----- FOOL FOR LOVE -----
Season 5, Episode 7

Buffy: OW! Hey, no fair staking the Slayer. That's, like, so majorly breaking the rules!

Riley: So you let a run of the mill vampire stab you in the gut?
Buffy: Hey! He had a punk hairdo! It threw me.
Riley: You suck.

Buffy: How'd you kill the Slayers?
Spike: Well, it wasn't with a stake. Punk Boy invented that one on his own. Anyone every tell you that you suck?
Buffy: Shut up. And how did you hear about that?

William: Tra-la-la. Cheerio! I'm from the past. Couldja tell? I'm Spike, really... but I get to dress up in pretty clothes and change my accent here, so shhh! It's our little secret.

Drusilla: Allo, Oi'm Drusilla. Oi'm gonna boite you an' change you into a vampire so dat you can be in a hit WB television series a hundred or so years from now.
William: Works for me.

William: OWIE!!!

Xander: I see undead people.
Willow: Old joke.
Xander: Hey, this is a time-travel story, isn't it?

Angelus: I'm gonna kill y--- What's that?
Darla: Titlecard so everyone knows what year it is. Don't worry, darling. Keep going. I was almost scared that time.

Spike: *gags* Poofter. That's really sad, ya know?
Angelus: You dare to insult me?!
Spike: Huh? Oh. Actually, I was referrin' to your accent. So in a way.... yep.
Angelus: Meaney.

Spike: So here's how I killed #1.
Buffy: Ooo! Fuzzy screen flashback time again! Whee!

China Slayer: Yee-shoo.
Spike: Huh?
China Slayer: Miss the memo? I'm trying to sound foreign here. Now shut up and bite me.
Spike: Insultin' me, now?
China Slayer: No, I'm serious. Bite me. I'm dying to get out of this flashback.
Spike: Who writes yer material?

Angel: Aurgh! My soul hurts! Maybe if I scowl all evil-like, they won't guess what those gypsies did to me.
Darla: (skips over) La-la. What's wrong, luv?
Angel: Uhm.. pretty... fire, isn't it?
Darla: (gasp) You have a soul!
Angel: Gotta work on that acting stuff.
Critics: No kidding!

Riley: Hey, cool! Vamps. I'm a man with a death wish. Wanna play?

Spike: Welcome to 1977.. the year of bad bleach jobs and Slayers with massive 'fros.

Buffy: You're beneath me. (grins) And that, sports fans, is what we call ironic continuity. Enjoy the rest of the show.

Joyce: My head's been hurting more and more lately. I think Joss' subplotline just kicked in.

Buffy: *sniffle*
Spike: Here, let me stare at you longingly and give those S/B 'shippers somethin' to squeal about.
Buffy: *sniffle* Okay. *stare*
Spike: *stare*

(The little Grr-Argh! demon cartwheels across the screen)

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