"Is It My Turn Now?"
By:Allison, 17
If I could take my fist
and shove you all my thoughts
I wouldn't be afraid
and I wouldn't feel ashamed

I know you are jealous
I know what you do
you rain on their parade
and you neither feel ashamed

Is it my turn now to be pushed away
by your selfish heart and foolish pain
yours will come to you
you will get yours too

I'm sorry you can't see
the good person in me
but you will someday learn
when it is your turn

"Killed By Love"
By: Kamee
Take this battered heart from inside
It has been stabbed, hung and dried.
Too many people have left their mark,
with emptiness that tears me apart.
Love is the killer,
Hate is the filler.

Take this breath that makes me live,
Nothing to feel, nothing to give.
I may as well be dead
My heart has already bled.
Love is the killer,
Hate is the filler.

Take this heart I can not trust
Take my life I hate so much.
Lead to death by love,
I will fade into the sky above.
Love is the killer,
Hate is the filler.

"#1 Crush"
By: Elizabeth, 13
She sees him walking by; she stops and turns to stare.
He has blue ice-chip eyes and silky golden hair.

There are butterflies in her stomach, her knees are feeling weak.
He makes her melt like ice in the sun. She's scared, and she can't speak.

He glances up before she can turn away and for a moment their eyes lock.
Then, pulling his gaze away, he continues down the block.

"The Man From Within"
By: Elizabeth, 13
Eyes like silver, hair like gold.
Young in body but mind grown old.
He has witnessed lfe through thick and thin,
And has come to realize, good will never win.
Tears like rivers down his face.
He has no color, creed, nor race.
His heart can touch, his hands can heal.
Yet he's like the wind; there, but not real.
His words are a comfort, though not always kind.
He lives in your heart, your soul and your mind.

By: Elizabeth, 13
His lips brushed my shoulders, my back, and my face.
I'd let him kiss me any place.
We loved each other, or so I thought.
Now I'm lying on the ground, mentally and phsyically distraught.

He was so much older than I.
"I'm 16 going on 17!" I'd lie.
Now I feel like I'm a million years old,
And can't find enough blankets to shut out the cold.

He said he'd love me 'till I die.
Now I wish I would. All I do is cry.
It only takes once for AIDS, babies as well.
I'm only 13 and as scared as hell.

A hand touches my arm; I scream with tears.
I'm so unstable now. I have so many fears.
I trusted him with all my heart.
He tore it out and ripped it apart.

My mind is covered with darkness and black.
He's stolen my innocence and won't give it back.
I thought he was the one for me.
I'm so sorry I lied. Why didn't I see?

"A Matter of Life and Death"
By: Liz, 13
I don't want to live, but I'm too young to die.
So maybe I'll just curl up here and cry.
They say to go on, it's all in the past.
But how can I live when my life is so trashed?
I'm hurting so much, more than I've ever told.
My world is fading. It's dark and cold.
I'm fighting to decide between death and life.
In my hand I hold a strong silver knife.
It's so easy.
There's so much to live for! It's too soon to go!
But what about the suffering, the torture, and pain?
Will I make up my mind, then go through this again?
I loved the sky, the earth, and the sun.
Now I feel nothing. Has it only begun?
The dark's so inviting. It's coming my way.
There's no time anymore. It's neither night or day.
I lift up the knife. It's still in my hand.
Once I do this, it'll be over, the end.
Slowly I run my finger down it's side.
I realize now I'm sorry I lied.
Maybe they could have helped me make it through.
I couldn't deal with life alone. If only they knew.
My skin is so pale against the darkness of black.
I don't have to do this. I could turn back.
Forcefully I smile just one last time.
I'm gonna do this now. I've made up my mind.
Withe one angry motion, the blade slice my wrist.
At first there's nothing. What happened? Did I miss?
At first it's so slow.
Blood's coming faster now! I can't stop the flow!
My blood is red like a late sunset sun.
It's too late for me. I'm over. It's done.
I take one last look at life, for all that it's worth.
I see what I'll miss: the happiness and mirth.
My body hurts so much but my mind aches more.
Why did I give into death's enticing lure?
My mind is cloudy now. I sink to my knees.
Death does not heed life's futile pleas.
I'm lying in my blood, gasping for air.
Scarlet red skin and sticky, blood matted hair.
I made up my mind and chose my own fate.
I can't change it now. It's already too late.
Maybe I could have made it. Maybe I didn't try.
I attempt to scream, but it comes out a sigh.
I'm so far away. The pain's only needles and pins.
I fought the battle of life and death,
And I let death win.

'If You Look At Me Now"
By: Holly, 13
If you look at me now,
You may see a smile.
A smile of joy or of happiness,
And that same smile worn upon my face,
May also be mistaken,
Mistaken for emotions which do not even exist.

That same smile may even be covering feelings of sadness or of heartbreak.
A heart shattered of hurt and pain.
From what? The one will only know.
I try to hide low, but still I will lead on to tomorrow.

To take in so much hurt and pain may cause sadness of heartbreak,
To take one step at a time may slow one down,
To slow one down may end a life.
To save that one life, all you may have to do is smile.

If you look at me now you will see a smile, but only a smile of hoping that someone will notice the feelings underneath.

By: Aubery, 15
I sit here hurting in despair
I'm calling out for you
But all you do is just laugh and stare
My spirits are low
I'm feeling completely inept
You seem as though life couldn't get any better
Smiles and stars light up on your face
While mine is tear-stained and tarnished with disgrace
You came in with the wind
A breeze so sweet
And left as a storm
So angry and violent that my screaming heart
Fell into awe and silence
I'm not sure what the future has in store
But I'm coming to many conclusions
And I've figured out that you are one thing I must live
It is time for me to pull away
From all the suffering and torment I've had
To endure
My longanimity has been worn through
From this adventure with you
Now that I know how to be the
Sober-minded intellectual
I shall find great joy in watching
Your elaborate persecution
Seeing the slow death of your
Empty promises and hopes
Wither away in the sun
Will make it easier to heal my
Mutilated heart
I'm finding satisfaction in this
Down fall of mine
I will be stronger not weaker
So hop on your high-horse now
But don't expect me or the world
To bow down
And be naive to all your lies
One more
Pathetic time.

"No Longer Children"
By: Calyce, 16
Fireflies, sweet grass, the willow,
the creek. You and me. The
moon looking like a wheel
of cheese.

We sat there that warm
July night. Holding each
other. Whispering and

Two innocent kids that
night. Now a scared and
frightened couple. Two
children thrust into the world.

Dear God, why did we
do that? Why did you not
tell me you forgot the condom?
Now look at our lives.

Soon, we will have a child,
an innocent in a world
of confusion. I hope he
looks like you, his daddy.

We must protect our
innocent child. Keep him from
making our mistake. Two
children, now two adults at sixteen and seventeen.

By: Tonka, 15
I thought a lot about
uncertanties and doubts
I thought about how we once shared a passion
so rare
We would sit and listen to each other and what we had to say
but you didn't stay
You left and my heart broke
and I wrote and wrote
full of anger and dispair I took my hands and put them behind my back
I knew if I released them in front
you would be dead
I told you my thoughts and gave you my soul
I thought you loved me so please explain
I think about the way things were all the time.

"She is Me"
By: Ashley Leigh Walker, 15
You left her alone with no answers. With the snap of your fingers, a slap in the face. She loved you, she'd follow you any place.
This girl, mentally distraught as she, will soon fall after her attempts to stop loving you fail. Yet, you'll be left to tell her tale.
It seemed as if you loved her, as we can see now, she was obviously cheated. A story I must tell you. Please be seated.
She is me, this I can't and won't deny. You broke my heart. Ripped it out and tore it apart. All I really want to know is... why?
This will make no difference to you or our past. But this I must get off my chest. Maybe now, after so much heartache, I can rest.
You, my dear, held me close at one time. Little did I know, I was yet another girl in line.
Don't you hear me?! Listen to what I say! Thanks to you and your games and your lies, my pain, this hurt will never go away!
Yes I hate you!! You broke my heart, you made me cry. Just tell me one thing, why'd you do it? You made me hate you and myself. I want you to pay, I want you to die!
Let me make you aware, I'll never fall now. You're not by my side. And now, there are no feelings left to hide.
You probally don't care, and you'll probally laugh in my face, but this I must say. I pity the girl that took my place.

By: Todd, 17
I don't know where to begin anymore,
I just don't know where to start,
I take a look at the world today,
It's all just falling apart,
We all have these questions,
But no one begins to ask,
All of these thoughts
are going through my head,
Yeah, I wish they all would finally unmask!
Is there a HEAVEN?
Or is there a HELL?
With these questions
only time will tell,
Why are we such sinful people?
With all the Drugs, Fighting, Killing, and Hate!
~Well, I just wish we could find an answer,
Before it's just way to late,

Everybody don't think there's a price,
But there'll soon be one to pay!
Now that I have everybody's attention,
What do I have to say....

By: Todd, 17

I listen to myself,
But it doesn't reply,
I keep on asking
over & over again the question why?
I guess on the ways to go in life,
Sometimes I am right,
And sometimes I'm wrong,
I keep going through life
with my on-going song!

Just try to GO ON,
Pick up the pieces,
When everything's through & done,
And all of your troubles
Finally feel that they have gone,
But please try to GO ON...

Times have changed,
But I'm not the same,
Yeah, I've lived the hard life,
But there's no one to blame,
If you listen to my words,
And look through the troubles of it all,
You could see what I am,
You can understand.

Yeah! and I still go through life
with my on-going song!
Just try to go on,
When nothings right,
and u think its all wrong,
Just please keep going ON!!!!!!!

"It Is Over"
By: Stephen, 18

No remorse for me give.

No tears for me cry.

No pain for me feel.

No minute of sleep for me miss.

I am gone now. Away from you.

Away where I can do no more harm to your minds.

Away where I can no more idle tongues make wag.

Away now am I. To a place you will soon follow.

I have gone just as you wished.

I have left you to your small world as you have wished.

Terrorize you no more can I. Thought I meant not to in the first place.

I can no longer scare you with knowledge.

I have gone where I can be understood. I have gone where I can learn and teach.

I now have new lessons that the masses have not learned. No person in this existence could ever learn.

Yes, gone have I. Away from you. As you had wished.

So grieve not for this is what you wanted.

Goodbye, fair well. Maybe I will see you again one day

You never can tell.

By: Wendy, 16

Oh, how I miss you so. I just wish you didn't go. I think of you day and night, I would give anything just to have you in my sight. Whenever I hear our song I just wonder-why? Then I think about you and begin to cry. When I hear the phone ring I'm praying, hoping you're on the other end. I want you back so bad if only to be a friend. I realize now that I'm the one to blame if only we could go back in time and you would forever be mine. I love you a lot but I have to make by heart understand that you have gone off to be someone else's man. There's nothing I wouldn't give to have you come back to me. I only wish I could make you see that I'm the one for you and you for me. Butterflies come and go but you're a special one, you made me stop and not run away. You gave me the confidence I have today. I understand how you feel but I dont know if my heart will ever heal. I know I'll never forget you from now until the day I die, I will always see you as that incredibly special guy. Even though I miss you I know you and I will never be, but if I had one wish in the world I would wish you were with me.

By: Jennifer, 14

If I could be anything but a human, I'd be a germ.
I would get inside people's bodies, and make them ill.
I would make them suffer, like they did me.
I would make them banish from society, and lock them up in their own minds,
like they did to me.
I would take away all their hope, like they did to me.
I would make them suffer, for all they did to me.
I would make them leave their friend, like they did to me.
I would shatter their hearts, like they did to me.
If only I could be a germ...

By: Jennifer, 14

Deep dark eyes, and an empty soul, as pale as the moon, and a mind filled with fear. What is the world like through your eyes?

By: Jennifer, 14

I'm telling the world goodbye today,my reasons I will not say, for you would just laugh at me, like everyone else, I understand this, but, how could you? How could you know what I think? I will end my world today, and you cannot change my mind, all the world and it's beautiful people, I guess I'm the exception, I believe in God, He wanted me to be an astronaut, no one thinks I can, without encouragement, how can I? I wanted to, but, nobody gets what they want if their not...People say what's wrong with her? People think things about me, they may not say them, but I know what their thinking, how awlful and ugly I am, I don't deserve to live, I am a disgrace to people, I've been living a lie lately, I thought things would turn out different, but, they didn't, I've been pretending everything was alright, well, I have news for you, it is not alright, I know you think I am crazy, you should know why, you made me this way, all these years I've trusted you, I guess I just wasn't good enough, so, I'm saying goodbye today, but, don't blame yourself, you tried your best I guess, so did I, mine just wasn't good enough, so, I say goodbye today, goodbye evil world, if nobody wants me when I'm here, nobody will care when I'm gone.

"My Funeral"
By: Jennifer, 14

Who will come to my funeral when I die?
Who will come to say goodbye?
Not my mother, I was never good enough for her,
Not my father, I was never smart enough for him,
Not my brothers, for I was ugly to them,
Not my friends, for I was never excepted into their world.
So, who will come to my funeral I wonder?
Maybe only the preacher, and a lonely person walking by.

"Through Her Eyes"
By: Jennifer, 14

I saw her, looking at me through her lost eyes one day, she was standing there with tear streamed checks, once I had seen a sparkle in her eye, within a happy soul must have been, but now there is no sparkle left, and within, her soul is full of fear, she looked at me that day, and I understood her, through her eyes she told me she was afraid, afraid of what is to become of her, when her mother dies, then, out of nowhere she smiled, she wiped off the tears, turned, and went back to class, as if she had never hurt, she pretended everything was fine, I watched her act like that, she was hiding her worries, and no one knew, no one, but me, the next day, I came to the spot where I first saw her, but she wasn't there, so, I sat down, and waited for her, some how I drifted off to sleep, in my dreams, I saw through her eyes, I saw her in a bathroom, she was standing in the showers,with a blade in her hand, I saw the blood pour out, when she dropped to the floor, I felt her trying to scream for help, but no one could hear her, she was all alone, by herself, alone, suddenly I woke up, and I heard her scream again, a horrifying squel, that made your stomach turn, I knew where she was, she was in the bathroom, in the showers, on the floor, soddened with her own blood, I ran to save her, I came so very near, I felt her hand, then, I looked into her eyes once again, and they told me that her mother died, and now she was going with her, I took her in my arms, and held her tight, while I screamed for help, I could feel her heart on my arm, a heart hose joy and love in life had died, I sat there, still screaming, and no one came, it was only her and I, alone, all alone, her heart stopped beating,and I knew she was dead, no one had come to help us, no one. Her funeral ws the next week, everyone was invited, but only one guest came, it was me, all alone, dressed in black, we were there, her and I, saying goodbye, her saying goodbye, to all the world, me saying goodbye to someone I never knew, yet I still understood her, I knew she had passed on. You might think it was silly of her to take her own life, but you have never looked into her deep eyes, and understood, when those of us who are alone in the world, loose something, ever so dear, that we will never get back, we loose not only the sparkle in our eye, that once shinned so free, but we loose our hope in out hearts, the hope that keeps our soul searching on, and we fall into a deep, dark frightening place, that we never come back out of, until we leave the world, and find what we have lost, if not, we will always be alone. Last night I had another dream, and I saw through her eyes once more, the sparkle that had left, when she was alone, has now come back, there is no crying any more, for she is not alone, she is with her mother, safe from all harm, and fear, now, I remember this story, and I think back to when I wasn't alone, the things I loved were there, but now, they've dissappeared, and I am alone again, with all my hope gone, there is no sparkle in my eye, or joy in my heart, for I am alone, all alone, just like she was...

"Glittering Rose"
By: Sarah
The glittering rose can never stop sparkling if love keeps replenishing to the one whom it belongs. The glittering rose is like never ending happiness, but when it stops glittering one may fall into depression. The glittering rose may turn against you when given to a person one does not truly love, but if given in true meaning it will give ever lasting commitment, and endless time to the one who gives it. If only the glittering rose was something everyone had, imagine, the world would shine through other galaxies! If only the glittering rose was real, just imagine the possabilities the world would have!

By: Rayna, 13

when we were little,
she was innocent and sweet;
now that we have grown up
she is a totally different person to meet
it's funny how she changed,
and transformed right before my eyes
and to the little girl I once knew;
I said my good-byes
the thought ran through my head,
what happened to her?
that sweet little girl
has all become a blur
so, how should I cope?
with somthing so strange?
because I don't think I can handle
all of this apperent change
I am so afraid
that I have lost my best friend
I miss the old her so much
but how can I pretend?
to not notice the difference
in the girl I once knew
I am so very upset
and I don't know what to do

By: Rayna, 13
a life long question
what is it like to have a perfect life
to be happy
to smile and laugh about all in life
to feel good about yourself
on the inside as well as the out
but to me,
happiness is a fantasy
somthing far away and very distant
wanting so much,
that it hurts
it is just an illusion
but unfortunatly,
illusions never change
into somthing real
they remain untouchable
and just a figment
of the imagination
you try so hard to grasp it
but it slips out of your grip
so you just watch from a distance
and wait,
until when it is real
once again
I guess what we have to do
to survive in this world
is just let happiness remain
somthing only fantisised about
and sorrowly wait
for the day to come
where I can once again,
call myself happy

By: Rayna, 13
wanting somone
that doesn't want you
can hurt so much inside
and make you want so much
to go back to the way things were
when boys have cooties
and you didn't have to wait up all night
just wondering to yourself
where they are, how they feel,
what they are doing, and what they are thinking
when you didn't spend your free time
just thinking about how great she was
and how it made you so depressed
and bad about yourself
because you weren't good enough, or pretty enough
or your personality didn't match up to his standards
because you feel this need inside
to degrade yourself, as if
it will for some reason
make you feel better as a person
but, it doesnt work
and makes you feel even worse
because you can't have him
despite all your wishes and hopes
nothing you can think, say, or do, will get him

By: Scott, 16

I don't know what I'm feeling,
Maybe you can explain to me,
What brings me all this pain,
Then I want to hear from you,

When will everything be this real again?
Cause I wanna know when you plan to tell me,
Then hopefully we can get together,
And party like we always used to,

Knock out all the pain,
Drop all the fame,
Give it all back,
Because there's no doubt, we can always be,

The best of friends you and me,
Maybe we can even see a movie,
But within the times we have left,
We can figure out what we do best,

College Mathemology,
And some anatomy,
To compliment the times we spent,
Cause even we see that time is fading,

So enough about depression,
And on to happy progression,
This is just another perk,
To our high school life,

And time flies by,
When everything is okay,
Sweet sixteen,
Comes only once in this teenage dream,

Drop back to me,
And then we truly see,
Paths our similar if guided correctly,
So I hope we can hang out for an eternity,

Maybe College for us is the same,
And then we can hang out every night,
Think about those old days,
When life was bright.

For this once in a lifetime occasion,
Let me say,
Buying you a present was such an alienation,
From the girly clothing shop man,

He questioned me,
And wanted all my money,
I just wanted to leave scott free,
"Size 6 ain't that for a girl?"

"Well yes sir,
It's a present for one of my best friends,"
He just stared at me,
And then he screamed,

What can I say?
Here goes by another day,
And I'm not sure if sixteen is really that much better,

Maybe a license,
Or a few college letters,
But no matter what it seems like I want to say,
Happy birthday...

"Plea for a Beholders Eye"
By: Scott, 16

Tell me what happened,
When we grew up?,
Why did life grow cold,
When everything was looking up?,

Since when did it mean so much to care,
As we go out,
Farther, almost there,
And then we realize what really matters,

The fact we're changing,
Doesn't mean we can't still be friends,
Or joking around like we always used to,
It just seems time drifts us away, day by day,

Back into the realm of self-consciousness,
Where we truly feel as if we can express,
What we really feel,
And who we really are,

That's when we find the difference,
We have is inside,
It's just down deep enough to hide,
That is the stopping point that we all find,

Then you realize it's all just screwed,
And you want to sit and cry,
Over all the times that you can never have back,
Just give me a break,
It seems so innocent but really its gone,
And you know you can't get it back,

When it all goes away,
I can relate and understand,
Why you feel the way you do,
And I'll be right there by you,

Good luck,
I hope it helps you,
Make it through everything,
Say goodbye to me,

And maybe we can see,
The hidden truth,
That is kept,
The truth that we can believe,

So let me plea,
For that secret eye,
The beholder,
Who doesn't want to lie,

And so,
I want to cry,
Everything I see says, Hold back and wait,

She'll be there soon enough,
And maybe you just missed the cut,
Then I wonder why,
I still plea for the beholders eye...

"Silent Acceptance"
By: Nick

There is a boy among us
Who we never see.
He is the one who no one knows.
People sometimes call him a loner and a drifter.

He walks all by himself.
The only one he talks to is himself.
He hopes one day he will finally fit in.

But that day never comes.
For this boy has given up.
He has called it quits once and for all.
For this boy has finally said enough.

He takes his knife
And as the knife is ripping and tugging at his neck.
He can feel his essence being drained from every ounce of his soul.
His soul being drained and tugged from his body.

All he can think of is how much he hurts
From all those years of mental and physical anguish
And how this one act will finally release him
The prison that is now engulfed his life.

This boy now dead.
He is finally released from his demons.
Now there is no more torment and horror.
He has now achieved his biggest dream "Silent Acceptance"

"Eternal Night"
By: Zero
You let me love you, lose you,
you let my words confuse you,
you always let me use you,
you beg me to abuse you.
Cheap trick, cheap life, all my cheap whores,
my heart is filled with painful sores,
I hate myself down to the core,
I don't have a soul, so I'll just take yours.
A carnival of sights and sounds,
I use the drugs to bring me down,
fall to the earth without a sound,
an angel crashing to the ground.
Then you wonder why I cry,
please don't ever say goodbye,
let us drink this black-tar wine,
toast to all the nights we tried to die.
Quickly comes the evening of sin,
yes, I'm scared of what will happen then,
but I don't want to run again,
Devil's Night is about to begin.
Please be gentle, turn off the light,
come quickly unto my unholy night,
although it's ritual it doesn't seen right,
what we shouldn't do, sometimes we might.
The night is lovely, but there's blood on the moon,
it's darker where the shadows loom,
light a candle at my tomb,
you know that I will be there soon.
For when the shadows start to leer,
I start wishing that I had you near,
down my pale skin rolls a single tear,
because I know the eternal night is here.
There will be no justice for mankind,
the demons of this night I can't bind,
the bloody wrists and slick window-sills of the mind,
Satan's letter in blood that I just signed.

By: Todd
Pictures and rememberances of your past,
Memories of joy and heartbreak that never last,
Struggling day by day on choices to make,
Trying to make the right decision, or shall we say
Thinkin through your past life in time,
Words connected together for an impression of a rhyme,
Live life to the fullest is the moral of the story,
If you do, you will overlift your hard times with
An old farm windmill in the distance clatters,
Be true to yourself, and nothing else matters,
Redeeming your inner-child with over exceptions of
Hopefully my collaboration and choice of words puts a
smile on your face,
Parts of your life are dark,
put your lights on,
and make your ever-going mark,
My point isn't to say that life is a simple walk in
the park,
Everyone has hard fuckin times and places to embark,
My point is to hang in there, your high points will be
in view,
and the low will under-persue....
Hold your grip, if your at the end of your rope,
All my words are simply saying....there is HOPE...

By: Todd
Timeless, as time itself,
Rememberances of your youth on an open shelf,
While you were in your youth, You wanted to be older,
Now that your elder, You find out that you'd rather be
A test that is never won,
After you figure it all out,
all the extacies of life are done...
Answers you will never know,
Questions you won't control,
Limits of thinking are never thought out,
Vision blurry, loss of breath with every SHOUT,
Carpe Diem in a day to day basis,
Learn in a different way, and accept different races,
Wondermet of thoughts and ways to change,
Never could render, Everythings re-arranged,
Lessons that will never be learned,
Memory and letters forgotten and burned,
Time won't slow down, many mysteries with no clue,
Don't miss the train, it will leave without you,
The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself for
Find the light within yourself, which makes you smile,
Let it take you off the tracks laid for you,
Listen to yourself, and always stay true,
Whatever you want in your life, let it roam,
Use your light within, and let it guide you home....

By: Todd I ask "WHY ME?" everyday,
Wishing EVERYTHING would just go away,
I have nothing more to give,
Waking up, not finding a reason to live,
My ways of life are filled with mistakes + NO corrections,
Can't handle all the needle injections....
Immune to the PAIN,
Can't handle the STRAIN,
It's not my choice, you see,
Please...NO more NEEDLES in me...
Broken, trying to pick up the pieces,
A sad story, with no meaning, no thesis,
Answers I want in demand,
U say you do, but you don't....
People that don't know me,
View this poem, and think I'm a druggie,
Eyes shut, trying to accept myself,
I am like anyone else, just have battered health,
Nothing left, with no more reasons,
Its a part of life, I have to accept the way I'm
Immune to the PAIN,
Can't handle the STRAIN,
It's not my choice you see,
But PLEASE...NO more NEEDLES in me...
My point is for no self-pity,
Just putting out my view, and how life can be shitty,
Pain gets easier with time,
I keep goin through this life, I call mine...

"One More Kiss"
By: Brian Roberts
One more kiss
Before I go
Make it sweet
Then close the door slow
One more kiss
Then turn out the light
Stand in the door
And watch me drive out of sight
One more kiss
And a hug would be nice
But if you can’t
Tomorrow I’ll kiss you twice
One more kiss
Tomorrow I’ll call
If you ever leave
I won’t want kisses at all
But one last kiss
Is all I’ll say
Then cry and cry
As I drive away

"To You"
By: Brian Roberts
If I told you I love you
What would you think
Would you think I was crazy
Would your heart just sink
If I told you I love you
What would you do
Would you leave as quick as you could
Or say that you love me to
If I told you I love you
Would everything change
Or would you forget about it
Or think I was strange
If I told you I love you
Would you believe it deep inside
Would your feelings for me change
Is it worth the tears I never cried
Should I tell you I love you
I really don’t know
I’m so afraid
I don’t want you to go
I’ll tell you I love you
I really know I do
But don’t ever forget
Friends can love each other too

Matthew's Poems
Cute Stuff
My poetry
About Me
My Pictures
DB's web page

Email: butterfly_goddess_01@hotmail.com