----- OUT OF MY MIND -----
Season 5, Episode 4

Buffy: Why are you both doing MY job?
Riley: I... uh... whittled you a new set of matching stakes!
Buffy: Is this some sort of penis metaphor?

Dawn: His heart sounds just like the base beat of that Chumbawumba song---

Riley: Please take me to where they can make me unconcious and naked.
Graham: Buffy's bed?
Buffy: Shut up.

Doc: Why are you here anyway?
Graham: Random guest appearance. Not that they like me, I was just the only one who would do it for the measley amount of money that they offered.
Doc: Hmm. Cool.

Buffy: Riley's missing.
Tara: Guess this means a field trip to the old burned-out High School again?
Willow: Bingo. Johnny, tell her what she's won.

Graham: I'll stop you.
Spike: Yuh-huh. *THUNK*
Harmony: Gee, he knocks out pretty easy.
Spike: Xander syndrome.
Xander: Hey!! ----- Ooo. I got a line.

Graham: Whoo! Lookit all da purdy birdies--- *CRASH*

Riley: Gah! Ooo! Ouch! I've fallen and I can't get up!

Spike: Buffy, Buffy, Buffy! I can't stand-- ya know, I think I love her.
Harmony: I smell a plot device.

Doc: Now what's this pink wriggly thing in your chest do?
Riley: Wha---
Doc: Just kidding!

Buffy: I'm glad you're okay.
Riley: Kiss me?
Buffy: No way!
Riley: *gasp* You don't love me anymore! I think I'll run away to South America and--- Well, why not?
Buffy: No privacy. Graham's passed out on the floor over there.

Graham: I'm going to fill your head with self-doubt now, okay?
Riley: Du-ude!

Buffy: Oh Spike! You have the best erotic dreams!
Spike: Shut up and kiss me.
Buffy: *smootch*
Riley: *smootch*
Graham: Can I be blind now?
Buffy: What's HE doing here?
Spike: He's here in dream land a lot, actually. All the time that bloke spends unconcious? He's got frequent fantasy miles coming out of his ears.
Buffy: That reminds me. *THWAP*
Graham: *THUNK*
Buffy: Now where were we?

(The little Grr-Argh! demon boogies across the screen)

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