----- NO PLACE LIKE HOME -----
Season 5, Episode 5

Monk 1: And long brown hair---
Monk 2: Some really radical clothes---
Monk 3: Oh! And a kickin' taste in music too.
Glory: Whatcha doing?
Monk 2: Making the ke----
Monk 3: Cappuchino! Making a Cappuchino!
Glory: Yeah, right. *CRUNCH, SMACK, THUNK*

Buffy: *sigh* I'm feeling all out of the loopy, mom's sick, AND I have first season's hair. What a rotten day.

Ben: Hey! I'm Ben. I'll matter more later in the season.
Buffy: Good to know.
Ben: As will that crazy man they just wheeled down the hall.
Buffy: Yay. Foreshadowing. Day getting better.

Giles: (singing) "Money makes the world go around... the world go around... the world go around..."

Glory: Brain-drain time!
Man: GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! Huh-huh-huh-huh-huh-huh----
Glory: And I betcha even Super-Strength Motrin ain't gonna touch that headache.

Willow: It's a ritual to see things that aren't supposed to be there.
Xander: So, basically, an acid flashback?
Willow: Har har.

Buffy: (sitting in the circle of candles) "... Lately things just don't seem the same... actin' funny, but I don't know why... 'scuse me while I kiss the sky..." Heeeey. Dawn ain't my sister. Groovy man.

Buffy: (walking down the hall) The colors! The colors!
Joyce: Want to come out with me for a few hours?
Buffy: Sorry mom. That just ain't my bag. Dig?
Joyce: Sure you're feeling okay?
Buffy: Heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee....

Buffy: Heeeey! You don't exist!
Dawn: Heeeey! What are you on?!

Spike: You suck, Slayer! Why doesn't she want me?

Buffy: Whoa. You are one seriously strong cick.
Glory: Well, like, duh.
Buffy: You're just like Cordelia on acid, you know that?
Glory: Speaking of being on acid---

Dawn: Maybe YOU'RE the one who's adopted-- from a box of baby monkeys!
Buffy: The Monkees? DUDE! "Then I saw her face--- EVERYONE! --- now I'm a believer..."
Dawn: Freak.

Buffy: Ooo.
Riley: You alright?
Buffy: Major hangover.

(The little Grr-Argh! demon shimmeys across the screen)

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