Charlaine W. Engelhardt

Growing up in a non-Christian, dysfunctional family atmosphere, at age 14 Charlaine wanted to be a Christian due the influence of Don and his family. She believed that she was a Christian because she did the "right" things, trying to earn her salvation. But Charlaine was still lost. God continued to show himself to her through His people (teachers and friends) as well as direct intervention. By age 17, Charlaine had become anorexic and bulemic (by laxatives). She confessed her sin while on a ministry trip. She asked her friends and the congregation to pray for her healing. God did heal her of the physical problem, but the emotional healing was to come after the birth of her third child in 1989. Charlaine suffered severe depression and demonic harassment. During that time, she realized she had never accepted Christ as her Savior nor allowed Him to be her Lord. After praying to receive Jesus as Savior and Lord, God led Charlaine to people who could help her understand what was happening and guide her as the Lord took her through the healing process. Instead of being a victim or even a survivor, Charlaine is a victor in Christ over the damage. She realizes that healing is a continuing life process and must rely on the power of the Holy Spirit. In 1991, she followed Christ in believer's baptism. Also that year, God called her to ministry. Charlaine has found her ministry to be through martial arts and helping her husband in his pastoral ministry.

Charlaine attended Ohio State University for a short time. She holds a Certificate of Cosmetic Artistry from Cosmetic Concepts and a modeling Certificate from The Models Group in Columbus; both earned in 1983. She also hold a Certificate of Ministry Training from Boyce Bible School. Charlaine attended Bowling Green State University in the Fitness Specialist degree program, but was unable to continue when Don took a pastorate in the Canton area. She decided to re-enter college in Malone College's Management Program after discovering she had fibromyalgia and sudden-onset arthritis. She graduated in August 2005 with her B.A. in Management. Presently, Charlaine is employed at the YMCA of Western Stark County in the Aquatics Department teaching swimming, Aquacise, and Arthritic Exercise; she is also a personal trainer and teaches children's martial arts readiness classes.

Charlaine studied Okinawan Shorinji with Don under Sensei Doc Watson, earning a 1st Dan black belt. After their separation with Sensei Watson over unresolvable issues they could not condone,they joined United States Combat Martial Arts Association. She was promoted to 2nd Dan by Dr. Kemp through USCMAA in 1996 and her 3rd Dan through Blackbelts of the Faith International and Koininia Fellowship of Martial Artists in 1998. Charlaine continued her martial arts training in Chinese Kenpo through The Karate Connection and various self-study. She also continues to do research in physical fitness, nutrition, first-aid, and other martial arts. Nunchaku, jo staff, and sword techniques fit her physique and personality, so she continues working on improving her handling of these weapons. Charlaine has a special interest in self-defense for women and children. After attending a Krav Maga seminar in September 1999, she and Don began to train through utilizing their video course and are finding it to be very beneficial.

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