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Laura's Birthday Party!

When you're looking through these set of pictures, you might see a guy you may not notice. AJ was our waiter at Jack Astor's. Not only did he do a good job, but he also was an awesome guy! He knew how to take care of us and UNDERSTOOD everything we asked him for. He was so awesome, he was worthy of getting his picture taken and being placed on my webpage. That is a high honor. If you are not on my webpage yet, that doesn't mean that you're not unimportant...The waiting list is long and wide, but I'll get to ya!

Anyway, even before we received our entrées, Laura was ready to scram. Apparently, she was afraid of the upcoming embarrassment. It probably didn't help seeing the girl at the next table getting her birthday song. After playing a teapot, she was finally allowed to sit down and eat her cake. Nonchalantly, AJ came to our table and whispered to Laura, "Don't worry, yours will be worse." Of course, in actuality, it wasn't, but those words were enough to bring trepidation into Laura's mind. Mwahaha...

Me and Michelle

More casual pictures before the storm...speaking of storms, it was pouring out.

Birthday Girls

Laura and the other birthday cute.

AJ and Pete

What can I say? AJ was awesome. UNDERSTOOD!

Princess Laura

A nice little pic of Laura before the singing came.

Me and Laura and my buddy.

I have to apologize for the next several pictures. Apparently, someone mistakenly put their finger on the lens, causing the next several pictures to be rather blurry. I salvaged them the best that I could.

Birthday Song

The crew comes, led by AJ, who is wearing a bucket, cape and a broomstick.

Have your it too

Laura smiles a big grin as she stands on her chair, adoring the attention. =)

Pictures: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

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