Whenever the tides of change have swept over our society, DONKEYPISS COLLEGE has been there to serve as its Laotian errand boy.

From the Teapot-Dome Scandal to the hula hoop craze to the premiere of Everybody Loves Raymond, the faculty and students of Donkeypiss College have been intimately involved in the great events of the last one hundred years.

DONKEYPISS COLLEGE was founded in 1901by Sir William Fetters-Boyle of Stoke-on-Robin-Tunney. Sir Boyle decided to establish the institution when his beloved ham sandwich, Foster, was rejected by Harvard and Yale.

In his manifesto, penned shortly before his death from syphillis, Boyle wrote, "Aye, mortal darkness, you whore betwixt Heav'n and Hell. Curses upon you, eternally. And a pox on you mother, wretched Jezebel, for inviting Father between your legs, and sentencing me to this life. But I sure am glad Donkeypiss College worked out and Foster got the education he so richly deserved. For only when my thoughts turn to Foster's happiness am I able to slumber." Foster graduated first in his class, with a degree in climatology. He was renowned for his sexual prowess and juggling technique.

Donkeypiss College has since evolved into one of the finest institutions in the world, with a tradition for all kinds of great academic shit.

For past and upcoming events regarding students at Donkeypiss College, please visit the Donkeypissonian, our paper of record.


copyright 2002 dodgy goodtimes. this is not real. hopefully it will be funny soon.