A Men's Ministry bible study based on the book "Onward Christian Soldier"
Course developed by Jim Riddle
Good News Bible Church, NH

"The lecture and study guide that Jim has created is absolutely outstanding. In fact, he exceeded my expectations on so many levels - that when he asked me for an honest critique - I had nothing else to add. I couldn't have done a better job myself. Actually, I couldn't have come close." - Michael Aubrecht


This curriculum was originally developed for the Good News Bible Church for use in their Men's Ministries. The title of the study is "Stonewall Jackson: A Life of Unconditional Faith" and was written by Mr. Jim Riddle. The course consists of both a Leader Guide and Attendee Workbook and was developed to aid discussion groups focusing on Christian principles for lifestyle and leadership.

Based on the book "Onward Christian Soldier," this study examines the life and death of Thomas Jackson with a special attention focused on his religious beliefs. The lesson plan is developed for both large and small groups. In 6 concise lessons, Jackson's spirituality is presented as the foundation for what made him a legend.

A dynamic warrior in Biblical times, Joshua led Israel in the conquest of Canaan, vanquishing Jericho and other cities to bring Palestine under Israelite control. Joshua's leadership, with the divine guidance of God, was marked by courage and devotion to the law given to Moses. In the Civil War, another brave warrior felt he was similarly led by Providence. General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson believed that he was God's instrument on Earth. His mission was victory for the Almighty. Through his strong faith, he reinforced the resolve and beliefs of fellow Southerners as he shepherded his followers into battle. This program teaches what it truly means to be a prayer warrior, and shows us how we too can serve as Christian soldiers in the army of the Lord.

"Among the many lessons that can be learned from studying the life of Stonewall Jackson, one of the most important is to, live each day boldly without fear, loving and serving the Lord our God in all things, and be prepared to leave this earth for our heavenly home at any time." - Jim Riddle

The addition of information quoted from "Stonewall Jackson's Book of Maxims" and "Stonewall Jackson - The Man, The Soldier, The Legend," by James I. Robertson, JR. compliment the study, and the design and layout of the course is simple to follow and very well organized. Each lesson plan includes multiple scripture readings that correlate to each OCS chapter. Questions are also provided at the end of each section that challenge the readers to examine their own lives and how they would react to similar situations. Participants are also called upon to share their own experiences in order to facilitate multiple perspectives on a given topic.

"One of my favorite aspects of this study is the wonderful scripture readings that have been provided as Jim has broken down each OCS chapter and created both a historical and spiritual analysis to generate discussion regarding Stonewall's journey. He has incorporated a lot of material from Psalms, Proverbs, and the Book Of Joshua. I am especially pleased to see him specifically cite the New King James Version (NKJV), as I myself have recently leaned more towards the KJV (in my own Men's group) as opposed to the New International Version (NIV) of which I've used for the last 4 years." - Michael Aubrecht

Download File (Adobe Acrobat PDF): Leader Guide & Workbook
Pages 1-8: Leader Copy / Pages 9-14: Attendee Hand-Out

School teachers, see how OCS can be used in your classroom: OCS Classroom
OCS books can be purchased through either the author, or publisher. Order Inquiries

"Stonewall Jackson: A Life of Unconditional Faith" is the intellectual property of Jim Riddle and the Good News Bible Church, NH. The course materials are available here at no cost, but they cannot be changed, modified, copied, or redistributed without the expressed written consent of J. Riddle and M. Aubrecht. PDF file is encrypted for security purposes. Please email for any and all permissions.




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