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Laura's Birthday Party!

Here are the beginning of the pictures. But first, a quick little summary for this set. Since we phoned in our reservation early, we didn't have to wait too long for a table. It actually worked out pretty well. Some of us couldn't stand so long and decided to sit on the floor in the middle of the mall. No worries, I still love 'em. Shortly after we were seated, Pete Hutchinson decided that he wanted to play around with my camera. Of course, it was no problem; in actuality, he took some pretty good pictures of himself and others. I'm proud.

Michelle Sitting

Aww...Michelle's poor feet must be tired... =)

Me and Josh

Yay for being Mayterm roommates!

Pete and Sarah

Slowly, but surely, Pete takes control of the camera.

Sean and Pete

Is Pete going to get a picture with everyone at our table??

Michelle and Pete

I think he is!

Me, Josh, and Pete

Note the common expression we are each's practically the Universal Expression.

Birthday Girl

Yep, that cute girl right's her birthday!

Pictures: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

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