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If you need to edit site information, click here and go down to the ring members. In the "ring ID" thing, be sure to type in angelfirehpring you may want to copy that and then paste it. Then you do what they tell you to do.
You will need to copy and paste the following code onto your page: <CENTER> <P><TABLE BORDER=10 CELLPADDING=3 CELLSPACING=3 WIDTH=500> <TR><TH> <FONT Size=2> <a href="" target="_top"> <img src="" align="left" WIDTH=125 HEIGHT=80></a> <a href=";id=_SITE_ID_HERE_;next" target="_top"> <img src="" align="right" WIDTH=125 HEIGHT=80></a> This <a href="" target="_top">Angelfire Ring</a> site is owned by <BR> <a href="mailto:your_email_here"><FONT SIZE="2">YOUR_NAME_HERE</FONT></a>. <BR><BR> <FONT SIZE="2"> If you want to join the <A HREF="" target="_top">Angelfire Ring</A>, <a href="">click here</a></FONT> </TH></TR> <TR><TH> <FONT Size=3> [<a href=";id=_SITE_ID_HERE_;sprev" target="_top">Skip Prev</a>] [<a href=";id=_SITE_ID_HERE_;prev" target="_top">Prev</a>] [<a href=";id=_SITE_ID_HERE_;next" target="_top">Next</a>] [<a href=";id=_SITE_ID_HERE_;skip" target="_top">Skip Next</a>] [<a href=";ring=angelfirehpring_" target="_top">Random</a>] [<a href=";id=_SITE_ID_HERE_;next5" target="_top">Next 5</a>] [<a href=";list" target="_top">List Sites</a>] </FONT> </TH></TR></TABLE> </CENTER>
Where you see your name, your email, your site ID, you need to put in that information.