----- SHADOW -----
Season 5, Episode 8

Joyce: Oh poop. That way too long recap at the beginning of the episode took away most of my screen time.
Doctor: Look what I see! Big honkin' tumor.
Joyce: Thank you, Joss.

Xander: Riley killed all the vampires and he didn't leave any for the rest of us.
Willow: Giles, give him a timeout!

Dreg: Grovel, grovel!
Glory: Suck up.
Dreg: That was the general idea.

Spike: Mmmm. Panties. Yummy.
Riley: Eeeeew.
Spike: Like you haven't sniffed underpants before.
Riley: Actually? No.
Spike: Okay, so just my thing, then.

Glory: I'm ready to pay for my purchases.
Giles: Hey, don't I know you from somewhere?
Glory: I! Uh! Nope. No siree bob.
Giles: God---
Glory: (cringe)
Giles: -- I have it! You're that chick from the "Bring it On" cheerleader movie!

Buffy: I'm gonna do a spell to make mom all better...
Riley: This won't involve "Purple Haze" again, will it?

Buffy: There's no spell?! Crud.

Glory: Hold my Cobra will you?
Dreg: Gnnnya!
Glory: What's wrong now, baby?
Dreg: Oh nothing. It's just... biting very deeply into my arm so that said arm may fall off at any moment now. No sweat though, for there's a good chance it may grow back anyway.

Riley: Come and get me ladies! More bloodsuck fun! Your human soda fountain is here to please!
Vamp Girl: This is almost too easy. I feel cheap. (shrugs) Oh well. *BITE*

Giles: Do you think we should put in a drive through at the magic box?
Snake: (bursts through the front wall)
Xander: Well, since you already got the big-ass hole in the wall... why not?

Riley: Shhh... don't cry. I'm here for you.
Buffy: It's just so awful! *SOB*
Riley: I know. I feel just awful about your mom too.
Buffy: Not *SNIFF* that. *SNIFFLE*
Riley: What, then?
Buffy: The CGI snake! Where has our budget gone? WAAAAAAAAH! I'm fighting the villan from a B-movie! We are SO not getting the Emmy now!
Riley: Buffy, even with GOOD effects we never get the Emmy.

Buffy: Snake's dead. Mom has a hole in head.
Giles: As soona s you finish with the morbid poetry, would you mind trying to stay in character?
Buffy: Knew there was something I kept forgetting there. Thanks, Tony!
Giles: Say goodbye to the fourth wall.

(The little Grr-Argh! demon River Dances across the screen)

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