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(As of the last update on 8/21/02.)

  • Slightly revised IceLib v3.22 for FA (as well as its "no nukes" edition) has been released.
  • New version of lib includes extra demo missions and corrects KE weapon bug, so the separate downloads have been removed.

    Coming Soon:

    -  "Navy puke" add-on for IceLib v3.22 to be released.
    -  Customized ABAs for IceLib v3.22 to be released.

    Previous Updates

    5/31/02 update:

  • KE weapon nullifier for IceLib v3.2 (for multiplay) has been released.
  • Support for Jane's USAF has been dropped for the time being.

    5/5/02 update:

  • A couple more demo missions for IceLib v3.2 has been released.

    4/21/02 update:

  • No Nukes edition of IceLib v3.2 has been released.
  • Campaign mission fix for Fighters Anthology released (although I doubt too many people still play the campaigns... )

    4/4/02 update:

  • IceLib v3.2 for Fighters Anthology has been released.
  • The date which marks four years since the launch of this site has passed. Whoo!

    3/28/02 update:

  • Another new version of The Devil's ABAs (for Fighters Anthology) has been released.

    1/23/02 update:

  • Whew... it's been a while since the last update huh... LOL.
  • New version of The Devil's ABAs (for Fighters Anthology) has been released.

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