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    Valley Stream South Class of 71 - 30th Reunion Web Site


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Elementary Schools:



It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood!

This page is dedicated to the various neighborhoods that we all grew up in.  Along with pictures of various Valley Stream areas, we've collected some historical information about our town and some of the schools, etc.  I hope you enjoy revisiting some of these areas and learning more about our history.

Green Acres / Mill Brook

Green Acres / Mill Brook

Green Acres / Mill Brook

Green Acres / Mill Brook

Valley Stream Train Station (Long Island Railroad)

South High

  • Historical Information... (move the mouse over a thumbnail to view the caption;  click on a thumbnail to display the enlarged item below; click the left or right arrows to view additional items)...


From the "History of Valley Stream 1840 - 1975"
Compiled and written by Howard Ruehl, Historian

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If you have any pictures or other material that you'd like to see added to this page, please forward them to us.  If the material is in digital format, it can be e-mailed to  Files should be saved in some standard digital format, such as .jpg, .gif, .tif, etc.  If a large number of files are being sent, please consider "zipping" the files into a single .zip file (using WinZip or some similar utility).

Otherwise, photos, newspaper articles, etc. (please do NOT send negatives) can be mailed to:

Stu Mlot
11413 Barley Field Way
Marriottsville, MD   21104

Any material sent to me will be scanned for inclusion on the web site and returned to the sender (unless otherwise specified).

Note:  If you are sending photos (in any format), please try to attach a note indicating who or what is shown in each of the pictures.  I'd like to include captions for the photographs, if possible.  Thanks for your help.

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This page was last updated 09/24/07