Winding Paths
Part One

"Only three days left. Then I will have finished medical school!",Colleen thought as she made her way through the large corridor of the Medical College for Women, Pennsylvania where she's been studying medicine for about one and a half year now. She headed outside the building to meet for lunch with her friend Sylvia, who was also studying medicine, though she was much more fond of Philosophy and Literature...

Colleen knew she would miss her desperately, like Andrew would miss his best friend Tim.
During her walk to the Café she met several "gentlemen", pretty much Patrick Collins like. "Jerks!" she mumbled after one of them had proudly offered to open the door for her. No, the more she thought about it, the better it had been to marry Andrew! Andrew. The pure thought of him sent shivers through her spine. How she was looking forward to seeing him again after school. But now it was only around eleven in the morning and that meant three more hours of school- and the usual talk with Sylvia during break. They could talk about everything, including god and the weather, even though Colleen was never quite sure if Sylvia believed in a spirit named God at all. She had very new views on live and everything and always stated that if there's a Lord, she didn't understand why it had to be masculine. And the more she talked about it, the more sense it made to Colleen. After all it wasn't men who gave birth...

"Hi Colleen!", she greeted friendly. Colleen gave her a smile but then turned her eyes in their sockets when Marcus and Ronald appeared behind her. Sylvia gave her a pitied look. "Your fan-club again?" "Unfortunately..." She trailed off and turned to face the two boys next to her. Ronald took his chance: "Colleen, hi Sylvia, is there anything we can do for you? You know, you look really good today." "How about shut up and leave us alone then?!?" They all stand still in their tracks. They had never heard Colleen talking so roughly, if any woman at all... Only Sylvia covered up a smile with coughing. "Gosh, she's married. Get used to the facts, you both!" The two turned red. "Well, maybe next time.. gotta go, bye:"

Finally they were alone on the table. Sylvia blurted out grinning: "They won't get it!" Colleen took a sip from her cherry juice. "I don't understand these guys! I mean, how often have I told them up to now?! I'm already taken! What is it about getting married and having all these beaux out of the blue? I never had half of them when I was unmarried."
"Don't you know? It has something to do with your aura." "My aura?" "Yes", Sylvia's eyes were sparkling, "after all you're not a "girl" anymore. And that's what's men attract." Colleen blushed at that thought. But she had to admit that she had changed quite a lot since that day... She now felt the liberty to do things more boldly, without worrying about what other people might think of it. She gave her friend a smile.
"I guess you're right. But what about you? I've never met someone like you before. You're so much more sophisticated and... well, I told you about Becky. She was totally different from you but still- I'm sure you'd have liked her too!" She paused, then broke out into bits of laughter, "but she'd be shocked at your manners first, you know." Colleen was stressing the word manners on purpose, joking about her friend's unorthodox "behavior", so totally unlikely from Boston standards. That doesn't meant her family wasn't well known.
After her husband's death (a usual well-off man of that age) Sylvia's mother began to live like she'd always wanted to: A life beyond the boundaries of society. Having been too old to start studying medicine, she'd begged her daughter to fulfill this dream for her. She herself wanted to devote her life to literature and art and did this in surrounding herself with famous authors and actors. She also began to travel and right now she was on her way to England, visiting a popular scandal-author (she couldn't stay behind when there was such a person somewhere;) from Ireland with the name of Oscar Wilde.

Now it was Sylvia's turn to grin. How right she was. She had morality standards of her own and -thanks to her father's heritage (money) and her mother's freedom- didn't care about other peoples opinion. "You know Colleen, I've never met someone like you before, as well. Though we are different we do understand each other. I hope we're going to stay being friends!" With that she lifted her glass to meet with Colleen's. "A toast. To us, and your sweet husband Andrew. By the way, I'm glad you got him before I did..." Colleen had to laugh at this. She knew her friend liked Andrew a lot but would never do anything what hurt either of them.
"And a toast to friendship and true love!" Colleen added. Sylvia smiled: "And to good-looking men and Philosophy...And the sky, and the moon...." "And the cat on the roof....", Colleen giggled. Sylvia was beaming. "Yes! You got it, Colleen! Cheers!" "Cheers!"

And while the girls were having their fun in the little Café, Andrew had to work at the clinic. After four operations on the role he was nearly exhausted. Timothy Baker, his colleague and best friend went over to him. "Andrew slow down! It's nearly twelve and you're going to break down if you won't stop." Andrew who had fallen into a chair didn't really listen. He was breathing hard and had a cool, wet handkerchief over his head. "Hmm? 'Ya talking to me?" Tim laughed and took the wet thing from Andrew's head. "Yes Dr. Cook, I'm talking to you! And I just told you to slow down and stop exhausting you on work, otherwise your marriage won't last long if you know what I'm trying to imply you..." His voice lowered a bit and his green eyes had a mieschivious sparkle in it. Andrew loosened his collar and relaxed. He knew that Tim he was kidding. So he just took his handkerchief back and slapped it against his friends chest and after a few seconds they found themselves in an all in and out war, teasing each other like little schoolboys fighting for a girl's attention...
Tim panted: "Ok, ok, stop'm...ahhhhh..."
Andrew laughed. "Hey, and you wanted to tell me I should be the one who's exhausted..." "No serious now, Andrew. You did a good job. Why don't you take the rest of the day off and spend it with Colleen?" Andrew gazed at him. "Are you sure? It's only half past twelve and there'd been more patients than days this morning." "I don't know why, but I'm sure there won't follow anymore. and just in case I have still Graham and Greg with me. Actually we all think you need a rest!" "Do you want to kick me out or something?" "NO! Not at all. You just did a nice job and I think you deserved it. I mean, you know that Colleen is also a welcomed employee in case you both decided to stay... Really, I need you here, as a partner and as a friend!
-And now dash off before I'm getting teary or something like that!" With that he threw Andrew out of the building onto the street. "And say hello to your sweetheart from me, see ya!"
Whoa! That was all Andrew could think. There was still an hour left before he could pick up Colleen from school, so he went for a little walk through the streets. Without really caring where he was going, he made his way straight to the park. Kind of startled he realized that he had been here nearly 8 years ago. He smiled at the train of memories floating back to his mind. He sat down on a bench. That was exactly the place he'd run to, a few days after his parents died. He was so shocked at this news, that he decided to gave his life a new turn. He was about 16 when his parents died on a sea trip. He, who had lived "proper" and well-educated all his young life long felt the urge to do something stupid. Something he couldn't tell why, something no one could give it a rhyme. He simply run off. He needed to get away from the place his parents died, his aunt and uncle and the stiff society of Boston.
He wandered aimlessly along, finally ending up in Philadelphia. He wanted to learn the other side of life, the more dangerous, the darker side. There was no reason for him to be careful about himself anymore, he felt like he had nothing to lose anyway. So he decided to just forget about his roots and looked for people from the streets. He talked to a lot of people, guys he'd have never dared to talk to before. He got to know some and finally found what he was surching for: A friend. Someone who didn't care about his past, someone who was there. Tim! He was leader of a group of young readers, funny, strange, interesting people. They used to have meetings on the roof at night to read each other stories, poems and songs which were- well, more or less "improper". They all had great dreams on mind, specially Tim who desperately wanted to be a doctor one fine day. He often tried to explain his state to Andrew: "You know, I don't really mind people. They're just stupid. I don't really care for them either. But I find it nice to try to get behind the helping and pity stuff. Maybe one fine day I'm going to become a totally ordinary person. But not yet!" And he used to run through the streets, screaming and howling and laughing at people of higher state. Andrew smiled at that thought. Tim showed him to laugh about life, to take things easier. It took Andrew a while to get behind, but finally Tim "confessed" that his parents were "in High Society" too. And this was rather a shame for him. He had tried to shrug it off but on the other hand, going back home was the only chance for him to go to college...
After a while, let it be three months or so, Andrew knew it was time to get back home. Besides that he knew that his uncle and aunt were about to get sick out of worrying. So he had sent them a message, telling them he had needed a time off but would be coming home soon. And so he finally had told Tim that he need to get back to Boston. "I've been running away from my problems and I'm sick of it. I needed some time for myself but I think I'm over it - and I believe your time has come as well!" Tim stared at his friend. "I know you're right. But I'll need some more time to think about it. I don't wanna go back to my parents so easily." "But you still live with them!" "Yeah, but I don't want to give them the feeling of winning, you know?" Andrew shook his head slightly. "Tim, you want to study and you're able to do it. Your parents will be proud of you!" "That's the point!" There was a moment of silence, then they broke out into laughter. Finally Tim said: "Gosh, that all sounds too stupid, doesn't it?" "Take that for granted!" Andrew laughed back. "Well, I'll get it somehow, don't worry. Hey, I knew we'd part sooner or later. You're my best friend, you know." "Why don't you join me? We could study medicine together. I'm sure my uncle would fix it for you!" "That'd be nice...- but I think I've learned something from you." "From me?"
"Yeah- you're right about that running away from your problems stuff. It doesn't help. I was born here as I told you and I'll stay here. Maybe I could visit my parents for a change... And I'll get into College, no matter what!" Andrew smiled back. "No matter what? Promised?" "Promised! And you must promise me that we'll see us again after we've finished and settled in, ok?" "Sure thing."
With that each of them followed their own fortune. Until- yes, until Colleen got accepted in Medical School and Andrew heard of that doctor who used to be his best friend years ago... And so they'd met again and things were just great for them.

The church bells chimed and pulled Andrew back into the now. It suddenly hit him, that he had forgotten about Colleen. >Maybe I can hire a horse from over the blacksmith< he thought and he was lucky. "' 'Got one hour", murmured the old man and handed him the horse. He quickly amounted the huge animal and lead it back to town.

Outside the school building Colleen was waiting. >Maybe there's been an urgent case in the clinic< she thought kind of disappointed. She was just about to turn around when some one took her and she felt elevated onto a horseback. "What?...!" "Hey darling, don't worry- it's just me, Andrew!" They were still riding in a very fast pace. After her first shock she smiled at her love. "So what are you kidnapping me for?" "No reason, I love you! Well, and besides that I've got to bring this horse back in time; I lend it from a blacksmith" But then he slowed the horse down. Colleen embraced him joyfully. "You know it has always been a secret dream of mine to be kidnapped by my love..." Andrew laughed back: "Happy to hear that, tell me some more maybe I can fix that too." Colleen went on teasing him: "Uuuuh, let me think. I'm sure there was something... Probably we could talk about it after work... " With that she placed a lingering kiss onto his smiling lips." Andrew stopped the horse and kissed his wife back. After few minutes the horse was getting nervous under them, so he broke off and dismounted. They were on that place again. He helped her down. "Actually, we could talk about it now, for some reason they gave me a free day." After giving the horse back they walked a little. Andrew looked at his love. "Is something wrong honey?" Colleen tried a smile, but it came out a bit weak. "No, it's just... you know I really got used to here. And I'm sorry of leaving our friends so soon." Andrew squeezed her hand for a second. "I know. I feel the same way." "Why can't all we love live in one city?" Andrew laughed at this thought. "Imagine how boring that would be. I mean, we would have no reason to take a trip to Philadelphia again!" With that a little smile appeared on Colleen's lips. "You're right. But I insist on staying here for our holidays, ok?" "I'd love that, too." "I'm looking forward to seeing my family and the old townsfolk again. And our house!" Andrew decided to tease her. "House? What house?" She tried to kick him mockingly. "Andrew! I know that you've asked Sully to start with the buildings..." He laughed at her tickling. "Ok, ok, but you know that we'll have to live at your parent's homestead for a while until it's finished?" "Of course. But I hope it won't be that long!" She lifted up her eyes. She liked her new way of living and her freedom. She didn't want to think of how close her mother would be watching their relationship. Andrew smiled, he had to think of Michaela, too. "Well, we'll have to pull ourselves together. So don't go throwing dough at me again." He said that in a very serious tone, but Colleen knew he was just kidding. "And you'll have to behave yourself, hear you?" They were staying in front of their flat. Andrew closed in on Colleen. He nearly whispered: "Does that mean no more making out on the kitchen table?" She immediately blushed. "Andrew! Mainly that means no more conversations like this!" But she wasn't sure if he had been listening at all, because he started to kiss her neck. "Honey, would you be so kind and stop it, at least until we're inside?" He only mumbled in her laces. "Hey! Open the door now, please!" "Mmmh, Dove, I'd like to but you've got the keys...:" "Oh- right." Quickly she opened the door and pulled him in. "Andrew...I've missed you so!" She pressed herself tighter to him and he embraced her lovingly. "I love you, Colleen!" She threw her bag onto the desk and turned to face her love again. They kissed again and few minutes later found themselves lost in soft blankets who Andrew had quickly gathered from the couch seconds before.

Andrew had made breakfast for them and awoke his wife with a kiss. "Mmmh, got up already?" She mumbled sleepy. Andrew grinned. "Yup. How about breakfast, honey?" It worked. She was about to wake up. "Sounds good to me, lover." She smiled brightly and leaned in for a small kiss. "Um, we have to clean up our rooms for the family. You know that they will be here by tomorrow." Andrew looked at her bewildered. "I thought they were going to sleep in the hotel- you know we don't have enough rooms." "I know. But I could imagine Dr. Mike would like to see where we'd spent our time, though." "That's a point..." "You see? We don't have school anymore, it's just preparations for the graduation- I'm sure I can take some time off." "I'm so proud of you, you know that, don't you?" He asked. "'Of course I do! Thank you." "Hey, I can't wait seeing you there on the stage receiving your graduation..." "Oh I'm so excited Andrew. I just hope I won't slip out or something like that..." He smiled. "You won't. And if, you can be sure that they'll remember you..." "Funny! Ok, serious now, I can be here around noon and..." Andrew cut her off. "Oh no, I don't want you to miss anything. You'll go to help with the preparations and I'll take some time off and cleaning up." (...)

The night before tomorrow Colleen could hardly sleep. Every few minutes she got up and jumped in every room, afraid of finding one Andrew might have "forgotten" to clean. Andrew tried to calm her down at least a thousand times but nothing helped:) "Oh Andrew, I'm so glad Emma's coming too. I can't believe they're married now!" She beamed at her sleepy husband. Trying hard to keep himself from falling asleep in the middle of a sentence he yawned: "But honey, we were there, remember? It happened exactly three months and a half after our leaving..."
"O yeah - right." "Come on now, try to get some rest." Eventually she'd fall into a dreamless sleep at the first sights of dawning...
That's why Andrew literally had to drag her to the train-station and Michaela's first sentence after "It's so good seeing you again" was "My you look tired!"

They all first went to the hotel (just around college) and then to a restaurant where Colleen ordered some Mocca-coffees ("only one more...") and got so nervous that she knew every inch of the lady's room after that day. But finally, after a short walk to their flat, she calmed down and everything returned normal again.
"It's not big, but it has a nice, here you are!" Colleen stepped aside and waved her family to come in. Brian was the first one dashing to the piano in the living-room. "Hey", he blurted out happily, "I like it here!" Michaela and Sully laughed. "Yeah, it's sure nice!" They went on like this for a while, there was so much to be told... Finally, it was getting dark already, Michaela stood up. "Well, I think we'd better run now. Katie's getting really tired." And indeed she was napping in Colleen's lap.

The next morning came soon. "I'm so excited!" Michaela beamed at Sully. He smiled at his wife. "Remember, it is Colleen who graduates, not you..." "I know but I'm just so happy for her." Matthew, Brian and Katie walked in. Katie was four years now. "Ma, Pa, are you coming finally? We'll miss Colleen!" With that she was off again and Brian run after her to catch her. Matthew smiled: "We still have 10 minutes. But she can't wait." Sully looped in Michaela's arm: "She won't miss her sister on the stage. And me neither." "Let's go!"
The room was wonderfully decorated in gold and dark red, the school colors.
"Ma, Sully!" They turned to see their eldest daughter beaming at them, surrounded by Katie, Andrew and Brian. "Andrew had reserved some places for you." "That's great, thank you Andrew!" "That's all right, here you go!" After everyone had taken their seat, Colleen was hugged from behind. She turned around: "Tim, I thought you had to work!?" He placed a small kiss on her cheek. "Hey, did you really believe I would miss your great moment? I'm here to clap my hands louder than Andrew- Andrew hi!" The two greeted each other warmly. Colleen turned to Dr. Mike. "May I introduce you to my family?" Tim shook hands with Michaela first, then shook everyone else. "Dr. Timothy Baker, Andrew's best friend." "Call me Tim." He smiled at everyone openly. The family liked him immediately, after all had they been told of him in Colleen's letters a lot.. (Though Michaela shared a worried glance with Sully, meaning "don't you think he's a little too forward with our daughter?...) But they were distracted by Tim. -"Oh, Sylvia wanted to make it, too." Colleen's smile turned even bigger. "Really?" Andrew pointed out: "There she is!" Now Sylvia became also aware of the little group staring at her. She run to her friend and hugged her: "Colleen, hi!" she then turned to Andrew and Tim and hugged them too. That all went very quickly, she then faced the rest of the family. "Pleasure to meet you finally." she said truthfully. "Colleen, I think it's time for you to get your reward. I'm so proud of you!" She hugged her daughter one last time, then Colleen waved and disappeared behind the curtains of the stage.
There she stood now, full of excitement, her hands sweaty. "I'm the next one", she thought and at hearing her name she tumbled like being under a spell onto the stage. Her ears were deaf to what the professor said to her, but she was able to glance at her family, seeing that they'd all stood up waving like idiots. She gave them a great smile and then turned around to walk behind the secure curtains again. Dr. Mike was moved to tears at the view on her grown-up daughter receiving her degree. And after this was over and every one had hugged her warmly, Tim took Andrew aside.
Andrew lowered his voice: "What's the matter?" Tim gave him a crushed look. "Well, the matter is that we've arranged a "Far-well" party for Colleen and you..." Andrew was moved. "Tim..." "Problem is", he interrupted his friend, "we settled it for tonight." "Tonight?! Why, I thought you knew that her family would be here..." "The thing is, we have just this night, think about it: Today was Colleen's graduation, we didn't want the party to be earlier than that day- and in two days you guys are off! I could imagine you wouldn't like it to be overtired on your journey due to hard partying, so..." Andrew nodded slightly. "I understand. Well, I'll see what I can do... Maybe they don't even need to be informed- Because Tim, if that should be one of YOUR parties, I better won't let her family know about it!" He grinned at this. "Gee! Let's better go back join them."
"Wait! Where is this party supposed to take place?" Andrew asked quick, painfully remembering his birthday party Tim had thrown for him- at their flat! And the following mess needed 3 days to be cleaned again...
Tim seemed to know what he was frightening. "Calm down my friend. It's in my house. You won't need to clean up afterwards, promised!"
Catching up with the rest of the family, Andrew just heard Michaela saying: "So Colleen, what about a surprise? Mother invited us all for dinner at her house." Colleen exchanged a worried glance with Andrew. "Sounds great!" She said, her voice shaking weakly. Matthew took note of it. He came closer to his sister. "That doesn't sound too happy. What's up?" "Shh, Matthew! Nothing- but..." She quickly turned to him so that Andrew couldn't hear what she was saying. "I believe that they're having a party for me and Andrew tonight. And I know dinners at grandma- they're lasting very, very long." Matthew was puzzled for a moment.
That was not the way he used to know his little sister. She'd really built up her own life over here. "So what ya gonna do about it?" He asked frowning. Colleen hushed. "Please don't let Andrew know! Uh, I don't know. I... I wouldn't mind having you there, of course, it's just...well..." She didn't know how to make him clear that their friends weren't quite that one would call ordinary. And she didn't know how her big brother would handle with the fact. After all he's about to become a lawyer. Matthew took her to his side. It came into his mind that she was hiding something from him. "Colleen, you're my sister. You can tell me anything, trust me, I won't intrude your life, please let me know what's up." When he saw her still worried expression, he quickly added, "'sides, I'd understand if you guys wanted to be alone saying goodbye, really." "Thank you Math! I'll tell you asap. But now let's join the others, I think Andrew's suspicious already:" "Okay, after dinner then." "Promised!"

They had a wonderful time with the family and Tim and Silvya were invited for dinner too. Elizabeth was already acquainted with the two, for she knew Sylvia's parents and knew that Colleen and Andrew were best friends with them. She sensed that there was something else going on this evening so she took Michaela aside after awhile.
"Mother?" "Michaela, I think we'd better quit early tonight." Michaela gave her mother a questioning look. "I believe they settled a party for Colleen and I want to spare them their poor excuses." "Why..." "Oh come on, Michaela! I know my grand-daughter." Michaela shook her head. "I don't know what to say... I don't know her that way." The older woman smiled warmly. "Michaela, my dear. You all turned out so well. But I've come to realize that you -all of you- hadn't had a "real" childhood. The older I get, the more I understand life. It's a circle. A circle of changes and the century is getting old... It's time for a new age and new ways of living."

Michalea couldn't but stare at this. "Mother?!? How come you're so... so open-minded?" Elizabeth smiled gracefully and nodded at the group of young people at the table, as well as the children and Sully. "They taught me that. And you! It took me long to get the message but I feel like I understand now. The marriage of you and Sully, Majorie's escape from the bourgeoisie and my grand-children - along with their friends." Dr. Mike felt relieved. "Oh mother! I'm so proud of you!!!" with that she hugged her. Elizabeth recovered very quickly from that exchange of mother-daughter affections.
"Now don't you getting teary at me! Let's join the others and release them." Michaela gave in. "Just this - you seem to know their friends very well, indeed... Would you care telling me about them? I mean, Colleen wrote me something about them in her letters but you know... not everything..." "Sure I will. Right after they're gone!"
When they returned back to the table, grandma Elizabeth faked tiredness. She yawned. "So children, I'm sorry but I think I better retire early. I really need my sleep tonight when I'll accompany you all to the train station well." Colleen and Andrew exchanged questioning looks but took her for granted, especially Andrew and assured his grandmother-in-law it's been a lovely evening and they were tired too and needed to rest. (None of them noticed the fact that there was still one day left before they actually returned to Colorado Springs) except Sully, but before he was able to object something, Michaela spoke up. "I agree with mother. Um, Brian, Katie? You can still play something if you like to." All looked at her puzzled. But after some seconds they all sensed something and the dinner group vanished.
"Ok, it was really nice. Thank you again, Mrs. Quinn." Tim said, pulling on his cloak. "Yes, thank you and good night!" Sylvia smiled at the old woman. Tim gave Andrew a quick "C-ya" glance and they were off. Elizabeth smiled. "Colleen, my dear. I want you to know that I am really proud of you. But I'm sure you already knew this." Colleen blushed slightly. "I suspected it", she laughed. "And you Andrew, I'm glad you joined the family. Your father was the best friend my husband could have asked for and I'm sure he would be proud knowing you brought our families together! I'm sorry you two leaving so soon." "Elizabeth..." Andrew wanted to say something in return, he was moved by her affecting words. But he was cut-off by her. "Well, enough rambling's done now! Get home, you two!" "Goodnight grandma" said a teary-eyed Colleen. Then everyone else said their goodnight's to her and watched her going up the stairs to her room. Rebecca was the first one who spoke up. "Well, come on Katie. Shall I read you something?" "Yeah, read to me!" Katie squeezed and clasped her hands. Brian said goodnight as well, saying he was tired too (but that's just half of the truth. He wanted to write a letter for Sarah*;) Matthew and Emma smiled. They had nothing against a party... (Colleen had really been able to manage to talk to her brother and sister-in-law without someone's noticing. - Except her grandma but she didn't know. She'd told them about their new friends and Emma had helped her to stop Matthew getting nervous about the party.)
Andrew took Matthew aside for a little talk. "Um, listen, there's something I wanted to ask you." Matthew grinned. He wondered what that might be;) "Tim and Sylvia they... they've arranged a party for Colleen and me tonight. Would you care to join in? With Emma, of course. Besides", and now he smiled at Colleen who was talking with Emma, "I believe she already suspects something and is telling her right now." Matthew threw a glance at his wife too and laughed. "It would be a pleasure getting to know your friends. I'm open to everything and you know Colorado ain't that place for partying..." "It's settled then, just make sure Michaela doesn't know." "Alright!"
So it came that finally, around 9 pm Andrew and Colleen left the house with Emma and Matthew. "We're going to a show, don't wait for us" and they were off.
Just then Elizabeth came down again and an eager Michaela and Sully listened to the "background information" of Timothy Baker and especially that Sylvia Hartmann.

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