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The Fucking Brendon and Ian Site, Dammit

Saturday, 10 January 2004

Hey Brendon and Ian,
I just thought I'd say hey. You should include lyrics to Purple Haze, because Brendon knows how great the song is, and Ian, im sure you do too. Also i wonder, why does everyone these days think they're hackers(no names mentioned, but im sure we can all guess)? it's like, i am such a badass for using cheats on my videogame. Translation: Not cool. The site is great and I like the Bawls and Lesbian links.


P.S. Regarding David's comment about Mattthewalker's cousin wanting to kill Ian, why doesnt Matt do it himself. See ya Brendon and Ian.

Well, thank you Kevin. Positive feedback always gives us incredible oragasms. Close to the ones exprienced by a women with pierced clitorises. Mmm mmm mmm. Yes, that us a great idea to post the lyrics of Purple Haze. And you're right. Matt Walker is not cool. Not even a little bit. And, we don't know why that pussy wont deal with us directly. we'll see you later, too.

Brendon and Ian

Purple Haze Lyrics-

Purple Haze was in my brain,
lately things don't seem the same,
actin' funny but I don't know why
'scuse me while I kiss the sky.

Purple Haze all around,
don't know if I'm coming up or down.
Am I happy or in misery?
Whatever it is, that girl put a spell on me.

Purple Haze was in my eyes,
don't know if it's day or night,
you've got me blowing, blowing my mind
is it tomorrow or just the end of time?

Courtesy of

Posted by ny5/brenian at 10:23 PM EST
Updated: Saturday, 10 January 2004 10:53 PM EST
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Spencer 2
I respect ur opinion to keep the site G rated. i think it is a great idea. But u should perhaps bump it up to PG. I was recently watching ROMEO AND
JULIET in Engish class. It was rated PG. They were having sex and we saw some big ass titties. but what really excited me was the man-ass. I remind:
sex, big ass tities, man ass. All for the rating of PG. i also suggest u put pictures and not links. I dont wanna click on the link and have it show up
in my computer later. Id rather not have to be beaten by my parental units. Thanks a lot.


P.S. Matt walker is gay.

We respect your appreciation for our decicision to keep the site G-Rated, but more importantly, we think it's a gret idea to kick it up a notch to PG. We also understand that that particular film may have had some indecant exposier without the proper warning, but we're are still not sure if we're ready to take it to that level. We also agree with your idea to just put the pics on the site. You're a smart kid. And we are working on straightening up Mr. Walker. He is our number one issue, but our weakest threat.

Brendon and Ian

Posted by ny5/brenian at 10:18 PM EST
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Friday, 9 January 2004

Brendon and Ian,
Hey orgasam lovers, i just wanted you to know you are not my heroes. But you hold a very special place in my heart. And with that being said you need to put in the story of Ian, Shawn, Brendon and David going to play paintball and ian getting shot from 500 yards away and then walking off the field like a moron. Also add that shawn pissed on his knees.

Love always, David

P.S. : MatttheWalker's cousin is gonna kill Ian.

Yes, David, thank you for reminding us of this wonderful experience we had about a year ago. Well We all rode up to williston in the gaymobile. We had great sex on the way up there, just like Billy Bob and Angelina Jolie! Mmm mmm mmm. When we got there, I refused to use my gun becasue it was new and I'm a fucking bitch. So, I rented a gun. I then used over 9,000 paintballs just testing the speed, also becasue I am a fucking bitch. We then went out onto the court. Every single match we played, part of me got hit from 500 yards away (the Ian part). I then walked off the court like a moran. I also spazzed several times. Part of me shot a little mexican boy in the hand causing him to cry (the Brendon part). David played incredibly well, which makes sense, seeing as he is the reincarnation of jesus christ himself. Shawn had a few problems, though. You see, shawn still has bladder problems. Shawn pissed all over himself, but the majority of his mess got on his knees. We called him pee-pee knees for quite some time. I suppose yu could still call him that if you were a fucking idiot. Which brings me to my next subject. Matt. He is a fucking idiot. Mathew, if you have a problem with me, specifically, the Ian part of me, just deal with me directly. Don't get your big, army-man, butt-buddy with a gun to help you. Handle the situation yourself. Now, Mr. Matt's cousin, I do not wish to start anything with you, because you know if you piss me off that you will be the subject of the site for quite some time. And, I know if I piss you off you will blow my fucking head off. Please leave this busines to Mattthewalker and me. Thank you. And David, does that quench your thirst for the paintballing story?

Brendon and Ian

P.S. We had MAD-ASS sex on the way back. Sorry we didn't include you matt. just give me a buzz if you're interested

P.S.S. I will always love you too, David

Posted by ny5/brenian at 11:15 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 9 January 2004 11:44 PM EST
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Brendon and Ian,
All you need some hot pics of chicks


Wow, good thinkin, Spencer! Trust me buddy, it's been on our minds since the day we made The Fucking Brendon and Ian Site, Dammit (yesterday). We're just working out a few details. We don't know whether to have links to a site, pictures on the site, and more complicated than that, we don't know how far to go. I know, you're a horny guy. We're debating whether to have chicks in bikinis, soft-core, hard-core, we just don't fucking know. We would like to keep this site G rated, but at the same time, we like to masterbate almost as much as you! Maybe. So, i can assure you, there will be at least babes on the beach and what-not, but we're just at the beginning.

Brendon and Ian

P.S. If we do have anything close to porn, we'll be sure to have lots of lesbians and 0 cocks.

Posted by ny5/brenian at 9:10 PM EST
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Hey Brendon and Ian,

Its me Brandon, I just wanted to let you guys know that you are my heros. I also have a problem that I thought mybe u could help me with. I know kid,
and hes in my gym class....hes really gay and hes been trying to make moves one me.....I dont really want to tell you what kind of moves though.....hell ok...he tried to stick his enormous nose up my ass....dont get me wrong I'm ok with fingers and sometimes dicks or other long objects of occasion by not noses...thats just I was just there anything i can do to stop him??


Well, Brandon, noses up the ass are a very serious issue here at The Fucking Brendon and Ian Site, Dammit. This kid seems like quite the gayfer. We respect your admitting, that your fairly homosexual, but that's not the point. Your story reminds us of one time when a certain individual was trying to stick his nose up my ass. This bothered me very much, so i totally under stand where you are coming from. The solution is simple. You must him pain. In my case, i punched him in his nose. He got knocked out. When he awoke, he had forgotten what happened. He then cried a lot and puked. He still seemed like he might want to try it again, so i had to take drastic measures. I raped his mother and gerbal. He never tried to stick his nose up my ass again. fucking pice of shit. Well, I hope you don't have to go far as I did (I killed him, also). I would also try talkign to him about the situation. And when i say talking to him, i mean beating him worse than those cops beat that fat guy on crack and angel dust. It all else fails, do as i have done too many times, and pull a michal jackson on his little brother.

Brendon and Ian

P.S. Although Shawn Burrington had a very similar case to the one talked about above, this story was not about him...

Posted by ny5/brenian at 9:03 PM EST
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This isn't who you think it is............

Posted by ny5/brenian at 4:35 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 9 January 2004 7:25 PM EST
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Posted by ny5/brenian at 3:28 PM EST
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Recent Troubles
Today It has come to our attention that we are a very controvercial web blog, this is quite remarkable seeing how we have only been blogging for all of two days. We don't mean to make anyone cry, (no names) because we think crying is gay and don't want to see any of it. Anyways what we are tring to say is dont take this site offensively because more or less it is a sort of orgasm for Brendon and Ian to have sex with.

Posted by ny5/brenian at 3:15 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 9 January 2004 4:19 PM EST
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Thursday, 8 January 2004

The reason this site was created was so that Brendon and Ian could express themselves. They like to express anger, humor, horniness, good times, and just what's on their minds in general. You will also see anecdotes posted by Brendon, Ian, or others on a regular basis. If you have anyting fucking important or funny to tell them, let them know. Email Brendon and Ian at They will sort through the mail and select ony the finest entries, and all who deserve it will have the honor of having their letter posted on The Fucking Brendon and Ian Site, Dammit. Another point. It may seem like Brendon and Ian may target certain individuals in some cases, and they probably are. But let me assure you, they have nothing but love. Also, they say "I," they are refering to them both. Well it was nice to inform you about The Fucking Brendon and Ian Site, Dammit, and I hope this was a fucking educational expreience, dammit.

Posted by ny5/brenian at 9:41 PM EST
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The First Day
Today school sucked giant hairy testicles with lots of cancer. I woke up deathly tired. In health I got to feel fake boobies for breat canacer. Breat canacer is a very serious subject. My cat died of breat canacer. So did my sister, but i don't remember her very well. She died almost a month ago. I also played gym. I am in Physical education with a twist. I am not fat though, i am festively plump. There is one fat kid though. His name is matt walker. Matt will come up in many other discussions. He happens to be the antichrist. Damn fatass. He thinks he's a fucking hacker! WHAT AN IDIOT! In other news, Shawn got tea-bagged by peter. Great stuff. Peter hit him so hard with his penis, that he was knocked out. He then puked. I bet he can still feel the sweat of those delicious delacacies dripping down his cheek, into his mouth.Mmm mmm mmm. Nice goin peter. I ran into a drunk native american on the street. He told me that if I suck his dick he'd give me a piece of candy corn. I quickly agreed. Besides sucking dicks, I have only one fetish. Actually two. Bawls guarana for one, and pirates for two. well it was nice to meet you. I have very few friends. One of my friends is Brandon. He's a good guy, but he's incredibly poor. Hopefully I will get a webcam soon, so I can broadcast my tiny penis to billions all over the internet. Mmm mmm mmm! Bye. By the way, I am not gay at, seriously, I am straight. Not that it matters.

Posted by ny5/brenian at 6:34 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 9 January 2004 12:37 PM EST
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