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Climbing Plummer Peak in the Tatoosh Range

Steve and Vicki at the end of the Pinnacle Peak Saddle trail. Plummer Peak rises to 6,370 feet in the background.

Lunch with a View!

Before climbing the snowfield, we discovered a cliff on the north face that faced the cloud veiled, yet majestic Mount Rainier, and the Tatoosh Creek valley below. It was a great place to stop for lunch, and the occasional glimpses of Rainier's entire ice-clad summit (not shown) was our dessert!

Mountain Goats!

While ascending the north face of Plummer Peak, Vicki and I were startled by the sound of falling rock a few yards ahead of us on the trail. A small family of mountain goats were descending rapidly, following a goat whose tumbling fall was broken by a small spruce tree. Apparently unharmed, the goat stood up, giving us a long look before wandering ahead of us on the trail. The mother and baby stayed close together as we quietly forged ahead.

Plummer Peak Summit

Wild, rugged, and scenic! The 360 degree view from the summit of Plummer Peak was well worth the climb to the top. In order to reach the top, we dodged falling goats, crossed snowfields, and had to climb through two trees to reach an elevated rock platform from which the trail continued. Clear days offer views of four major volcanoes: Mount Saint Helens, Mount Adams, Mount Hood, and a very prominent Mount Rainier.

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