Servants of Salvatore Ring

All right folks, since sadly enough, Mr. Kyle's Ice Wind Dale page and his Drizzt webring are defunct, I thought I'd try to get the RAS community together again by proposing a new ring: The Servants of Salvatore.

Since I am so new to the webring deal, please be patient with me if you try to join and I screw something up! ;-) I'm kinda excited about this....

But anyways requirements for joining are:

1. Go here to fiil out the registration form

2. You must have a page about RAS or his Characters. Even if you have a personal site with a page devoted to him or a character is fine. I won't accept you if you have pages of other junk, then say 'oh yeah, Drizzt is cool".

3. Fan work pages with fiction or art are accepted joyfully.

4. While expressing yourself is fine, I won't accept anything that pushes the limit of good taste.

5. Pick a frag any frag....I don't demand that you put the html fragment on your front page, I know webring frags can screw up the look of things. Just stick it wherever it'll fit (links page, misc crap, I don't care!) I'm not picky!

6. Thats it!

Here are the html frag codes. Just replace yourid with well, your site id, and the owner title with your name and 'youraddy' with you e-mail address.

This is what you'll end up with:


site is owned by whoever.
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And if you want a prim, proper line frag, or just don't like the picture:

And this is what you'll have:

This Servants 0f Salvatore site is owned by whoever.
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So that's that. Any problems, questions or helpful hints you want to pass along to make my life easier, just mail me!

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