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Welcome to the Fighter Pilot's Den

If you are a fan of Jane's Air Combat Simulations, you are in the right place. This place has missions, custom libs, tips, screen shots, plus much, much more. Click here to see what's new since the last site update, and check out the cool links, too. Enjoy!

IceLib v3.2 for FA is now available! Click to download.

IceLib v3.2 for FA is now available! Click to download.

Feel free to send me your concerns, comments, or suggestions about this site and/or its contents via e-mail. You may ask me any questions you may have. I will try to answer technical questions as best I can. You may also send me files or tips that you would like for me to post.

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Site last modified 8/21/02.

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The Fighter Pilot's Den © Copyright 2002 by Iceman.
This Combat Flightsims WebRing site is owned by
Iceman (a.k.a. El Diablo).

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I am not liable for anything on this site that does not work for you as advertised or causes your computer to crap out. Everything on this site is virus free and works fine as far as I can tell. Anything on this site that I have made works for me 100%. All the material I distribute on this site that is not made by me also works fine as far as I can tell. Nothing on this site jacked up my computer, so if something jacks up yours, I'm not gonna buy you a new one! Now, just go and take a look around my site and enjoy. :)