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written in 1988

I am a Veteran and what can I say
'cept I am Airborne all the way--
Now during my Tour; sixty-seven-sixty-eight
I was wounded by mortar that did not wait--
Lost left eye by metal from a strong exploded shell
then was flown to DaNang 'cause I was not well--
A doctor there said, "He's out, not going back"
(At least not sent home, home in a sack)--
By chopper they sent me to a hospital ship
where the doctors operate and don't want to slip--
Those that patched me, first cut through my skull
to take metal out so I would heal well--
They kept me on the ship for 'bout fifteen days
then they flew me back home...(USA!) to stay--
In Letterman General Hospital, California state
months of re-learning 'cause my reading was late--
Then, well enough to live-in with Mom and step-dad
like other Nam-vets, was happy but sad--
August sixty-eight on a wonderful day
with hospital retirement along with pay--
Today I am happy in happy tears
'cause God gave me 35 extra years...
"So far"!

"Therefore if anyone is in Christ,
he is a new creation, old things have passed away;
behold all things have become new." ~2 Corinthians 5:17~

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