way. It’s amazing what you find when you just follow the money.

Here’s a link to the full, very thorough report. Do you detect political considerations?

The world annual death rate has been nearly flat or lower than the past during this pandemic??

COVID History from 1999 - China and US involved - 7 minutes

David E. Martin, PhD - National Intelligence Analyst reviews history of COVID through patents and funding
- 1999 - Patents on Coronavirus started appearing
- 2003 - Deadly virus sweeps through Hong King
- 2003 - CDC issued a patent for virus
- 2002 - Coronavirus was identified as something that could be used for good or ill
- 2003 - CDC files patent on COVID transmitted to humans
- 2007 - CDC filed notice with patent office to keep their patent confidential
- CDC also file patents on COVID detection and a kit to measure it
- CDC had the means, motive and monetary gain to turn it from a pathogen to profit
- 2013 - NIH sends letters to COVID researchers telling them to stop - later in notice "this pause is voluntary".
- 2015 - Research offshored to Wuhan - running money through a group of US organizations so it appears to be US research
- China could say "US did it", the US could say "China did it", and they are both almost telling the truth.

Discussed Various COVID Issues - Dr. Ryan Cole - Apr 5, 2021 - 29 minutes

- Dr. Ryan Cole is the CEO/Medical Director of one of largest independent Idaho medical labs.
- Average COVID victim death age 78.6. Average annual US death age - 78.6. Looks like the same.
- Insanity to wear a mask outside.
- There is no FLU season - only periods of low Vitamin D absorption.
- We have an international Vitamin D deficiency, not a pandemic.
- It is more difficult for people of color to absorb Vitamin D from the sun during the summer. This is not a racial issue, but a biological fact.
- Sufficient Vitamin D can eliminate 90% of the COVID deaths.
- You can not get Vitamin D from the sun if you live above the 35th parallel.
- Obesity reduces your ability to absorb Vitamin D.
- Fauci takes 8000-9000 IUs of Vitamin D during the winter. [Yet the NIH website recommends 600 IU of Vitamin D daily.]
- Most of the approved medications, though very expensive like Redesavir, are only effective if provided early in the illness. Six months ago WHO said to stop using it, because it does not add to survivability.
- Ivermectin is the best restorative/preventive treatment. It is $0.02 a dose. Has gained praise from many other countries. On WHO list of the essential safest drugs.
- Summer 2020, discovered that ivermectin killed COVID in petri dishes. FOur billion have been treated.
- By law, if there is an available treatment for a disease, then a vaccine cannot be recommended.
- While the FDA is reluctant to accept lab research on ivermectin from outside the US, much of the "vaccine" research was done outside the country and that is acceptable. Yuh?
- Numerous Houston hospitals have emptied their ICU, by using ivermectin.
- India has used ivermectin on two million and totally wiped out the disease there. Ivermectin can cover all variants of COVID.
- Prescription can be obtained from online doctor - MyFreeDoctor.COM
- Vaccinated individuals may be less resistance to other illnesses in the future.
- In October 2020, the verbiage of the Federal Register was modify to allow the developed "vaccine" which is really an experimental DNA segment could be called a vaccine.
- Requiring a mask and social distancing after vaccination, proves the powers to be do not believe it is effective.
- After the test animals received the vaccination, 100% of the animals' immunity are exposed to a wild variant of the virus, they had an immune reaction.
- Comparing the restrictions of the Dakotas, North required a mask and the South didn't. The graph of COVID per million are almost identical - mask do nothing.
- MRNA can cause auto-immune attack on pregnant women. One anecdote - a friend's wife was seven months pregnant. She was vaccinated and aborted her baby soon thereafter.

Can Ivermectin Help With COVID? - Jan 25, 2021

- Ivermectin can be useful at all stages of infection - real strength in prevention
- In Aug 2020, two Indian states including the largest one, distributed ivermectin for free. They now have the two lowest fatality rates in all of India.
- Nebulized Hydrogen Peroxide - recommended home remedy for prophylaxis and treatment.
SOURCE: articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2021/01/25

Jan 20, 2021

- Like changing the rules right after the polio vaccine was introduced to reduce the number of cases, the WHO increased the requirements on what can be considered a COVID positive case
- On the same day Biden signed an Executive Order to rejoin the WHO. Conincidence??


Zinc deficiency is well known to cause anosmia and taste dysfunction. This is because one of the enzymes critical to maintain taste and smell function is a zinc dependent metalloenzyme called carbonic anhydrase.

Dec 1, 2021

Bamlanivimab (LY-CoV555) is a neutralizing IgG1 monoclonal antibody manufactured by Eli Lilly that works against the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein to reduce viral replication. An FDA Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for Bamlanivimab was released on 9 November 2020. Bamlanivimab is not currently FDA-approved for any indication. It is an expensive, so be sure to ask ahead if its covered by insurance or government grant.
Details on which patients can get Bamlanivimab are provided below, but in short it has to be a patient who:
1) Has a positive direct SARS-CoV-2 test, PLUS
2) Is not sick enough to require hospitalization, PLUS
3) Is not sick enough to require oxygen therapy, PLUS
4) Is at high risk for progressing to severe COVID-19 and/or hospitalization, PLUS
5) Is within 10 days of symptom onset

FDA Authorizes Monoclonal Antibody for Treatment of COVID-19
Nov 9, 2021

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued an emergency use authorization (EUA) for the investigational monoclonal antibody therapy bamlanivimab for the treatment of mild-to-moderate COVID-19 in adult and pediatric patients. Bamlanivimab is authorized for patients with positive results of direct SARS-CoV-2 viral testing who are 12 years of age and older weighing at least 40 kilograms (about 88 pounds), and who are at high risk for progressing to severe COVID-19 and/or hospitalization. This includes those who are 65 years of age or older, or who have certain chronic medical conditions.

NAC's Crucial Role in Preventing and Treating COVID-19
Nov 10, 2021

N-acetylcysteine (NCA) is a precursor to reduce glutathione, which appears to play a crucial role in COVID-19. According to an April 2020 literature analysis, glutathione deficiency may be associated with COVID-19 severity, leading the author to conclude that NAC may be useful both for its prevention and treatment.

In a recent study, the number to treat (NNT) was 0.5, which means for every two people treated with NAC, one will be protected against symptomatic influenza. That's significantly better than influenza vaccines, which have a NNV (number needed to vaccinate) of 71, meaning 71 people must be vaccinated to prevent a single case of confirmed influenza. It's even better than vitamin D, which has a NNT of 33.

People Are Dying? Quit Waiting for Vaccines – You have alternatives

- Anti-virals have been out since 1970’s which treat viruses. Though not specified for that specific use in WHO handbook, they have been found to be effective against COVID. India Medical training included their use as anti-virals years ago. US medical training still doesn’t. [1]
- These drugs have been included in WHO’s Essential Drug list of safe drugs. [2]
- If you are going to a malaria prone country, doctors will prescribe hydroxychloroquine as a knee jerk. But all of a sudden there is a possible heart impact that suddenly can’t be minimized if they are looking to use hydroxychloroquine as a COVID treatments?
- Ivermectin has been used against COVID with such success that a lung doctor representing a large group came to US Senate hearing and begged that they pass on his results to the FDA and insist it be added as a recommended treatment. He said, there is no excuse for one more person dying from COVID with the knowledge we have today. [3]
- Many of the drugs company fund much of the FDA budget. There is a significant income stream from vaccine sales. Recognizing effective drugs would impact vaccine sales. [1]
- Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine have been available for over 50 years, are widely used, and are generic products. I checked this afternoon with my local pharmacy and they are available should a doctor want to order them.
- The ONLY way the FDA can authorize an Emergency Use Authorization for a vaccine, is if it can be proven that there is no other treatment or cure for the illness. Now do you understand why hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Zinc, Vitamin D, Azithromycin et al have all been dismissed as viable treatments?
- India has 418% larger population than the US, but the reported fatality rate per 1,000,000 is 91% less than the US. [4] What could possibility explain that disconnect?
A) US tends to be far more liberal in counting what is a COVID deaths because of the monetary bonus to the hospitals – anecdotes abundant that suicides, SIDS and auto accident deaths have been included
B) India has to be cost sensitive with such a large population and look for the most cost-effective treatments.
C) Much of the Indian population was already using anti-virals due to their environmental conditions.
[1] angelfire.com/oh3/elpmet/imiages/Medicines-Amid-Covid.mp4
[2] https://www.who.int/groups/expert-committee-on-selection-and-use-of-essential-medicines/essential-medicines-lists
[3] https://covid19criticalcare.com/
[4] worldometers.info/coronavirus

Medicine Amid Covid - Dr. Lee Merit - Jan 15, 2021

- Only listen to what is being censored, not the news - like this item which was suppressed by YouTube
- generic medications - ivermectin and hydro chloroquine - prevent and cure virus illnesses - India has been using them for years - COVID is a virus
- We had treatments for virus since mid 1970's but is squelched because there would be no need for virus vaccines - drug companies would lose that vaccine profit stream. Not covered in the US medical training.
- CDC does not drill down on those who died, but India did. Having a Vitamin D level above 30 directly relates to survivability - only 4% in ICU
- Survival rate is 99.9991% from COVID - 99.992% from the flu
- Vaccines should only be used for things we can't treat.
- All COVID vaccines use MRNA approach not like attenuated samples in past vaccines.
- All animals in five MRNA vaccine studies have died when re-exposed - not from the re-exposure but from immune dependent enhancement
- MRNA vaccines can be used as perfect binary weapon. Vaccinate everyone and in a later time introduce a secondary agent that activates a fatal illness - like it did the animals.
- No one should be required at take a vaccine. Doctors in Germany after World War II were hung for requiring vaccines. NO MEDICAL TREATMENT IS MANDATORY. Biden wants every to be vaccinated for COVID.
- Supplements that can improve your immunity - NAC, Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, zinc, selenium, quercetin
- Need to ask your governor to not REQUIRE MRNA vaccines.
- Five governors have removed all controls on the distribution of HCQS,
- We need to have plentiful supplies of ivermectin and hydro chloroquine.
- In a separate link on this website page, a respected doctor pleads with a Senators to encourage the FDA to review his findings on the use of ivermectin. "There is no reason for any further COVID deaths."

Ivermectin Proven to Be Preventive and Restorative for COVID - Dec 8, 2020

Dr. Pierre Kory, MD, representing a highly published group of physicians testified before a Senate Committee.
- Ivermectin - 3.7 billion doses since 1970 with unparalleled success and almost no safety issues. Won Nobel prize in 2015 for anti-inflammatory properties.
- Ivermectin is on the WHO List of Essential Medicines.
- NIH last reviewed in Aug 2020, but now there is much more completed research showing ivermectin success and the NIH should review again.
- Argentina - 800 medical workers provided ivermectin and none developed COVID, while another 400 were not treated and 58% became sick.
- Paraguay - leaders developed COVID and recovered from ivermectin treatment. In an effort to spread the treatment and avoid medical advice against it, it was publicized as a de-wormer and COVID cases were reduced.
- Peru - all regions except city of Lima adopted the use of ivermectin. All the regions dramatically improved, but Lima cases remain high.
- Other large countries do not have money for expensive drugs have found some generic drugs are very effective like ivermectin
- Majority of COVID deaths Kory had seen were - Latinos, African Americans, and elderly

Critical Care COVID-19 Management Protocol
Nov 30, 2020

Approach for home/hospital treatment mostly using over the counter supplements and Ivermetin

Nov 18, 2020

Studies suggest that higher humidity can enhance the body’s ability to fight off infection; that the coronavirus decays faster at close to 60% relative humidity than at other levels; and that drier air can lead to greater numbers of tiny coronavirus particles that travel farther and penetrate deeper into the lungs.

High Dose Vitamin D Sharply Reduces ICU Need - Dec 9,2020

Dubai hospital: After seeing that COVID patients who were already on vitamin D recovered quickly, they started giving all patients a one-time dose of 300,000 IUs per injection, then about 7,000 IU per day. They report sharp decline in intensive care hospitalizations.

OAN Investigative Report
Remove COVID Lockdown Now - Use HCQ - Oct 28, 2020

- March 2020 CARS Act - rewarded hospitals extra 20% Medicare bonus for COVID cases
Cases are being counted as COVID even though it was not the dominate cause of death - CDC estimates that only 6% of the announced cases were rally COVID deaths.
- 88,000 - died from pneumonia/ influenza
- 46,000 - died from hypertensive diseases
- 40,000 - died from cardiac/heart failure
- 24,000 - died from heart disease
- 19,000 - died from chronic respiratory diseases
- 130,000 - died from life ending diseases - cancer, dementia, altzheimers, kidney, obesity
- 7,000 - died from self-inflicted causes
- Doctors only need to "believe" a death is COVID related to code it on death certificate - no science needed.
- In Oregon, all deaths are counted as COVID.
- In LA County - any death having a positive COVID test 90 days earlier is COVID.
We have a treatment (hydrochloroquine) that has been used since 1955 and also treats lupus, malaria, and arthritis. In those 65 years, there have been only 20 deaths from adverse reactions with 100,000,000 patients. In May, Lancent published an article saying HCQS was dangerous that was withdrawn due to falsified data. The World Health Organization lists HCQ on their Essential Medicines of the World list. Yet some local/state governments have banned its use interfering with the doctor discretion. "Politicians should stay out of our health care." (Dr. Tyson, MD.)
- In Uganda, where no social distancing is used, 45,000,000 people have been taking HCQ for other diseases and there have only been 100 deaths.
- We do not need a vaccine to open the country. The Lockdowns are dramatically more harmful than the virus - people are terrified to go the doctor or hospital. Delayed treatments (COVID, as well as other diseases) are not as effective.
- Yet the NIH Recommendation is that no COVID treatment is necessary unless hospitalized and requiring oxygen to survive.
- 150 studies have shown HCQ is very effective if used early within the first 5 days of illness, COVID survival rates are very high
--- 00-19 years of age > 99.997%
--- 20-49 years of age > 99.98%
--- 50-69 > 99.5%
- The Great Barrington Declaration signed by over 44,000 doctors and scientists urge the use of HCQ and the end of lockdowns. (Representatives from Harvard, Stanford, and Oxford)

What does Fauci know that would have him taking 7.5 times Vitamin D than his NIH recommends? - Sept 16, 2020

Dr. Campbell’s shows his audience the email from Dr. Fauci stating that he takes 6000 IU a day. The NIH recommendations for vitamin D are:
IU ------ mcg ------ NIH RECOMMENDATION
400 ----- 10 ------- Birth to 12 months
600 ----- 15 ------- From 1 to 70 years
800 ----- 20 ------- For people over 70 years old

And now, a big leap:
6,000 --- 150 ------- Dr. Fauci’s daily intake (he’s just turned 80, so that makes his dose 7.5 times the recommendation)

Dr. Campbell also points out that 82% of African Americans are deficient in D and 70% of Hispanics [AKA known as Latins]. The serious disparity of persons of color dying at a greater rate from COVID has been in the news, and we know that melanin blocks UVB rays, so why isn’t more being done to educate minority communities about the benefits of vitamin D testing and supplementation?

Vitamin D can only be absorbed if sufficient Vitamin A is available. To absorb each molecule of Vitamin D requires one molecule of Vitamin A also be present. See Treatments for details.

New Study: Vitamin D reduces risk of ICU admission 97% - Sep 3, 2020

“Effect of Calcifediol Treatment and best Available Therapy versus best Available Therapy on Intensive Care Unit Admission and Mortality Among Patients Hospitalized for COVID-19: A Pilot Randomized Clinical study.” Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2020)

Now we understand why none of the alternatives are approved

The ONLY way the FDA can authorize an Emergency Use Authorization for a vaccine, is if it can be proven that there is no other treatment or cure for the illness. Now do you understand why hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Zinc, Vitamin D, Azithromycin et al have all been dismissed as viable treatments?

Maybe this is an attempt to break America since it is the only independent country refusing a New World Order plan?

Chinese Virologist - China Intentionally Developed COVID - Fox News - Sep 15, 2020

The Chinese government intentionally manufactured and released the COVID-19 virus that led to mass shutdowns and deaths across the world, a top virologist and whistleblower told Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Tuesday.


The combination of Ivermectin, in use since 1970s for parasitic infections, Doxycycline (antiviral) and zinc has been proven to be nearly 100% effective in curing and preventing re-occurrence of Coronavirus. Ivermectin is on the WHO's list of essential medications which means it has very few side effects and is safe. Its wholesale cost for a course of treatment is 12 cents. Has been peer reviewed by Monash University. Can be used every two weeks as a preventative. If oxygen level is above 50%, curative nearly 100%.

Conference of Doctors in Washington presenting their views
(Video no longer available)

Dr Todaro researched the source of the negative HCQS Lancet article and found it to be totally bogus and Lancet withdrew the article, but medical boards continue to pressure doctors not to use it. Misinformation is bad. Misinformation in medicine is worse. Misinformation from a prestigious medical journal is the worst.(starts at 2:26 into video)

Not one documented/verified case of a child spreading COVID virus to a teacher in the entire world - Mark Wollhouse, Prof of Infectious Disease and Immunology in Edinboro, Scotland. (at 40 minutes into video)

Recommended to boost immune for older adults - Melatonin, Vitamin-D, Vitamin-C, Quercetin, and Zinc (at 1:15 into video)

More people are harmed by the lockdown and related fear than by COVID (at 1:37 into video)

In nursing homes, when elderly drop their oxygen saturation below their norm or 95% start treating with HCQS 3-drug regime. Cardiologist said the heart impact was minimal. Three out of 38 patients died probably from other causes. FDA, medical boards and bureaucrats are responsible for many unnecessary deaths due to limiting use of HCQS 3-drug regime which should be the standard of care. (at 1:54 into video)

American Heart Association reports no instances of deaths due to extended QT (interval heart needs to recharge) when given HCQS. (at 2:09 into the video)

Why are more doctors not speaking up? - Negative press, Texas Medical Board threat, death threats, political backlash. Physicians taking HCQS themselves and their families, but not prescribing it to avoid medical board issues. (at 2:11 into the video)

ER doctor royally admonished when she prescribed HCQS regime. She continued to prescribe HCQS regime and was repeatedly admonished. She was threatened with job loss. (at 2:15 into the video)

Doctors under fear if reprisal. When toxic HCQS doses are given in past research, you get toxic results. No one has ever been taken off HCQS due to heart QT interval. (at 2:18 into video)

Our freedoms are being eroded. First stay at home, then inability to assemble, so people turn to social media, and now those are being censored. (starts at 2:26 into the video)

35-year doctor of the year (also state representative) dictated how to complete death certificates that overrides how he completed them in the past. If COVID was a possible contributing factor, Minnesota requires that to the listed as the primary cause of death.(starts at 3:00 into the video)

What can be done legislatively to help our doctors? Limit the scope of the medical board's power to things that are not political (Starts at 3:07 into the video)

Study ties hydroxychloroquine use to lower COVID-19 death rate - Jul 3, 2020

A study released Thursday links the use of hydroxychloroquine by COVID-19 patients to lower death rates, as health experts around the country try to find an effective treatment to combat the pandemic.

The study, conducted by Michigan's Henry Ford Health System, states that hydroxychloroquine, the controversial anti-malarial drug heralded by the White House as a potential treatment for the coronavirus, "significantly" lowered the mortality rate among COVID-19 patients.

In patients who received the drug, the death rate was 13 percent as compared to a death rate of 26.4 percent in patients who weren't administered the treatment.

Now Even CDC Admits COVID-19 is Not a Major Threat - May 27 - TargetLiberty.com

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the current "Best estimate" for the fatality rate among Americans with COVID-19 symptoms is 0.4 percent. The CDC also estimates that 35 percent of the people infected by the COVID-10 virus never develop symptoms. Those numbers imply that the virus kills less than 0.3 percent of people infected by it - far lower than the infection rate assumed by the alarming projections that drove the initial government response to the epidemic, including broad business closure and stay-at-home orders.

The CDC estimates that the case fatality rate for COIVD-19 falls to 0.05 percent among people younger than 50 and rises to 1.3 percent among people 65 or older. For people in the middle (ages 50-64), the estimated case fatality rate is 0.2 percent.

The projections that the CDC made in March, which predicted that as many as 1.7 million Americans could die from COVID-19 without intervention, assumed an infection fatality rate of 0.8 percent. Around the same time, researchers at Imperial College produced a worst-case scenario in which 2.2 million Americans died.

Lancet Withdraws Faulty Research that HCQS Was Inappropriate COVID Drug

- Dr. Todaro researched the source of the Lancet article research and found it was bogus. Study Out of Thin Air Then the research was withdrawn by Lancet but it haunts us today through doctor suppression from using HCQS regime.
- Dr. Fauci had pushed the original conclusion and limited doctors from prescribing. How long will it take the pompous NIH director to recant?

Key to defeating the coronavirus "already exists, and we need to start using it,"
Yale professor of epidemiology - Aug 2

It is hydroxychloroquine, Harvey A. Risch noted in a Newsweek op-ed.

Risch noted he was "flummoxed to find that, in the midst of a crisis, I am fighting for a treatment that the data fully support but which, for reasons having nothing to do with a correct understanding of the science, has been pushed to the sidelines. As a result, tens of thousands of patients with COVID-19 are dying unnecessarily. Fortunately, the situation can be reversed easily and quickly."

When hydroxychloroquine "is given very early in the course of illness, before the virus has had time to multiply beyond control, it has shown to be highly effective, especially when given in combination with the antibiotics azithromycin or doxycycline and the nutritional supplement zinc," Risch noted.


REAL POLITICS - "There are now 53 studies that show positive results of hydrochloroquine in COVID infections. There are 14 global studies that show neutral or negative results - and 10 of them were of patients in very late stages of COVID-19, where no antiviral drug can be expected to have much effect. Of the remaining four studies, two come from the same University of Minnesota author. The other two are from the faulty Brazil paper, which should be retracted, and the fake Lancet paper, which was."


The combination of Ivermectin, in use since 1970s for parasitic infections, Doxycycline (antiviral) and zinc has been proven to be nearly 100% effective in curing and preventing re-occurrence of Coronavirus. Ivermectin is on the WHO's list of essential medications which means it has very few side effects and is safe. Its wholesale cost for a course of treatment is 12 cents. Has been peer reviewed by Monash University. Can be used every two weeks as a preventative. If oxygen level is above 50%, curative nearly 100%.

FDA Put Brakes on Using Hydrochloroquine - Jul 1, 2020

FDA issues directive to hospitals that preclude the use of hydrochloroquine which has had many research studies that it is very effective in early treatment

Study ties hydroxychloroquine use to lower COVID-19 death rate - Jul 3, 2020

A study released Thursday links the use of hydroxychloroquine by COVID-19 patients to lower death rates, as health experts around the country try to find an effective treatment to combat the pandemic.

The study, conducted by Michigan's Henry Ford Health System, states that hydroxychloroquine, the controversial anti-malarial drug heralded by the White House as a potential treatment for the coronavirus, "significantly" lowered the mortality rate among COVID-19 patients.

In patients who received the drug, the death rate was 13 percent as compared to a death rate of 26.4 percent in patients who weren't administered the treatment.

Lancet Withdraws Faulty Research that HCQS Was Inappropriate COVID Drug - Jun 2020

- Dr. Todaro researched the source of the Lancet article research and found it was bogus. Study Out of Thin Air Then the research was withdrawn by Lancet but it haunts us today through doctor suppression from using HCQS regime.
- Dr. Fauci had pushed the original conclusion and limited doctors from prescribing. How long will it take the pompous NIH director to recant?

Now Even CDC Admits COVID-19 is Not a Major Threat
May 27, 2020 - TargetLiberty.com

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the current "Best estimate" for the fatality rate among Americans with COVID-19 symptoms is 0.4 percent. The CDC also estimates that 35 percent of the people infected by the COVID-10 virus never develop symptoms. Those numbers imply that the virus kills less than 0.3 percent of people infected by it - far lower than the infection rate assumed by the alarming projections that drove the initial government response to the epidemic, including broad business closure and stay-at-home orders.

The CDC estimates that the case fatality rate for COIVD-19 falls to 0.05 percent among people younger than 50 and rises to 1.3 percent among people 65 or older. For people in the middle (ages 50-64), the estimated case fatality rate is 0.2 percent.

The projections that the CDC made in March, which predicted that as many as 1.7 million Americans could die from COVID-19 without intervention, assumed an infection fatality rate of 0.8 percent. Around the same time, researchers at Imperial College produced a worst-case scenario in which 2.2 million Americans died.

Major New York City Hospital Guidelines - Primary COVID hospital in the city (from Waters World)

- Primary cause is virus on hands being transferred to the face - wash hands often
- Secondarily, being in a closed space with a COVID-positive individual for > 30 minutes - like train, plane, bus



Finally a succinct explanation of all the COVID rules. Please fasten your safety belt before viewing. :-)

Effective February 1, 2023, the Worldometer Coronavirus Tracker, used to create these charts and graphs, has switched from LIVE to Daily Updates. As a number of major countries have now transitioned to weekly updates, there is no need anymore for immediate updates throughout the day as soon as a new report is released. On January 29, 2020, Worldometer started tracking the coronavirus, providing the most timely and accurate global statistics to all users and institutions around the world at a time when this was extremely challenging. We thank everyone who participated in this extraordinary collaborative effort.

On a secondary note, I have maxxed out Microsoft Excel's ability to handle the volume of three plus years of COVID data, adding two spreadsheets daily (country and USA), as well as the 20 some graphics/charts that each sometimes pull data from the full three plus years. Working to streamline (eliminate daily data that has mostly been low and uninteresting during 2020 but still maintain a few data points for each month). Hope to be more current with the graphic by the summer months.

Comparison of death rates in continents, countries and states.

Multiple states have higher death rates per million than countries.


The population across the US latitudes is almost evenly distributed. The states' geographic center determines the assigned latitude.

One possible explanation for New York



- COVID's SECRET - COVID Inhibits Hemoglobin Carrying Oxygen

- BLOG – Protect Yourself with Nutrition/



- US GOVERNMENT PREVENTION APPROACH - Government Coronavirus Website

No Forced Vaccinations - since no quality control for 32 years

U.S. Goverment Loses Landmark Vaccine Lawsuit
Vaccine injury lawyer Robert F. Kennedy Jr. & Del Bigtree, producer of the suppressed anti-vaccine documentary, Vaxxed and the Informed Action Network (ICAN) are credited with this victory. They demanded the relevant government document proving that all federally approved vaccines had been tested for quality over the past 32 years - there were none. Autism rates are expected to drop dramatically now that parents can stop the poison being injected into their kids.

L.O.C.K. D.O.W.N. is a Time to:

(from G. Dafler)

L - isten to God's Voice and reflect. Let go and let God.
O - bey His Word and His Teachings.
C - all on Jesus' name and be calm.
K - now what is the purpose of all of this.
D - well in His presence. Do not panic.
O - ffer a prayer for every's safety.
W - ait and be patient. This too, shall pass.
N - urture our personal relationship with Him.


Stay away from pack, Jack
Don't visit Gran, Stan
Wipe down every toy, Roy
To keep virus-free
Don't hop the bus, Gus
Don't listen to Don, Ron
Don't hoard the TP, Lee
Just stay virus free
Sneeze into your sleeve, Steve
Stop touching your face, Grace
Keep back six feet, Pete
Heed the CDC
Just use Purell, Mel
Keep wipes in your purse, Nurse
Take care of your stock, Doc
You need PPE
This isn't Spring Break, Jake
Stay home if you're sick, Dick
As COVID leaps, peeps
Just follow the rules, fools
And stay virus-free

KAWASAKI SYNDROME - A Parent Perspective after Two Occurrences

- Our daughter had Kawasaki twice in the early 1980s - once when she was 2 and about 18 months later when she was 3.
- The first thing doctors will ask is if you have cleaned your carpets recently.
- The philosophy then was young children (<4) overreact to decaying bodies of dust mites below the carpet.
- While the first occurrence's cause was never directly identified, the second time, a door-to-door vacuum salesman, demonstrated his powerful machine showing how great its vacuum was pulling dust (and mites) out of carpets and mattress. One week letter, our daughter developed a second case.
- While I doubt the current 2020 spring Kawasaki cases are related to COVID directly, with everyone having free time at home,
there maybe spring house cleaning including carpets that could be suspect.
- After our two Kawasaki occurrences, whenever we did clean our carpets, the children went to grandma's for a few days.
Excellent background article from University of Honolulu

Doctors Sue FDA for 'Irrational Interference' of Access to Life-Saving Drug

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (https://aasponline.org) filed a lawsuit against Department of Health and Human Services and the FDA for "irrational interference" b the FDA with timely access to hydrochloroquine.

Never in history have we seen such a determined effort by the scientific community and pharmaceutical industry to downlplay and lie about the use of a successful drug to treat a deadly disease.

Hydrochloroquine is the first choice in a study of 6,000 doctors treating the coronavirus. In the field and in independent living hydrochloroquine displayed amazing results in treating the COVID-19 virus.

But there was a great pushback against hydrochloroquine for two reasons. The first reason was because it was safe and very inexpensive. The second reason is because Donald Trump promoted its use.

Masks Are a Form of Psychological Manipulation - Ron Paul

"Americans should pause and reflect on the lies they are being sold. Mask are just a form of psychological manipulation. Many reputable physicians and scientists have said they are worthless and potentially harmful. Lockdowns are meant to condition people to obey without question. A nation of people who just do what they are told by the 'experts' without question is a nation ripe for a descent into tyranny."

Surgeons, Microbiologist Believe Over Reacting to COVID (long but informative)

(YouTube removed this video for not meeting their version of free speech because it conflicted with the WHO recommendations.
The same WHO that lied to us about the impact of the virus and that it was not transmittable between humans.)

- 96% of cases survive. Of the other 4%, 90% have co-morbitities compromising immunity.
- Dr. Fauci is in his ivory tower, but we are here in the emergency room on the front line for over 30 years.
- Doctors are being pressured to count all fatalities as having a COVID constituent.
- COVID fatality rate is in range on the normal flu season

Conference of Doctors in Washington presenting their views
(BING removed video)

Dr Todaro researched the source of the negative HCQS Lancet article and found it to be totally bogus and Lancet withdrew the article, but medical boards continue to pressure doctors not to use it. Misinformation is bad. Misinformation in medicine is worse. Misinformation from a prestigious medical journal is the worst.(starts at 2:26 into video)

Not one documented/verified case of a child spreading COVID virus to a teacher in the entire world - Mark Wollhouse, Prof of Infectious Disease and Immunology in Edinboro, Scotland. (at 40 minutes into video)

Recommended to boost immune for older adults - Melatonin, Vitamin-D, Vitamin-C, Quercetin, and Zinc (at 1:15 into video)

More people are harmed by the lockdown and related fear than by COVID (at 1:37 into video)

In nursing homes, when elderly drop their oxygen saturation below their norm or 95% start treating with HCQS 3-drug regime. Cardiologist said the heart impact was minimal. Three out of 38 patients died probably from other causes. FDA, medical boards and bureaucrats are responsible for many unnecessary deaths due to limiting use of HCQS 3-drug regime which should be the standard of care. (at 1:54 into video)

American Heart Association reports no instances of deaths due to extended QT (interval heart needs to recharge) when given HCQS. (at 2:09 into the video)

Why are more doctors not speaking up? - Negative press, Texas Medical Board threat, death threats, political backlash. Physicians taking HCQS themselves and their families, but not prescribing it to avoid medical board issues. (at 2:11 into the video)

ER doctor royally admonished when she prescribed HCQS regime. She continued to prescribe HCQS regime and was repeatedly admonished. She was threatened with job loss. (at 2:15 into the video)

Doctors under fear if reprisal. When toxic HCQS doses are given in past research, you get toxic results. No one has ever been taken off HCQS due to heart QT interval. (at 2:18 into video)

Our freedoms are being eroded. First stay at home, then inability to assemble, so people turn to social media, and now those are being censored. (starts at 2:26 into the video)

35-year doctor of the year (also state representative) dictated how to complete death certificates that overrides how he completed them in the past. If COVID was a possible contributing factor, Minnesota requires that to the listed as the primary cause of death.(starts at 3:00 into the video)

What can be done legislatively to help our doctors? Limit the scope of the medical board's power to things that are not political (Starts at 3:07 into the video)

Why Is COVID Hitting Us?

YouTube suppressed further viewing

Several doctors explain HCQS has been very effective with 100% cure of her 350 patients
as well as a preventive for the doctors on her staff

TWITTER has been censored this item.


Video of Michigan patient who was symptomatic of Coronavirus, but not enough throat problems to be admitted to the hospital. Contacted Holistic Doctor, who told him how to increase the Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, and Iodine (he had been taking) with a nebulizer - in 4 days normal. Watch Dr. Brownstein's testimony If you need a nutritional, holistic doctor, find the local compounding pharmacy and ask them. YouTube made video unavailable

Dallas Doctor Reacts to COVID Directions - FACEBOOK REMOVED

(The FACEBOOK editors had deemed this video inappropriate to their political view and have disabled it).
MAINPOINTS - video is 10 minutes
- Numbers are inflated - (TEXAS number 5/12) 1,200 died out of a population of 29,000,000 - everyone overly scared
- Patients are scared to come to doctor until they are VERY sick - for some, it's too late
- If they go to ER, they are send home to quarantine for 14 days
- Our office is open and we want them to come in - can't diagnose properly over internet
- Texas medical association only offered to import additional doctors from outside the country as THE solution.
- Only treatment shared by President Trump - had been used successfully used in France
- Hydroxchloroquine ($13 usually) and Z-Pack and an antibiotic shot have been very effective - usually by next day
- Some pharmacies are NOW requiring a diagnosis code before dispensing - illegal with HIPA laws - rise in "hypertension" patients :-)
- Walgreen has directed their pharmacies to ONLY dispense hydrochloroquine through drive by window - directing patients elsewhere.
- Everyone needs to get outside - sun improves immunity and being happy among friends improved your mood (and immunity).

Medical establishment suppressing treatments

- Texas - Pharmacists requiring a diagnosis code, a breach of HIPAA rules, before dispensing hydroxchloroquine to block dispensing of the drug. One doctor energized her representative and the pharmacy backed off. Another doctor, testimony suppressed by FACEBOOK but high points in next paragraph, used "hypertension" to satisfy the illegal request for information.
- Michigan - A doctor who had been using vitamins (A,C,D) for years for cold, flu and increasing immunity received a FTC order to stop making any statements about his treatment protocols of Vitamin A,C and D as well as nutritional IV's, iodine, ozone and nebulization to support the immune system with respect to COVID-19. Per "the Turth about Vaccines", vaccine producers can't be sued for faulty products, so the government has paid out billions in product fault claims.
- California - Two 30 year emergency care doctors (Erickson) testified to the government over-action and that Fauci was an ivory tower approach while these doctors were on the "front'. There video was removed from YouTube. (see their highpoints at the end of this web page)
- Massachusetts - A PhD MIT doctor recommended A,C,D sent a letter to the President in March about recommended use of A,C,D and iodine. His recommendations are shown after the graphs. So far this information is still available.
- Ohio - Governor is prohibiting doctors from prescribing hydrochloroquine - yet President has been taking it for 10-days. It probably is not more dangerous than any vaccine and probably more effective than annual flu vaccine. Should be a decision between doctor and patient.
- FACT - Hydroxchloroquine is not in the top 50 most dangerous drugs - but asparin is 44th and Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is 39th.
Check if out for yourself

Timeline of China Coronavirus Campaign

MAY 26 '20 - US PASSES 100,000 DEATHS ATTRIBUTED TO COVID - FLU runs between 150,000 and 200,000 ANNUALLY
MAY 29 '20 - STUDY PUBLISHED QUESTIONING SOURCE OF NEGATIVE HCQS LACENT ARTICLE Study Out of thin Air Misinformation is bad. Misinformation in medicine is worse. Misinformation from a prestigious medical journal is the worst.
FEB 17 '21 - US PASSES 500,000 DEATHS ATTRIBUTED TO COVID - CDC says 92% don't have COVID on death certificate
NOV 14 '22 - WORLD POPULATION PASSED 8,000,000,000
JAN 8 '23 - WORLD POPULATION PASSED 8,010,000,000
MAR 3 '23 - WORLD POPULATION PASSED 8,020,000,000
APR 27 '23 - WORLD POPULATION PASSED 8,030,000,000
JUN 21 '23 - WORLD POPULATION PASSED 8,040,000,000
JUL 23 '23 - WORLD POPULATION PASSED 8,050,000,000
SEP 10 '23 - WORLD POPULATION PASSED 8,060,000,000
OCT 30 '23 - WORLD POPULATION PASSED 8,070,000,000

Coronavirus History - second hand from an immunologist at Johns Hopkins University

Feeling confused as to why Coronavirus is a bigger deal than Seasonal flu? It has to do with RNA sequencing ... i.e. genetics. Seasonal flu is an "all human virus". The DNA/RNA chains that make up the virus are recognized by the human immune system. This means that your body has some immunity to it before it comes around each year ... you get immunity in two way ... through exposure to a virus, or or by getting the flu shot. Novel viruses, come from animals .... the WHO tracks novel viruses in animals, (sometimes for years watching for mutations). Usually these viruses only transfer from animal to animal (pigs in the case of H1N1) (birds in the case of Spanish flu). But once, one of these animal viruses mutates, and starts to transfer from animals to humans ... then it's aa problem. Wny? Because we have no natural or acquired immunity. The RNA sequencing of the genes inside the virus isn't human, and the human immune system doesn't recognize it so, we can't fight it off. Now ... sometimes, the mutation only allows transfer from animal to human, for years it's only transmission is from an infected animal to a human before it finally mutates so that it can now transfer from a human to human ... once that happened, we have a new contagion phase. And depending on the fashion of this new mutation, that's what decides how contagious, or how deadly its going to be ... H1N1 was deadly ... but it did not mutate in a way that was as deadly as the Spanish flu. It's RNA was slower to mutate and it attached its host differently, too. Fast forward. Now, here comes this Coronavirus ... it existed in animals only, nobody know how long ... but one day, at an animal market, in Wuhan China, in December 2019, it mutated and made the jump from animal to people. At first, only animals could give it to a person... But here is the scary part ... in TWO WEEKS it mutated again and gained the ability to jump from human to human. Scientists call this quick ability, "slippery". This Coronavirus, nit being in any form a "human" virus (whereas we would all have some natural or acquired immunity). Took off like a rocket. And this was because, Humans have no known immunity ... doctors have no known medicines for it. And it just so happens that this particular mutated animal virus, changed itself in such a way the way that it causes great damage to human lungs. That's why Coronavirus is different from seasonal flu, or H1N1 or any other type of influenza ... this one is slippery AF. And it's a lung eater ... And, it's already mutated AGAIN, so that we now have two strains to deal with - strain S and strain L ... which makes it twice as hard to develop a vaccine. We really have no tools in our shed with this. History has shown that fast and immediate closings of public places has helped in the past pandemics. Philadelphia and Boston were reluctant to close events in 1918 and they were the hardest hot in the US during the Spanish Flu. Factoid: Henry VIII stayed in his room and allowed no one near him, till the Black Plaque passed ... (honestly ... I understand him so much better now). Just like us, he had no tools in his shed, except social isolation ... And let me end by saying ... right now it's hitting older folks harder ... but this genome is so slippery ... if it mutates again (and it will). Who is to say, what it will do next. Be smart folks ... acting like you're unafraid is so not sexy right now. Stay home folks ... and share this to those that are not catching on.


Worldometers manually analyzes, validates, and aggregates data from thousands of sources in real time and provides global COVID-19 live statistics for a wide audience of caring people around the world.

Our data is also trusted and used by the UK Government, Johns Hopkins CSSE, the Government of Thailand, the Government of Vietnam, the Government of Pakistan, Financial Times, The New York Times, Business Insider, BBC, and many others.

Over the past 15 years, our statistics have been requested by, and provided to Oxford University Press, Wiley, Pearson, CERN, World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), The Atlantic, BBC, Milton J. Rubenstein Museum of Science & Technology, Science Museum of Virginia, Morgan Stanley, IBM, Hewlett Packard, Dell, Kaspersky, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Amazon Alexa, Google Translate, the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), the U2 concert, and many others.

Worldometers is cited as a source in over 10,000 published books and in more than 6,000 professional journal articles and was voted as one of the best free reference websites by the American Library Association (ALA), the oldest and largest library association in the world.

Since March 2020, I have been adding the daily WORLDOMETERS global and US COVID data to my database. While I have missed less than five days since then, I have based my graphics on the accumulated data. The Massachusetts data during the spring 2022 showed some inconsistencies in my graphics, but that was the data as reported on WORLDOMETERS.

Effective February 1, 2023, the Worldometer Coronavirus Tracker, used to create these charts and graphs, has switched from LIVE to Daily Updates. As a number of major countries have now transitioned to weekly updates, there is no need anymore for immediate updates throughout the day as soon as a new report is released. On January 29, 2020, Worldometer started tracking the coronavirus, providing the most timely and accurate global statistics to all users and institutions around the world at a time when this was extremely challenging. We thank everyone who participated in this extraordinary collaborative effort.


Email: jtroberts@usa.com