----- REAL ME -----
Season 5, Episode 2

Dawn: I wanna go NOW!
Buffy: *crash*
Dawn: Whoops.
Buffy: Medic.

Dawn: Whine, whine. Gripe, gripe. Yeesh. Couldn't I have at least gotten a cool character- question mark. And I talk to myself too. Great, my new character is psychotic. Someone call my agent!

Riley: Is she breaking another date?
Dawn: Well, duh- exclaimation point.
Riley: Strange child.

Giles: I got a new ca-ar! I got a new ca-ar! Now if I could just learn how to drive it--- (gears grind)

Buffy: Oh look. Corpse.
Giles: So we won't be getting that 10% discount off frog legs. Fiddlesticks.

Crazy Guy: I'm a cat! "Jellicle songs for Jellicle cats! Jellicle songs for Jellicle cats!"
Dawn: BUFFY!!!!!

Tara: So what was it?
Dawn: Cats fan.
Tara: Brrrrr...

Dawn: Now YOU I have a crush on.
Xander: This starts any X/D 'shippers and I am personally blaming you.

Xander: Oh look. Note through the window. (opens it) "All Your Base Are..."
(another window shatters)
Xander: "Slayer come out and die." More like it!

Minions: "It's fun to stay at the... YMCA!"

Brad: Screw you, Harris.
Anya: Hey! That's MY job!

Harmony: I'm going to kill the Slayer.
Spike: You do realize that's becoming, like, a cliche now?

Dawn: No one understands me! Running away now, 'K?
Anya: Seeya.

Xander: Anya! What happened?
Anya: Hit... my head.... took... Dawn.... Whew. Keep this up and he won't suspect that I lost her...

Vamp: Can I eat the girl?
Harmony: No!
Vamp: Now?
Harmony: NO!
Dawn: Buffy's gonna kick your butt.
Vamp: Now?
Harmony: NO! And.. shut up! Nnnot in that order.

Harmony: Yeeeaaawww! Wha-cha! Vamp-Fu!
Buffy: *kick, punch, slap*
Harmony: OW!
Dawn: Toldja.

Buffy: Opening a magic shop? Maybe it's YOU who's dying this season?
Giles: I'll answer that with an oblique 'Passions' reference.

(The Grr-Argh! demon skips across the screen)

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